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Tout ce qui a été posté par Laza

  1. Surtout pas c'est maintenu à ce que je sache. Don't worry be happy e
  2. Laza


    hitako eny Ampefiloha eo cox ray eo. Masaka be
  3. Laza

    Concours photos réelles

    Am le bokin'i Alcazar ngeh lety misy ny sarin'ilay cox Dida e, elà kosa ve d tsy manana an'iny boky iny? Tsy hitako tao eo... Eo leisy mba scanneo an... (tsi2 moa namako ooooo ) EDIT: Hay, tena misy marina: vainqueur du rallye woom en 73 sur Vw 1300
  4. Tena zay mintsy lé 305 t'@ zay Sady maty gidra an'i adala ray trano
  5. Laza


    Tonga Soa Bandy gasy ! Tena cox addicted daholo an
  6. Laza

    Concours photos réelles

    sao dia misy sarin'ilay cox reny, na an'i Dida sns ?
  7. Tonga soa Checkpoint Mahafinaritra e! Tohizo
  8. Laza


    C'est peut être la meilleure plage d'utilisation
  9. Laza


    Tonga Soa Kirikou Tena lé Golf type 1 leisy tena bogossy trop foana an... Efa hitako tsara eo daba ray eo
  10. Mety tsara eo cox eo ka amene la lay toerana mitsofoka eo à Art malagasy vers Ambotrimanjaka
  11. Laza


    C'est pas tombé dans l'oreille d'un sourd... Fred a plusieurs avatars, dont un où tu vois sa 1200: dont tu as donc déja deviné sa future motorisation! Nous sommes tous de grands malades
  12. Sali Kirikou54, tokony tsy misy blem e! Ny momban'ilay daba dia tsy misy gidra zany leisy fa tsisy atahorana zany. gorisa tsy mi-accélère fotsiny Tongava fa "partager la passion ity e" Aza adino ny présentation atsy ambadika Misy gestion kely ihany ilay izy = President Soafahana 309 de Radstrom 505 nirina58. Peugeot powaa ça va être sympa... mais ça va être plus difficile faut pas rêver hein, les exercices vont être plus dur pour cette promo lol! Hitondra plots sy tableau izahay Plan de cours: (lol) 13h30 > Aspects théoriques (cf cours inscription virage/mm pédale) >Mise en pratique >Debrief 16h30
  13. Laza


    bienvenue a Michigan
  14. tongava sabotsy à 13h30 eo @ ilay tany malalak'i Ambohitr'imanjaka (zay angamba lé anarana) eo akaiky marché artisanal...mandeha @ ilay aotr'any digue ao aloha ao. Ao ny fotoana, @ zay hita lé vam sns Tongava e
  15. Laza

    So6Control 2

    309 505. Peugeot powaa ça va être sympa... mais ça va être plus difficile faut pas rêver hein, les exercices vont être plus dur pour cette promo. Plan de cours: (lol) 13h30 > Aspects théoriques (cf cours inscription virage/mm pédale) >Mise en pratique >Debrief 16h30 > je pense que c'est mieux de faire une annonce ouverte à tous et dire que l'on est déja une dizaine... pour partager à tous. Donc, ça serait bien de mettre l'annonce.
  16. Laza


    Franchement j'adore ton avatar, ça doit être le Nos qui fait cet effet.
  17. Laza

    So6Control 2

    Aotr'any tsy betsaka indray t'@ ty an
  18. Laza


    La paperasse, on reprend les mêmes et on recommence...
  19. Laza

    Rallye du boeny

    En parlant de ça, les finlandais sont des buveurs d'alcool hors pair apparemment, c'est ptet pour ça qu'ils sont rapides comme ça sur leurs bosses Je connais cette chanson hihihi! Je voulais dire qu'il y a une petite hygiène de vie et des fois faut pas s'étonner si d'autres qui carburent à l'eau et mangent mieux, roulent plus vite etc... Tsy mamely akaiky zany e:fingers:
  20. ilay motera Sub watercooled angamba zany, fa mila mitandrina tsara mitondra an'eo fa biby sarotra tazomina reny an C'est vrai que c'est lourd, mais c'est pas un luxe vu la puissance de la chose et vaut mieux prévoir le pire car ça reste une vieille voiture qui ne passerait pas les crash test et autres.
  21. Laza

    Problèmes shifter g25

    Goes without saying, but just in case... Performing these mods may void your G25 warranty, or permanently damage your G25 shifter. If you choose to perform any of these mods, please be careful and do so at your own risk! "No Clicking" Mod Difficulty: Medium Old Theory- This mod reduces or removes the clicking sound when shifting from gear to gear. A piece of foam is inserted into the spring that presses a small metal ball against 3 groves in the metal side plates. Aparently the noise is caused by the spring hitting the metal ball and not the metal ball hitting the metal plate. The foam absorbs the sound and prevents the spring from touching the metal ball, therefore eliminating the click (almost). This also adds some extra resistance to the shifter when switching gears. Updated Mod by fdkrew- Removes dead space between ball and plastic housing to remove clicking sound. See Updated Mod by xixel Simplifies implementation of this mod by using a small piece of network cable See Materials 1.small piece of foam Photos (foam) (tube) Videos Stiffer Spring Mod Difficulty: Medium This mod stiffens the spring in the shaft to avoid accidentally pressing the shifter inwards or in reverse while switching gears. Replace the original spring of the shaft with a stiffer one. I couldn't find a stiffer spring or invest the time to go buy one, so in the picture you'll notice that I added a second smaller spring to add the extra resistance. I imagine a proper stiff spring will work best. Materials 1. Spring Photos Discussions More Resistance in Neutral Mod Difficulty: Medium This mod adds more resistance to the shifter when moving it from side to side. A rubber band is wrapped around the centering spring to add the resistance. Materials 1. Rubber band Photos Videos Discussions Reduced wobble in Neutral Mod Difficulty: Medium This mod removes the wobbling of the shifter when it is in neutral position, and gives it a stiffer and solid feel. There are two parts to this mod. The first part is to remove the wobbling caused by the space between the shaft's plastic housing and the shaft itself. Inserting a small piece of plastic film to fill the space fixes this. (See 1st photo) The second part is to eliminate the play in the centering spring. The centering spring wraps around the plastic shaft housing and provides resistance as the top portion moves from side to side. The top portion which touches the edges of the centering spring is actually about a millimeter thicker than the bottom portion which the spring uses to grip its other end. Shaving the top portion ever so slightly until the play is removed does the trick. Materials 1. Knife 2. 5mm x 15mm piece of plastic film Photos Part 1 Part 2 Videos Reduces Play in 3rd and 4th gear Mod Difficulty: Easy This mod reduces the play of the shifter while in 3rd and 4th gear caused by the design of the shifter. Line the inside of the plastic housing where the shifter operates with a piece of rubber or foam. The metal shaft should not touch the plastic housing when it is in gear. It should touch the lining. When the shifter is in 3rd and 4th gear, the pressure against the padding will prevent it from wobbling side to side, giving it a solid feel. This will also add additional noise reduction when shifting hard as the metal will not slam against the plastic. Materials 1. Knife 2. 5mm x 15mm piece of plastic film Photos Different Knob Mod Difficulty: Easy This mod replaces the original knob of the shifter with a custom one. I've seen this somewhere, but cannot find a picture. Please help. Materials 1. Flat head screwdriver to remove clip-off stock gear knob cap (I just did it with my fingernail) 2. Phillips head screwdriver to unfasten stock knob 3. Replacement knob (and adapter if knob does not fasten straight onto shaft - my adapter required a 3mm alan key) Photos Discussions Sequential Mode Lock Mod Difficulty: Easy This mod prevents accidentally shifting into gear while in sequential mode. Discussions Disassembling the Shifter Photos All of the above can be seen here in it's full length - If you have access to RaceSimCentral Vu sur:
  22. Laza

    Rallye du boeny

    Y avait un vieux rallyman qui disait:"eux ils pèsent 60 kgs et ils boivent de l'eau... nous on en pèse 80kgs et on ne boit que de la bière"
  23. Laza


    Salut Tsi2! Prends des photos de la voiture de Fred pour ton blog tiens
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