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Tout ce qui a été posté par moyanos111
Rafraichissement du forum
moyanos111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Benford171 dans Discutions divers ...
Rafraichissement du forum
moyanos111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Benford171 dans Discutions divers ...
Je trouve que la présence de Fury sur facebook à reboosté les furieux et le moral des troupes, reste à transféré tout ce bon esprit ici ! En même temps ça fait la pub car facebook est on ne peux plus fréquenté. On est à plus de 40 personnes dessus dont des actifs qui y donnent bien vie, maintenant que c est bien actif je pense qu il faudrait faire la pub sur des topics et autres du forum pour incité les gens à venir. J ai mis le groupe en fermé pour mieux géré les inscrits et demande d inscrits, ça va bien comme ça car c est le meme principe que Fury. Quand tu veux pour le coup de jeune Benford ! -
Rafraichissement du forum
moyanos111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Benford171 dans Discutions divers ...
Tcho ! si tu te souviens du fofo que j avais fait ya quelques années sur la meme base "forumactif", bah depuis j ai gardé les bases et no souci pour manipulé la thématique du forum. Je me suis même amusé à faire ça entre temps lol http://fanaspandipanda.forumgratuit.fr/ Donc ça je peux m y collé, coté hebergeur j en ai plusieurs et fiables puisque par exemple j ai jamais eus de soucis avec ma signature ou mes nombreuses photos en ligne, et j en ai 8000 ou 9000 je crois. -
tu met 2 grosses plaques d appui avec l extracteur 3 mords. T as sortie le moteur avec la boite, c est un peu galère quand t as une chèvre qui lève pas haut et la barre stab au milieu. Là suis fatigué et je vois pas la bague, je m y pencherai en semaine à retrouvé mes souvenirs de quoi ça sert mais il me semble que c est soit pour la marche arrière soit pour guider le levier
mes Ford, leur vies et les autres... et nous !
moyanos111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de moyanos111 dans Presentation du bolide ...
Ford Sierra x.x S @ Saleens swap V6 2.9i 24v BOB
moyanos111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Saleens dans Presentation du bolide ...
Ford Sierra x.x S @ Saleens swap V6 2.9i 24v BOB
moyanos111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Saleens dans Presentation du bolide ...
Remise en route Mk4 cabriolet Challenge Cup
moyanos111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de MattB dans Standby ...
Minker 323 ( sierra mk2 V6 bi-turbo 4x4 par Turbo Technics )
moyanos111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de moyanos111 dans Documentations ...
paroles d un proprio de Minker: In their day an awesome car that was one of the fastest accelerating cars you could buy. It roughly compares to a good stage 1/2 Cossie of around 370 - 400bhp even thou it only makes just over 300bhp it has such a huge spread of torque that a YB of the same HP can't match it, it needs to be a fair bit more powerful. They are awesome road cars but a good Cossie, Scooby, EVO etc will pull away from them on the track due to the Minkers lack of horse power & rubbish brakes by todays standards. I own the last one made (MNK009) & have also owned but sold on to my mate (MNK005). The old owner of MNK005 sumed it up pretty well. He paid Alan to build a car with Minker performance in 2000ish, then MNK005 came up for sale a few months later. After test driving the proper Minker he was blown away by how better the complete Minker package was & bought it. He sold the car Alan built. His daily driver is a rather nice Lotus Charlton. He kept the Minker for weekends as he said the Minker out handled the Lotus & it was a faster car below 120! That sums it up. The cars Alan built only have some of the mods & drive different to a proper Minker. A Minker is a very fast road car that is easy to drive & very practical. The diffs was optional on 323's, they don't all have them. A TT280 feels gutless compared to a Minker, it's why a Minker cost £8000 more! It was me who told Alan how many cars there is as I have researched them & have spoken or met all the main people concerned. Best place in the world for info on these cars is on Ford Power LOL! MNK 01 Was the prototype test engine/car that eventually made 400BHP & 460 lbs. This is the actual car Geoff crashed on the track but he used the engine until 96ish, then Alan fitted the engine to his own spec car. Phatphil on here looks after it for his mate who bought it from Alan. Still alive & well. MNK 02 Is Dulux's Blue K1 car. Alive & well. MNK 03 is the white K1. Alive & well. MNK 04 is the black 323 press car & is down London way. Alive & well. MNK 05 is a black 323 with an RS kit fitted. Alive & well. MNK 07 is the white 323 from the Oldham area. Alive & well. MNK 09 is my black 323. Alive & well. There is/was said to be a 1989 (first registered) red 323 car. This car has not been taxed or sorned since 2007 so I assume it's dead! This car is/was either MNK 06 or 08 & must have not been Minkered as new as it's the only way it would fit into the time line! However it should be noted that I am told there was some debate if this car was a TT built Minker or a clone! I never saw it so can't comment but I assume it was the real deal. There was a prototype red K1 car but it only had a 2.8 single turbo engine so is not included above. This is the car that Noel Edmunds drove on T.V. I was told this car was in bits in a guy’s garage. Talk of a goldie coloured one but I think it is only talk. Alan went on to build some high spec cars with the parts he bought from TT. But as I said before these didn't have all the STD Minker mods so are not actually Minker spec cars. I know the owners of 7 of the cars. There is 2 cars I have never been able to track down. As for the diffs Toby I think you must have driven Grays when he had his dump valve problem when the car was over 100lbs of torque down as that would make the diffs feel crap. It was around that time. The diffs change how the car drives, improves MPG & reduces cruising noise. A Minker is a grand tourer & at was a basic spec cost of £34,000 the diffs made the car more refined. & for the record I can do 140mph in 4th gear before I even change into 5th LOL! They was never designed or intended to improve performance but by chance they did. ---------------- you'll just have to let me drive yours I didn't realise that the K1s got the same code (MNK) as the 323s, makes a little more sense now as to how many there are:D You can drive mine any time you want mate. K1's & 323 are the same engine wise, next to the engine number is the Minkers identification i.e MNK 00? The engine build is where most of the value is. At first all Minkers where F93's but later that was changed to F93 = K1 & F96 = 323. TT the only person who has ever mentioned a Gold coloured Minker to me is Geoff's wife & judging by the face Geoff pulled he didn't agree LOL! He did't remember one anyways. Yeap Dug 140mph & that's proper GPS/rollers not the 150 something the speedo reads! There is two more somewhere! Some owners are very secretive, when I bought 005 the owner turned out to be a member on this forum but not once did he say he had owned a Minker for over 10 years! Possibly reading this right now! If so hope your well mate! --------------- http://www.xrstyle.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?45011-Sierra-minker -
Ford Sierra x.x S @ Saleens swap V6 2.9i 24v BOB
moyanos111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Saleens dans Presentation du bolide ...
Ford Sierra x.x S @ Saleens swap V6 2.9i 24v BOB
moyanos111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Saleens dans Presentation du bolide ...
Montée historique et le joint de culasse qui va avec ^^
moyanos111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de 2000 is dans Moteur ...
ça à l air sympa, moins chiant encore que les courses de cote coté reglementation. carbu ou injection t as toujours tot ou tard des soucis ( module Edis qui grille, capteur pmh, boitier papillon qui s en crasse, injecteurs qui s encrassent aussi sur injection ), sur carbu c est plus des membranes qui sechent et des gicleurs et corps qui s obstruent, de meme que les vis émulsificateurs mais l entretien est plus simple je trouve: tu démontes tu nettoies -
Montée historique et le joint de culasse qui va avec ^^
moyanos111 a répondu à un(e) sujet de 2000 is dans Moteur ...