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Moi aussi j'ai essayer de trouver l'erreur.... lol!
Du coup du 1er, t'es DNF...

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Depuis ce temps, je n'ai pas oublié un leg ...
Taybe indray iny lé. (hoy izy Fifou: T'aurais du penser à faire le leg3 peut-être) lol!
Merci Irina, c'est gentil. Surveille la Suzuki hein lol

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J'avais peur de la suzuki et j'ai appuyé dès le départ. Ay oa realistic ilay rallye. A peine une petite touchette ais de face quand même et on ne démarre plus.µBye bye stable pour cette semaine. A vous d'assurer...

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nirina58 a écrit:
Depuis ce temps, je n'ai pas oublié un leg ...
Taybe indray iny lé. (hoy izy Fifou: T'aurais du penser à faire le leg3 peut-être) lol!
Merci Irina, c'est gentil. Surveille la Suzuki hein lol

Ty semaine ty Laza tsisy an'zay pb zay ntsony satria leg1 ihany le stable ao a lol!lol!

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irina a écrit:
J'avais peur de la suzuki et j'ai appuyé dès le départ. Ay oa realistic ilay rallye. A peine une petite touchette ais de face quand même et on ne démarre plus.µBye bye stable pour cette semaine. A vous d'assurer...

on se moque on se moque... et hop, dans l'arbre lol!

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Rapits no faran'ny inscription CONTEST SO6, d aon sy aon ny fandeantsika RPR, iza no mitondra playseat sns

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hentsrana a écrit:
Rapits no faran'ny inscription CONTEST SO6, d aon sy aon ny fandeantsika RPR, iza no mitondra playseat sns

Zany tokoa!!! Zaho aloha vonona fa ahoana ny organisation-tsika marna?

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Playseat hentsrana >> Hentsrana + Irina
Playseat andrinoa >> Andrinoa + smam
palyseat noriza >> noriza + ???
playseat Razo >> Razo + ???

otrakozao ngamb fandeantsika an

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Aza adino zalah ny inscription aterina ao @ Fédé directement raha efa tapaka ny playseat hiarahana sinon atero ao @ QG miarak'@ infos rehetra ilaina @ fiche d'inscription.
Demain : 12 000 ar
Après- demain : 20 000ar

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hentsrana a écrit:
Playseat hentsrana >> Hentsrana + Irina
Playseat andrinoa >> Andrinoa + smam
palyseat noriza >> noriza + ???
playseat Razo >> Razo + ???

otrakozao ngamb fandeantsika an

NORIZA + Sandbach

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checking Andrinoa, tena miaiky mits vaza amn fahaizanlà fa ty ny soratra tao

Pilote: 5577Andrinoa Rallye: MDO Sezoens Rally
7z: OK
html: OK
setups: OK
Replays: OK

RAS ;-) , bon pilotage efficace =D> .
Meilleures salutations sportives. o|Smile o|Smile


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Smam a écrit:
Hajax ahoana @ contest so6?

Hanao za sy tweet. am talata maraina no hanao inscription.

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hajax a écrit:
Smam a écrit:
Hajax ahoana @ contest so6?

Hanao za sy tweet. am talata maraina no hanao inscription.

milay izany fa mba asio renfort iray @nareo 2 lahy ao @ N4 ao fa Smam irery ny RPRT ao
atsy ambadika ry zala ny sujet contest a!

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en parlant de Stable,Latvalaza sy Irina mbola tsy ni-cocher pour la semaine prochaine dia ao @ french cup coef 5 koa zala mbola malalaka be nefa 4 isika ao @ french Gravel ary be point be daholo ny rallye @ semaine io ka aleo tsisy very autant que possible sa ahoana ny stratégie zala manager??

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voalazanao présida.
Manaova tonga daholo ry zalah dia mba cocheo ny rally-nareo ao moa e!

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tsis blem v ny compte patrick, tik lazain we ts ilan zalà vaniny amle IP mitovy???
ra tsis d solon amzay i JESUS4life am semaine ambony iny

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irina a écrit:
voalazanao présida.
Manaova tonga daholo ry zalah dia mba cocheo ny rally-nareo ao moa e!

Ny ahy asa raha ho araka daholo ny rallye fa rariva vao tafaverina Tana de hanenjika rally 3 be zao

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Salut Hents! Efa tafaresaka izahay sy guepard1 fa tsy nisy problème ilay pseudo patrick aloha hatramin'izao. Manao session foana izy. Hitanareo eo ihany izay atao fa miandry izy. Merci

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salut HRAS,
tena enjana b le WRC ao les fa mety ts ahavita saison budget atsik amle abandon bobaka b fa aleo alo elà solona any ra IRINA, ts koi v????

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H RAS a écrit:
Slt Henstrana,

Mety lesy fa tsy koi.

tena mifona les fa ts reveko mits zao manala band zao fa le team miletika tskelkel d mila atosika kel, ref ao tsara elà d kozio za fa averiko elà e. prierprierprierprierprier

Ity lien de cofirmation wan IRINA

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ROND POINT RACING TEAM 1 passe dans les 10premiers en stable league 2. Alefa!!!!!

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Manao ahoana daholo.
Mba misy fanontaniana kely ity raha misy afaka mamaly.
Azoko atao ve ny mitondra Megane RS groupe N4 3 2 roues motrices amin'ny V-MRC,sa tsia? Sa tsy considerena ho 2 roues motrices + 1600 cc io ?
Misaotra mialoha amin'ny valiny.

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Azo atao tsara du moment hoe 2RM io ka. Tsy mi-compte ny groupe N fa ny maha 2RM azy no mi-compte.

Za makan'i alex e!

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Mr Hentsrana> mba aza adino ilay mi-renvoyer Replays Rallye Belge ko t'@ herinandro an.
Tsy voasokatr, ry zalah on ilay iz.
Misaotra kilom a.

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Tafiakatra 9e ndray ny RPR team 1 ao amn ligue 2, ny team so6 no eo aloantsika f akaik, 1700pts eo , voantsika ireo fa tairo zala a cheerscheerscheerscheers

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A tous les pilotes Rond Point Racing :

Ouverture de la champions league pour toutes les écuries à partir de la semaine prochaine. Tous les compteurs de point Stables sont remis à zero pour tous les pilotes.

Alors c'est l'occasion de reprendre un bon bol d'air frais pour tout le monde et de montrer dans chaque league respectif de quoi les pilotes Rond Point sont-ils capables.

Objectif pour les deux teams engagés dans chaque championnat : se classer dans les 5 premiers

RPRT2 : de la 8ème à la 5ème
RPRT1 : de la 9ème à la 5ème

Alors, pour tous les pilotes, vérifier et n'oublier pas de déjà cocher dès cette semaine vos rallyes "stables" pour la semaine prochaine.
Il faut le maximum d'arrivée pour pouvoir grignoter des points dès le départ.

A vos marques...

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Nahatonga GC8 grA mbol ca va b za fa mety ity no hamaranoko saison fa sad mora entretien noho le audi cheerscheerscheers

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ary mba lasa aiz Herjo sy HRAS fa otrn tsy reko mits an???

aiz lisan eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


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Tena tsy misy mamangy intsony ny page RPRT ato kleuh.
Aiza daholo laisany e?
Asio resumé ny rallye stable ato fa mba miady the race ihany nge ny team 2 ary ny team 1 miady mafy ao @ qualif 2 ao.

Aiz resume WRC, france gravel sns...

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io ary ny leg1 WRC ao e
ca va alo atreto fa 3premier ES tena ts ao mits rythme fa f tamn ernandr nitondra faran sad S2000 d vo nitondra WRC d nataotra b
vome mo noiker d tng d taraik e

1 0= 1 MyThiK
Mini WRC The Race - C.O.R. (Centre Ouest Rallye) WRC
1 ° 34:45.44 +00:00.00 +00:00.00 -01:25.87
2 0= 876 elcheminot
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 The Race - Wacky Races WRC
2 ° 35:07.65 +00:22.21 +00:22.21 -01:03.66
3 0= 418 NORIZA
Citroen DS3 WRC 2011 The Race - Rond Point Racing Team 2 WRC
3 ° 35:18.43 +00:32.99 +00:10.78 -00:52.88

4 0= 730 Papy Jim
Citroen DS3 WRC 2011 The Race - Wacky Races WRC
4 ° 35:29.62 +00:44.18 +00:11.19 -00:41.69
5 6 2180 cat-plani
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 The Race - Team Catalonia WRC
5 ° 35:30.26 +00:44.82 +00:00.64 -00:41.05
6 7 1004 Groslapin
Citroen DS3 WRC 2011 Qualif L1 - Gibson Custom Racing (GICURA) WRC
6 ° 35:32.59 +00:47.15 +00:02.33 -00:38.72
7 5 1893 Patou
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 Qualif L1 - Colinmcraevision WRC
7 ° 35:33.42 +00:47.98 +00:00.83 -00:37.89
8 0= 6772 E. Lasa
Citroen DS3 WRC 2011 Qualif L2 - Rotor Rally Team WRC
8 ° 35:40.41 +00:54.97 +00:06.99 -00:30.90
9 0= 7561 Zakraket
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 Holidays League - Team WRC
9 ° 35:41.88 +00:56.44 +00:01.47 -00:29.43
10 12 848 mblancafort
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 The Race - Team Catalonia WRC
10 ° 35:48.14 +01:02.70 +00:06.26 -00:23.17
11 10 5122 lattarauta
Citroen Xsara T4 Qualif L2 - Tupos Rally Team WRC
11 ° 35:50.27 +01:04.83 +00:02.13 -00:21.04
12 15 7161 witaar
Ford Focus WRC 2010 Qualif L2 - Czech Rally Team WRC
12 ° 35:52.80 +01:07.36 +00:02.53 -00:18.51
13 0= 835 Herjo
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 The Race - Rond Point Racing Team 2 WRC
13 ° 35:54.82 +01:09.38 +00:02.02 -00:16.49

14 0= 7020 mimowrc
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 Qualif L2 - Tangra WRC
14 ° 35:57.53 +01:12.09 +00:02.71 -00:13.78
15 11 3947 danwrc
Citroen DS3 WRC 2011 The Race - Wacky Races WRC
15 ° 35:59.04 +01:13.60 +00:01.51 -00:12.27
16 17 9080 Steliyan BG
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 Qualif L2 - Tangra WRC
16 ° 36:01.30 +01:15.86 +00:02.26 -00:10.01
17 16 3711 Aurel
Citroen DS3 WRC 2011 The Race - S.A.M.S. (Stihl Attack Motorsport) WRC
17 ° 36:04.58 +01:19.14 +00:03.28 -00:06.73
18 0= 2172 ErKanario
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 The Race - E.P.C. Estrella Polar Competicion WRC
18 ° 36:07.04 +01:21.60 +00:02.46 -00:04.27
19 0= 1907 hentsrana
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 Qualif L1 - Rond Point Racing Team 1 WRC
19 ° 36:11.31 +01:25.87 +00:04.27 +00:00.00
20 0= 2749 IRINA
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 The Race - Rond Point Racing Team 2 WRC
20 ° 36:15.84 +01:30.40 +00:04.53 +00:04.53

21 0= 4641 vagkiller
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 Qualif L1 - R40 Rally Team Greece 1 WRC
21 ° 36:30.53 +01:45.09 +00:14.69 +00:19.22
22 0= 77 Cromax
Subaru Impreza S14 WRC 2008 The Race - Wacky Races WRC
22 ° 36:43.40 +01:57.96 +00:12.87 +00:32.09
23 0= 6014 Reddarkness17
Subaru Impreza WRC 2008 WRC
23 ° 36:47.73 +02:02.29 +00:04.33 +00:36.42
24 25 3836 magnar
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 Qualif L1 - Press on! Rallysport WRC
24 ° 36:48.47 +02:03.03 +00:00.74 +00:37.16
25 26 5829 Komor
Ford Focus WRC 2006 Qualif L2 - Poland Rally Team WRC
25 ° 36:49.97 +02:04.53 +00:01.50 +00:38.66
26 28 188 Virgile
Ford Focus WRC 2005 Qualif L2 - Just Enjoy Team 1.0 (JET 1.0) WRC
26 ° 36:54.55 +02:09.11 +00:04.58 +00:43.24

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mangingina amarina ato zany an. ty ny resultat tao am cardabelles tao ary e!

erre des Cardabelles
Pos Prev.
Pos # Driver
Car Stable Class Time Diff Leader Diff Prev Diff You
1 0= 4500 german maiz
Ford Focus WRC 2007 Qualif L2 - Rotor Rally Team A8W
1 ° 39:14.67 +00:00.00 +00:00.00 -01:52.40
2 0= 7020 mimowrc
Peugeot 207 S2000 Qualif L2 - Tangra A7S
1 ° 39:46.84 +00:32.17 +00:32.17 -01:20.23
3 4 801 kikiny
Subaru Impreza WRC 2007 A8W
2 ° 40:11.09 +00:56.42 +00:24.25 -00:55.98
4 3 5122 lattarauta
Citroen Xsara T4 Qualif L2 - Tupos Rally Team A8W
3 ° 40:13.61 +00:58.94 +00:02.52 -00:53.46
5 0= 2172 ErKanario
Peugeot 207 S2000 The Race - E.P.C. Estrella Polar Competicion A7S
2 ° 40:19.84 +01:05.17 +00:06.23 -00:47.23
6 0= 1476 M-Alvin
Citroen Xsara WRC 2006 The Race - C.O.R. (Centre Ouest Rallye) A8W
4 ° 40:20.65 +01:05.98 +00:00.81 -00:46.42
7 0= 6040 MikeHoncho
Subaru Impreza WRC 2007 Qualif L2 - Tupos Rally Team A8W
5 ° 40:32.28 +01:17.61 +00:11.63 -00:34.79
8 0= 1617 hajax
Subaru Impreza N14 URT The Race - Rond Point Racing Team 2 N4
1 ° 41:07.07 +01:52.40 +00:34.79 +00:00.00

9 0= 3981 TivaTiva
Peugeot 207 S2000 The Race - Team Catalonia A7S
3 ° 41:07.39 +01:52.72 +00:00.32 +00:00.32
10 11 2856 alexwelson
Subaru Impreza 95 The Race - Rond Point Racing Team 2 A8
1 ° 41:26.86 +02:12.19 +00:19.47 +00:19.79
11 10 7621 rawilf
Mini S2000 The Race - Rond Point Racing Team 2 A7S
4 ° 41:28.36 +02:13.69 +00:01.50 +00:21.29

12 0= 5062 acajouman
Mini S2000 Qualif L1 - [A.R.S.] Kiss Cool Racing A7S
5 ° 41:30.56 +02:15.89 +00:02.20 +00:23.49
13 14 1279 verbal
VW Polo S2000 Qualif L2 - Just Enjoy Team 1.1 (JET 1.1) A7S
6 ° 41:34.03 +02:19.36 +00:03.47 +00:26.96
14 13 1296 Nknow
Ford Focus WRC 2004 Qualif L1 - Press on! Rallysport A8W
6 ° 41:36.67 +02:22.00 +00:02.64 +00:29.60
15 16 4314 LEBUBAR
Subaru Impreza N14 URT The Race - Jupiler Rally Team N4
2 ° 41:50.41 +02:35.74 +00:13.74 +00:43.34
16 15 7726 comeback
Proton Satria Qualif L1 - Team So6 Flat-Out A7S
7 ° 41:52.34 +02:37.67 +00:01.93 +00:45.27
17 0= 4722 Bukreev
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L1 - Ural Rally Team Ekaterinburg N4
3 ° 41:56.09 +02:41.42 +00:03.75 +00:49.02
18 0= 1292 Rick4222
Mitsubishi Lancer evo9 Qualif L2 - Just Enjoy Team 1.0 (JET 1.0) A8
2 ° 42:12.25 +02:57.58 +00:16.16 +01:05.18
19 20 7307 rskenobi
Citroen C4 WRC 2007 A8W
7 ° 42:17.85 +03:03.18 +00:05.60 +01:10.78
20 21 1750 Dani-r26
Subaru Impreza WRC 2005 A8W
8 ° 42:18.80 +03:04.13 +00:00.95 +01:11.73
21 19 9594 Red Sandman
Subaru Impreza 95 The Race - Jupiler Rally Team A8
3 ° 42:20.36 +03:05.69 +00:01.56 +01:13.29
22 0= 1787 banksy87
Citroen Xsara WRC 2006 A8W
9 ° 42:24.20 +03:09.53 +00:03.84 +01:17.13
23 0= 516 lbg
Citroen C4 WRC 2007 Qualif L2 - Rotor Rally Team A8W
10 ° 42:31.12 +03:16.45 +00:06.92 +01:24.05
24 25 6945 UBLEV Hristo
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L2 - Tangra N4
4 ° 42:41.56 +03:26.89 +00:10.44 +01:34.49
25 24 6772 E. Lasa
Porsche 911 Turbo Qualif L2 - Rotor Rally Team GT 10
1 ° 42:42.22 +03:27.55 +00:00.66 +01:35.15
26 0= 9676 McicresAmer
Mitsubishi Lancer evo X The Race - Team Catalonia N4
5 ° 42:44.28 +03:29.61 +00:02.06 +01:37.21
27 28 6705 hannu
Subaru Impreza N14 URT The Race - R.A.R. (Rhône Alpes Racing) N4
6 ° 42:47.83 +03:33.16 +00:03.55 +01:40.76
28 27 1004 Groslapin
Peugeot 205 Maxi Qualif L1 - Gibson Custom Racing (GICURA) F2000-13
1 ° 42:53.95 +03:39.28 +00:06.12 +01:46.88
29 33 840 Petrenko S
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L1 - Ural Rally Team Ekaterinburg N4
7 ° 43:02.85 +03:48.18 +00:08.90 +01:55.78
30 34 2929 Maratych
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L1 - Ural Rally Team Ekaterinburg N4
8 ° 43:04.82 +03:50.15 +00:01.97 +01:57.75
31 0= 3424 Morlok
Peugeot 206 WRC 2003 Qualif L1 - Hexis Racing School A8W
11 ° 43:07.44 +03:52.77 +00:02.62 +02:00.37
32 0= 33 Fufu04
Citroen Saxo T4 The Race - Wacky Races A6K
1 ° 43:09.39 +03:54.72 +00:01.95 +02:02.32
33 29 188 Virgile
Citroen Saxo T4 Qualif L2 - Just Enjoy Team 1.0 (JET 1.0) A6K
2 ° 43:12.55 +03:57.88 +00:03.16 +02:05.48
34 30 1210 roy dean
Peugeot 205 Maxi Qualif L2 - Just Enjoy Team 1.0 (JET 1.0) F2000-13
2 ° 43:15.66 +04:00.99 +00:03.11 +02:08.59
35 0= 1051 msd51
Renault Clio Williams The Race - S.A.M.S. (Stihl Attack Motorsport) N3
1 ° 43:24.97 +04:10.30 +00:09.31 +02:17.90
36 37 668 don6jen
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L1 - Ural Rally Team Ekaterinburg N4
9 ° 43:38.67 +04:24.00 +00:13.70 +02:31.60
37 36 1332 marcuspia
Peugeot 205 Maxi Qualif L1 - ITALIAN TEAM F2000-13
3 ° 43:45.28 +04:30.61 +00:06.61 +02:38.21
38 0= 3019 dylan-b
Renault Clio Williams Qualif L1 - Colinmcraevision N3
2 ° 43:52.35 +04:37.68 +00:07.07 +02:45.28
39 0= 1049 cedric
Peugeot 205 Maxi Qualif L1 - [A.R.S.] Kiss Cool Racing F2000-12
1 ° 43:56.41 +04:41.74 +00:04.06 +02:49.34
40 41 4904 fenomenoide
Subaru Impreza N14 URT N4
10 ° 44:10.83 +04:56.16 +00:14.42 +03:03.76
41 40 6020 bruca
Ford Fiesta S2000 2010 Qualif L2 - New Holland Racing Team A7S
8 ° 44:11.48 +04:56.81 +00:00.65 +03:04.41
42 0= 834 lva
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L1 - East Racing Tamatave N4
11 ° 44:14.28 +04:59.61 +00:02.80 +03:07.21
43 0= 2685 titi62
Ford Fiesta S2000 2010 A7S
9 ° 44:44.47 +05:29.80 +00:30.19 +03:37.40
44 45 7345 VilleVee
Suzuki Swift Qualif L2 - Tupos Rally Team N2
1 ° 44:45.72 +05:31.05 +00:01.25 +03:38.65
45 44 392 R.arias
Suzuki Swift Qualif L1 - E.P.C. Escuderia Filial N2
2 ° 44:52.77 +05:38.10 +00:07.05 +03:45.70
46 0= 9519 ludo1338
Peugeot 205 Rallye Qualif L1 - Trajectoire Racing A5
1 ° 44:54.29 +05:39.62 +00:01.52 +03:47.22
47 0= 9231 Rsport
Ford Fiesta S2000 2010 Qualif L2 - EST Racing Team A7S
10 ° 44:56.96 +05:42.29 +00:02.67 +03:49.89
48 49 871 oyunbozan
Citroen C2 R2 Max Holidays League - JUNIOR CASTROL TEAM TURKEY R2
1 ° 45:21.62 +06:06.95 +00:24.66 +04:14.55
49 50 6101 karlwelson
206 S1600 Qualif L1 - Rond Point Racing Team 1 A6K
3 ° 45:29.89 +06:15.22 +00:08.27 +04:22.82
50 51 77 Cromax
Mini S2000 The Race - Wacky Races A7S
11 ° 45:33.35 +06:18.68 +00:03.46 +04:26.28
51 52 4088 Yves Froehlich
Suzuki Ignis S1600 Qualif L1 - Colinmcraevision A6K
4 ° 45:42.69 +06:28.02 +00:09.34 +04:35.62
52 54 52 FilthySA.
Peugeot 205 Maxi Qualif L1 - Press on! Rallysport F2000-13
4 ° 45:49.69 +06:35.02 +00:07.00 +04:42.62
53 55 741 jeannot
Peugeot 205 Rallye The Race - R.A.R. (Rhône Alpes Racing) N1
1 ° 45:54.24 +06:39.57 +00:04.55 +04:47.17
54 48 1943 OuRaL
Porsche 911 Turbo Qualif L1 - Gibson Custom Racing (GICURA) GT 10
2 ° 45:54.97 +06:40.30 +00:00.73 +04:47.90
55 53 7000 KostasEL
Opel Corsa S1600 Qualif L1 - R40 Rally Team Greece 1 A6K
5 ° 46:02.20 +06:47.53 +00:07.23 +04:55.13
56 61 5768 Tattoo1978
Mitsubishi Lancer evo X Holidays League - Sweden Rally Team N4
12 ° 46:02.66 +06:47.99 +00:00.46 +04:55.59
57 58 3602 patrick
Suzuki Swift Qualif L1 - Rond Point Racing Team 1 A6
1 ° 46:03.06 +06:48.39 +00:00.40 +04:55.99

58 56 6058 soloalex
Citroen C2 R2 Qualif L2 - E.P.C. Junior A6
2 ° 46:06.16 +06:51.49 +00:03.10 +04:59.09
59 62 5577 andrinoa
Mitsubishi Lancer evo9 The Race - Rond Point Racing Team 2 A8
4 ° 46:06.87 +06:52.20 +00:00.71 +04:59.80

60 0= 69 tagada
Peugeot 205 Rallye Qualif L1 - Gibson Custom Racing (GICURA) N1
2 ° 46:07.31 +06:52.64 +00:00.44 +05:00.24
61 59 8534 barjac
Citroen C2 R2 Max Qualif L1 - A.S.A. Lozère R2
2 ° 46:10.28 +06:55.61 +00:02.97 +05:03.21
62 65 6366 clemwrc
FIAT Grande Punto S2000 A7S
12 ° 46:25.06 +07:10.39 +00:14.78 +05:17.99
63 57 731 Florin
Renault Clio Williams A7
1 ° 46:25.53 +07:10.86 +00:00.47 +05:18.46
64 0= 4769 NeedAmmo
Subaru Impreza 95 Qualif L2 - Poland Rally Team A8
5 ° 46:36.87 +07:22.20 +00:11.34 +05:29.80
65 63 2560 steeverandria
Suzuki Swift The Race - Rond Point Racing Team 2 N2
3 ° 46:45.40 +07:30.73 +00:08.53 +05:38.33
66 0= 1550 yaume
Renault Twingo R2 Qualif L2 - EST Racing Team R2
3 ° 46:55.47 +07:40.80 +00:10.07 +05:48.40
67 68 6761 Matissss
Citroen C4 WRC 2007 A8W
12 ° 47:01.27 +07:46.60 +00:05.80 +05:54.20
68 67 330 vincevts
Peugeot 205 Maxi Qualif L2 - EST Racing Team F2000-14
1 ° 47:03.45 +07:48.78 +00:02.18 +05:56.38
69 70 6414 AnthoRS
Mitsubishi Lancer evo9 A8
6 ° 47:26.36 +08:11.69 +00:22.91 +06:19.29
70 69 681 pupu
Peugeot 306 Maxi Qualif L1 - A.R.M.S. A7K
1 ° 47:32.45 +08:17.78 +00:06.09 +06:25.38
71 72 4211 Rapta
Peugeot 205 Rallye Qualif L1 - GameRacers N1
3 ° 47:38.34 +08:23.67 +00:05.89 +06:31.27
72 73 4460 Antoine
Peugeot 207 RC R3T R3
1 ° 48:03.93 +08:49.26 +00:25.59 +06:56.86
73 75 1168 thom68380
Renault Twingo R2 R2
4 ° 48:19.68 +09:05.01 +00:15.75 +07:12.61
74 0= 6916 Luis_Typhoon
Citroen C2 R2 Max R2
5 ° 48:26.02 +09:11.35 +00:06.34 +07:18.95
75 71 4358 MACHO
Peugeot 205 Rallye Qualif L1 - E.P.C. Escuderia Filial A5
2 ° 48:39.61 +09:24.94 +00:13.59 +07:32.54
76 0= 979 Nari9
Subaru Impreza 95 Qualif L2 - Team So6 Flat Out 2 A8
7 ° 48:50.14 +09:35.47 +00:10.53 +07:43.07
77 0= 18 Eccose
Peugeot 106 Rallye Qualif L1 - Press on! Rallysport A5K
1 ° 49:16.57 +10:01.90 +00:26.43 +08:09.50
78 80 4433 KurialA
Peugeot 307 WRC 2005 A8W
13 ° 49:26.56 +10:11.89 +00:09.99 +08:19.49
79 0= 2658 benmacrae
Peugeot 205 Rallye Qualif L1 - GameRacers N1
4 ° 49:37.31 +10:22.64 +00:10.75 +08:30.24
80 78 9753 djstudent
Peugeot 207 S2000 Qualif L2 - Poland Rally Team A7S
13 ° 49:37.83 +10:23.16 +00:00.52 +08:30.76
81 83 1551 plomez
Peugeot 205 Maxi Qualif L2 - Rotor Rally Team F2000-14
2 ° 49:50.11 +10:35.44 +00:12.28 +08:43.04
82 81 3485 nainow
Citroen C2 R2 Max R2
6 ° 50:20.29 +11:05.62 +00:30.18 +09:13.22
83 87 2801 capi
Suzuki Swift N2
4 ° 50:41.96 +11:27.29 +00:21.67 +09:34.89
84 88 4742 AlexandreS
Peugeot 205 Rallye Holidays League - Ural E1-autosport Rally Team Ekaterinburg A5
3 ° 50:56.12 +11:41.45 +00:14.16 +09:49.05
85 89 3055 Ludwig
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Holidays League - Ural E1-autosport Rally Team Ekaterinburg N4
13 ° 50:59.42 +11:44.75 +00:03.30 +09:52.35
86 92 5487 Jasso
Mini S2000 Qualif L2 - Tupos Rally Team A7S
14 ° 51:15.44 +12:00.77 +00:16.02 +10:08.37
87 90 6710 Deadraque
Citroen Xsara WRC 2006 A8W
14 ° 51:15.63 +12:00.96 +00:00.19 +10:08.56
88 91 5075 bchurikov
Skoda Octavia WRC evo3 A8W
15 ° 51:18.07 +12:03.40 +00:02.44 +10:11.00
89 95 235 dimirsca
Ford Focus WRC 2005 Qualif L2 - Team A8W
16 ° 51:33.26 +12:18.59 +00:15.19 +10:26.19
90 86 4120 Jaud Patate
Citroen Saxo T4 A6K
6 ° 51:43.50 +12:28.83 +00:10.24 +10:36.43
91 94 6468 antromeru
Skoda Fabia 1.4 Holidays League - JUNIOR CASTROL TEAM TURKEY N1
5 ° 51:45.94 +12:31.27 +00:02.44 +10:38.87
92 82 676 cliors42
Peugeot 205 Rallye Holidays League - Team ca passe ou ca cable N1
6 ° 51:59.04 +12:44.37 +00:13.10 +10:51.97
93 96 2579 guile71
Citroen C2 R2 Max Qualif L1 - GameRacers R2
7 ° 52:06.13 +12:51.46 +00:07.09 +10:59.06
94 98 54 thomas_radstrom
Ford Focus WRC 2007 Qualif L1 - Team So6 Flat-Out A8W
17 ° 52:09.04 +12:54.37 +00:02.91 +11:01.97
95 84 149 drive-racing
Ford Fiesta S2000 2010 Holidays League - A.R.M.S. Bis A7S
15 ° 52:20.22 +13:05.55 +00:11.18 +11:13.15
96 99 974 SeRBeR974
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L1 - Hexis Racing N4
14 ° 53:35.23 +14:20.56 +01:15.01 +12:28.16
97 93 6014 Reddarkness17
Subaru Impreza WRC 2005 A8W
18 ° 54:05.60 +14:50.93 +00:30.37 +12:58.53
98 102 211 jeje25350
Peugeot 207 S2000 Qualif L2 - EST Racing Team Bis A7S
16 ° 54:19.72 +15:05.05 +00:14.12 +13:12.65
99 97 2212 zambo88
Ford Focus WRC 2007 Qualif L2 - Just Enjoy Team 1.1 (JET 1.1) A8W
19 ° 54:36.59 +15:21.92 +00:16.87 +13:29.52
100 106 1319 sebas57190
Peugeot 207 RC R3T Qualif L2 - EST Racing Team R3
2 ° 55:12.38 +15:57.71 +00:35.79 +14:05.31
101 109 7613 16v76
Suzuki Swift N2
5 ° 55:51.59 +16:36.92 +00:39.21 +14:44.52
102 100 3584 Paunuracing
Subaru Impreza N14 URT N4
15 ° 56:06.39 +16:51.72 +00:14.80 +14:59.32
103 110 684 obelix
Peugeot 205 Rallye N1
7 ° 56:18.43 +17:03.76 +00:12.04 +15:11.36
104 101 9872 Jojo12000
Mitsubishi Lancer evo9 Qualif L1 - A.R.M.S. A8
8 ° 56:39.05 +17:24.38 +00:20.62 +15:31.98
105 85 2863 lulu
Skoda Fabia S2000 Evo2 Holidays League - RedBull Racing Team A7S
17 ° 56:49.17 +17:34.50 +00:10.12 +15:42.10
106 103 3203 Sallinen90
Subaru Impreza 95 A8
9 ° 56:49.76 +17:35.09 +00:00.59 +15:42.69
107 104 159 Stotinogic
Peugeot 306 S16 Gr.A The Race - Jupiler Rally Team A7
2 ° 56:55.15 +17:40.48 +00:05.39 +15:48.08
108 105 6241 forzamanta
Citroen Saxo T4 Qualif L2 - EST Racing Team Bis A6K
7 ° 57:03.69 +17:49.02 +00:08.54 +15:56.62
109 107 182 zouzou
Citroen C2 R2 Max Qualif L2 - Just Enjoy Team 1.0 (JET 1.0) R2
8 ° 57:27.80 +18:13.13 +00:24.11 +16:20.73
110 108 66 Isidro Araujo
Peugeot 306 S16 Gr.A A7
3 ° 57:50.44 +18:35.77 +00:22.64 +16:43.37
111 117 1019 Bricus
Peugeot 106 Rallye A5K
2 ° 59:07.12 +19:52.45 +01:16.68 +18:00.05
112 0= 6003 jandrinaviles
Subaru Impreza WRC 2006 A8W
20 ° 60:05.99 +20:51.32 +00:58.87 +18:58.92
113 0= 1083 bibep-AC
Citroen Saxo T4 Qualif L2 - Just Enjoy Team 1.1 (JET 1.1) A6K
8 ° 60:27.14 +21:12.47 +00:21.15 +19:20.07
114 119 4780 ced12
Peugeot 205 Rallye Holidays League - A.R.M.S. Bis N1
8 ° 60:34.83 +21:20.16 +00:07.69 +19:27.76
115 122 5239 vince30530
Peugeot 206 WRC 2003 A8W
21 ° 60:41.11 +21:26.44 +00:06.28 +19:34.04
116 115 898 PaloSamo
Subaru Impreza 95 Qualif L2 - Poland Rally Team A8
10 ° 60:42.10 +21:27.43 +00:00.99 +19:35.03
117 116 2138 loic-rallye68
Subaru Impreza N14 URT N4
16 ° 61:01.30 +21:46.63 +00:19.20 +19:54.23
118 123 828 arelon2
Peugeot 205 Rallye N1
9 ° 61:33.95 +22:19.28 +00:32.65 +20:26.88
119 120 4620 Tine
Peugeot 205 Rallye Holidays League - R.A.R. Junior N1
10 ° 62:48.38 +23:33.71 +01:14.43 +21:41.31
120 124 2180 cat-plani
Peugeot 207 S2000 The Race - Team Catalonia A7S
18 ° 62:49.28 +23:34.61 +00:00.90 +21:42.21
121 0= 5361 acerbis
Opel Corsa S1600 A6K
9 ° 63:07.56 +23:52.89 +00:18.28 +22:00.49
122 111 4754 Bachako
Mitsubishi Lancer evo9 A8
11 ° 63:32.87 +24:18.20 +00:25.31 +22:25.80
123 114 5320 julien38
Renault Twingo R2 R2
9 ° 63:42.93 +24:28.26 +00:10.06 +22:35.86
124 118 5644 hutchie
Ford Focus WRC 2000 A8W
22 ° 64:20.03 +25:05.36 +00:37.10 +23:12.96
125 127 5165 PeGe
Ford Focus WRC 2007 Qualif L1 - R40 Rally Team Greece 1 A8W
23 ° 65:22.02 +26:07.35 +01:01.99 +24:14.95
126 125 4847 tigian
Suzuki Swift Qualif L1 - ITALIAN TEAM N2
6 ° 65:59.33 +26:44.66 +00:37.31 +24:52.26
127 126 2998 Jb-Rallye42
Citroen Saxo T4 A6K
10 ° 66:11.35 +26:56.68 +00:12.02 +25:04.28
128 0= 4824 ArchenemyR
Subaru Impreza WRC 2007 A8W
24 ° 66:18.94 +27:04.27 +00:07.59 +25:11.87
129 0= 6406 Teamferetrallye
Renault Clio Williams A7
4 ° 66:26.81 +27:12.14 +00:07.87 +25:19.74
130 131 38 Stefke
Peugeot 207 RC R3T The Race - RACB Team R3
3 ° 67:04.47 +27:49.80 +00:37.66 +25:57.40
131 133 5503 Sarkkipas
Subaru Impreza WRC 1999 A8W
25 ° 67:26.11 +28:11.44 +00:21.64 +26:19.04
132 0= 3021 dupanton
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L2 - Team N4
17 ° 67:35.35 +28:20.68 +00:09.24 +26:28.28
133 134 5909 kakmonstret
Ford Focus WRC 2007 Holidays League - Sweden Rally Team A8W
26 ° 67:49.99 +28:35.32 +00:14.64 +26:42.92
134 130 1127 dairich
Citroen Xsara T4 A8W
27 ° 69:22.83 +30:08.16 +01:32.84 +28:15.76
135 0= 1021 ChRiS-1021
Seat Ibiza KC Evo1 Qualif L1 - Hexis Racing A7K
2 ° 70:55.49 +31:40.82 +01:32.66 +29:48.42
136 0= 86 Salgueiro
Mitsubishi Lancer evo9 A8
12 ° 70:57.77 +31:43.10 +00:02.28 +29:50.70
137 0= 6246 A-Sport
Peugeot 205 Rallye Qualif L2 - E.P.C. Junior N1
11 ° 72:04.08 +32:49.41 +01:06.31 +30:57.01
138 139 6922 pata
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L2 - Tupos Rally Team N4
18 ° 72:29.07 +33:14.40 +00:24.99 +31:22.00
139 140 8515 aivaraszks
Subaru Impreza WRC 2007 A8W
28 ° 75:51.59 +36:36.92 +03:22.52 +34:44.52
140 142 8809 doluone
Peugeot 307 WRC 2004 A8W
29 ° 76:20.83 +37:06.16 +00:29.24 +35:13.76
141 138 6564 GabiTg
Subaru Impreza WRC 2007 A8W
30 ° 77:44.32 +38:29.65 +01:23.49 +36:37.25
142 144 6721 odul
Ford Focus WRC 2007 A8W
31 ° 78:29.49 +39:14.82 +00:45.17 +37:22.42
143 145 4584 to_rsrbr
FIAT Grande Punto S2000 A7S
19 ° 79:16.56 +40:01.89 +00:47.07 +38:09.49
144 146 6748 APEXI972
Ford Escort Cosworth A8
13 ° 79:52.82 +40:38.15 +00:36.26 +38:45.75
145 141 5889 Walkom
Ford Focus WRC 2007 A8W
32 ° 79:55.06 +40:40.39 +00:02.24 +38:47.99
146 143 3666 Sorensen
Subaru Impreza N14 URT N4
19 ° 82:38.95 +43:24.28 +02:43.89 +41:31.88
147 0= 6122 aa198718
Subaru Impreza N14 Prodrive N4
20 ° 87:26.00 +48:11.33 +04:47.05 +46:18.93
147 0= 8811 Paleke
Peugeot 207 S2000 Holidays League - C.A.R. Argentina Rally Team A7S
20 ° 87:26.00 +48:11.33 +00:00.00 +46:18.93

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irina a écrit:
ar tsy maharesy an'là ilay IRINA ao an...

lol, mis erreur matng anzao fa ra ny normal alo d mapamangy zay e

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LEG1 French gravel alo atreto
tokon tsara fa nanao sortie large b indroa, fraizer sy kaihuavaara

1 2 4500 german maiz
Ford Focus WRC 2007 Qualif L2 - Rotor Rally Team A8W
1 ° 21:37.62 +00:00.00 +00:00.00 -00:57.63
2 1 801 kikiny
Subaru Impreza WRC 2007 A8W
2 ° 21:37.72 +00:00.10 +00:00.10 -00:57.53
3 0= 5122 lattarauta
Citroen Xsara T4 Qualif L2 - Tupos Rally Team A8W
3 ° 21:38.19 +00:00.57 +00:00.47 -00:57.06
4 0= 2172 ErKanario
Peugeot 207 S2000 The Race - E.P.C. Estrella Polar Competicion A7S
1 ° 21:52.42 +00:14.80 +00:14.23 -00:42.83
5 0= 7020 mimowrc
Peugeot 207 S2000 Qualif L2 - Tangra A7S
2 ° 22:01.21 +00:23.59 +00:08.79 -00:34.04
6 7 1010 stergioswrc
Subaru Impreza N14 URT The Race - C.O.R. (Centre Ouest Rallye) N4
1 ° 22:27.56 +00:49.94 +00:26.35 -00:07.69
7 8 1476 M-Alvin
Citroen Xsara WRC 2006 The Race - C.O.R. (Centre Ouest Rallye) A8W
4 ° 22:30.04 +00:52.42 +00:02.48 -00:05.21
8 9 1907 hentsrana
Audi A3 S3 Qualif L1 - Rond Point Racing Team 1 A8
1 ° 22:35.25 +00:57.63 +00:05.21 +00:00.00

9 6 6040 MikeHoncho
Subaru Impreza WRC 2007 Qualif L2 - Tupos Rally Team A8W
5 ° 22:38.89 +01:01.27 +00:03.64 +00:03.64
10 0= 1617 hajax
Subaru Impreza N14 URT The Race - Rond Point Racing Team 2 N4
2 ° 22:44.32 +01:06.70 +00:05.43 +00:09.07

11 0= 1279 verbal
VW Polo S2000 Qualif L2 - Just Enjoy Team 1.1 (JET 1.1) A7S
3 ° 22:44.62 +01:07.00 +00:00.30 +00:09.37
12 0= 3981 TivaTiva
Peugeot 207 S2000 The Race - Team Catalonia A7S
4 ° 22:53.13 +01:15.51 +00:08.51 +00:17.88
13 15 2856 alexwelson
Subaru Impreza 95 The Race - Rond Point Racing Team 2 A8
2 ° 22:58.35 +01:20.73 +00:05.22 +00:23.10

14 18 7621 rawilf
Mini S2000 The Race - Rond Point Racing Team 2 A7S
5 ° 22:58.69 +01:21.07 +00:00.34 +00:23.44

15 17 5062 acajouman
Mini S2000 Qualif L1 - [A.R.S.] Kiss Cool Racing A7S
6 ° 22:59.64 +01:22.02 +00:00.95 +00:24.39
16 21 7726 comeback
Proton Satria Qualif L1 - Team So6 Flat-Out A7S
7 ° 23:07.43 +01:29.81 +00:07.79 +00:32.18

17 22 1296 Nknow
Ford Focus WRC 2004 Qualif L1 - Press on! Rallysport A8W
6 ° 23:07.63 +01:30.01 +00:00.20 +00:32.38
18 19 4314 LEBUBAR
Subaru Impreza N14 URT The Race - Jupiler Rally Team N4
3 ° 23:11.31 +01:33.69 +00:03.68 +00:36.06
19 16 4722 Bukreev
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L1 - Ural Rally Team Ekaterinburg N4
4 ° 23:13.42 +01:35.80 +00:02.11 +00:38.17
20 24 7161 witaar
Subaru Impreza WRC 2006 Qualif L2 - Czech Rally Team A8W
7 ° 23:14.84 +01:37.22 +00:01.42 +00:39.59

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vita ny rallye WRC Sardaigne Very HappyVery Happy .

1 0= 1 MyThiK
Mini WRC The Race - C.O.R. (Centre Ouest Rallye) WRC
1 ° 79:26.70 +00:00.00 +00:00.00 -01:52.64
2 0= 1617 hajax
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 The Race - Rond Point Racing Team 2 WRC
2 ° 81:19.34 +01:52.64 +01:52.64 +00:00.00

3 0= 1004 Groslapin
Citroen DS3 WRC 2011 Qualif L1 - Gibson Custom Racing (GICURA) WRC
3 ° 81:24.64 +01:57.94 +00:05.30 +00:05.30
4 0= 730 Papy Jim
Citroen DS3 WRC 2011 The Race - Wacky Races WRC
4 ° 81:38.18 +02:11.48 +00:13.54 +00:18.84
5 0= 7561 Zakraket
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 Holidays League - Team WRC
5 ° 81:53.72 +02:27.02 +00:15.54 +00:34.38
6 0= 848 mblancafort
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 The Race - Team Catalonia WRC
6 ° 81:54.07 +02:27.37 +00:00.35 +00:34.73
7 0= 3947 danwrc
Citroen DS3 WRC 2011 The Race - Wacky Races WRC
7 ° 82:29.43 +03:02.73 +00:35.36 +01:10.09
8 0= 9080 Steliyan BG
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 Qualif L2 - Tangra WRC
8 ° 82:36.32 +03:09.62 +00:06.89 +01:16.98
9 0= 3711 Aurel
Citroen DS3 WRC 2011 The Race - S.A.M.S. (Stihl Attack Motorsport) WRC
9 ° 82:50.44 +03:23.74 +00:14.12 +01:31.10
10 0= 7161 witaar
Ford Focus WRC 2010 Qualif L2 - Czech Rally Team WRC
10 ° 83:08.46 +03:41.76 +00:18.02 +01:49.12
11 0= 2180 cat-plani
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 The Race - Team Catalonia WRC
11 ° 83:15.64 +03:48.94 +00:07.18 +01:56.30
12 0= 4605 Guiblo
Subaru Impreza WRC 2006 The Race - Jupiler Rally Team WRC
12 ° 83:39.78 +04:13.08 +00:24.14 +02:20.44
13 0= 4641 vagkiller
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 Qualif L1 - R40 Rally Team Greece 1 WRC
13 ° 83:52.04 +04:25.34 +00:12.26 +02:32.70
14 15 6040 MikeHoncho
Ford Focus WRC 2008 Qualif L2 - Tupos Rally Team WRC
14 ° 84:23.43 +04:56.73 +00:31.39 +03:04.09
15 14 8899 Diogo Velosa
Mitsubishi Lancer evo X PWRC
1 ° 84:27.84 +05:01.14 +00:04.41 +03:08.50
16 17 77 Cromax
Subaru Impreza S14 WRC 2008 The Race - Wacky Races WRC
15 ° 84:32.24 +05:05.54 +00:04.40 +03:12.90
17 16 188 Virgile
Ford Focus WRC 2005 Qualif L2 - Just Enjoy Team 1.0 (JET 1.0) WRC
16 ° 84:33.35 +05:06.65 +00:01.11 +03:14.01
18 0= 9696 nico 2B
Subaru Impreza WRC 2008 Qualif L1 - [A.R.S.] Kiss Cool Racing WRC
17 ° 84:55.35 +05:28.65 +00:22.00 +03:36.01
19 0= 385 TomJPL
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L1 - [A.R.S.] Kiss Cool Racing PWRC
2 ° 85:01.27 +05:34.57 +00:05.92 +03:41.93
20 0= 5829 Komor
Ford Focus WRC 2006 Qualif L2 - Poland Rally Team WRC
18 ° 85:12.13 +05:45.43 +00:10.86 +03:52.79
21 23 418 NORIZA
Citroen DS3 WRC 2011 The Race - Rond Point Racing Team 2 WRC
19 ° 85:24.68 +05:57.98 +00:12.55 +04:05.34

22 0= 1279 verbal
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 Qualif L2 - Just Enjoy Team 1.1 (JET 1.1) WRC
20 ° 85:27.48 +06:00.78 +00:02.80 +04:08.14
23 21 7020 mimowrc
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 Qualif L2 - Tangra WRC
21 ° 86:05.90 +06:39.20 +00:38.42 +04:46.56
24 0= 2582 ildebert
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L1 - A.R.M.S. PWRC
3 ° 86:17.14 +06:50.44 +00:11.24 +04:57.80
25 0= 764 Franconen
Ford Fiesta S2000 2010 Qualif L1 - Gibson Custom Racing (GICURA) SWRC
1 ° 86:18.52 +06:51.82 +00:01.38 +04:59.18
26 0= 4314 LEBUBAR
Subaru Impreza N14 URT The Race - Jupiler Rally Team PWRC
4 ° 86:26.05 +06:59.35 +00:07.53 +05:06.71
27 0= 8877 Boobarak
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 Qualif L1 - East Racing Tamatave WRC
22 ° 86:30.53 +07:03.83 +00:04.48 +05:11.19
28 0= 5617 OPT
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L2 - Tupos Rally Team PWRC
5 ° 86:37.64 +07:10.94 +00:07.11 +05:18.30
29 0= 5165 PeGe
Subaru Impreza S14 WRC 2008 Qualif L1 - R40 Rally Team Greece 1 WRC
23 ° 86:40.13 +07:13.43 +00:02.49 +05:20.79
30 31 182 zouzou
FIAT Grande Punto S2000 Qualif L2 - Just Enjoy Team 1.0 (JET 1.0) SWRC
2 ° 86:58.41 +07:31.71 +00:18.28 +05:39.07
31 30 6792 Bny_79
Subaru Impreza N14 URT The Race - S.A.M.S. (Stihl Attack Motorsport) PWRC
6 ° 87:00.42 +07:33.72 +00:02.01 +05:41.08
32 0= 3981 TivaTiva
Subaru Impreza N14 URT The Race - Team Catalonia PWRC
7 ° 87:15.91 +07:49.21 +00:15.49 +05:56.57
33 0= 7345 VilleVee
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L2 - Tupos Rally Team PWRC
8 ° 87:18.59 +07:51.89 +00:02.68 +05:59.25
34 0= 7726 comeback
Ford Focus WRC 2005 Qualif L1 - Team So6 Flat-Out WRC
24 ° 87:23.02 +07:56.32 +00:04.43 +06:03.68
35 0= 4489 julin
Subaru Impreza N14 URT The Race - E.P.C. Estrella Polar Competicion PWRC
9 ° 87:26.70 +08:00.00 +00:03.68 +06:07.36
36 38 23 Bretal
Subaru Impreza WRC 2008 The Race - E.P.C. Estrella Polar Competicion WRC
25 ° 87:28.76 +08:02.06 +00:02.06 +06:09.42
37 36 2833 dam21
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L2 - EST Racing Team PWRC
10 ° 87:29.03 +08:02.33 +00:00.27 +06:09.69
38 37 5062 acajouman
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L1 - [A.R.S.] Kiss Cool Racing PWRC
11 ° 87:31.56 +08:04.86 +00:02.53 +06:12.22
39 0= 1088 tof88
Subaru Impreza N14 URT The Race - S.A.M.S. (Stihl Attack Motorsport) PWRC
12 ° 87:36.73 +08:10.03 +00:05.17 +06:17.39
40 0= 54 thomas_radstrom
Mini S2000 Qualif L1 - Team So6 Flat-Out SWRC
3 ° 88:07.39 +08:40.69 +00:30.66 +06:48.05
41 42 1750 Dani-r26
Ford Fiesta S2000 2010 SWRC
4 ° 88:07.61 +08:40.91 +00:00.22 +06:48.27
42 41 330 vincevts
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 Qualif L2 - EST Racing Team WRC
26 ° 88:08.05 +08:41.35 +00:00.44 +06:48.71
43 0= 990 soafahana
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 Qualif L1 - Team So6 Flat-Out WRC
27 ° 88:16.83 +08:50.13 +00:08.78 +06:57.49
44 45 31 Chrismus
C4 WRC 2010 Qualif L1 - Colinmcraevision WRC
28 ° 88:28.77 +09:02.07 +00:11.94 +07:09.43
45 46 6945 UBLEV Hristo
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L2 - Tangra PWRC
13 ° 88:46.24 +09:19.54 +00:17.47 +07:26.90
46 44 2856 alexwelson
Subaru Impreza 95 The Race - Rond Point Racing Team 2 WRC
29 ° 88:51.44 +09:24.74 +00:05.20 +07:32.10

47 0= 3884 ovalist
Ford Focus WRC 2008 Qualif L1 - East Racing Tamatave WRC
30 ° 88:58.46 +09:31.76 +00:07.02 +07:39.12
48 0= 1292 Rick4222
Ford Focus WRC 2008 Qualif L2 - Just Enjoy Team 1.0 (JET 1.0) WRC
31 ° 89:24.79 +09:58.09 +00:26.33 +08:05.45
49 0= 2376 X.Sucarrats
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L1 - Junior Team Catalonia PWRC
14 ° 89:36.43 +10:09.73 +00:11.64 +08:17.09
50 0= 6246 A-Sport
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L2 - E.P.C. Junior PWRC
15 ° 89:44.93 +10:18.23 +00:08.50 +08:25.59
51 52 9519 ludo1338
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L1 - Trajectoire Racing PWRC
16 ° 89:58.58 +10:31.88 +00:13.65 +08:39.24
52 51 1296 Nknow
Subaru Impreza N12 Qualif L1 - Press on! Rallysport PWRC
17 ° 90:00.44 +10:33.74 +00:01.86 +08:41.10
53 0= 9872 Jojo12000
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 Qualif L1 - A.R.M.S. WRC
32 ° 90:11.04 +10:44.34 +00:10.60 +08:51.70
54 0= 52 FilthySA.
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 Qualif L1 - Press on! Rallysport WRC
33 ° 90:25.96 +10:59.26 +00:14.92 +09:06.62
55 56 9231 Rsport
Subaru Impreza WRC 2006 Qualif L2 - EST Racing Team WRC
34 ° 90:36.80 +11:10.10 +00:10.84 +09:17.46
56 55 2659 tine_enc
Ford Fiesta S2000 2010 SWRC
5 ° 90:37.44 +11:10.74 +00:00.64 +09:18.10
57 58 8305 GENOVSKI Julian
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L2 - Tangra PWRC
18 ° 90:56.51 +11:29.81 +00:19.07 +09:37.17
58 57 67 I.Soto
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 Qualif L2 - E.P.C. Junior WRC
35 ° 90:57.88 +11:31.18 +00:01.37 +09:38.54
59 0= 7602 V. Perez
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L1 - E.P.C. Escuderia Filial PWRC
19 ° 91:17.16 +11:50.46 +00:19.28 +09:57.82
60 61 5768 Tattoo1978
Ford Focus WRC 2008 Holidays League - Sweden Rally Team WRC
36 ° 91:30.86 +12:04.16 +00:13.70 +10:11.52
61 60 9753 djstudent
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L2 - Poland Rally Team PWRC
20 ° 91:33.32 +12:06.62 +00:02.46 +10:13.98
62 0= 178 ethanol
Subaru Impreza N14 URT The Race - R.A.R. (Rhône Alpes Racing) PWRC
21 ° 91:37.48 +12:10.78 +00:04.16 +10:18.14
63 0= 322 TGF-MADS
Renault Clio Williams Qualif L1 - [A.R.S.] Kiss Cool Racing PWRC
22 ° 91:47.57 +12:20.87 +00:10.09 +10:28.23
64 0= 3019 dylan-b
Peugeot 207 RC R3T Qualif L1 - Colinmcraevision PWRC
23 ° 92:11.10 +12:44.40 +00:23.53 +10:51.76
65 0= 2929 Maratych
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L1 - Ural Rally Team Ekaterinburg PWRC
24 ° 92:13.08 +12:46.38 +00:01.98 +10:53.74
66 0= 840 Petrenko S
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L1 - Ural Rally Team Ekaterinburg PWRC
25 ° 92:23.91 +12:57.21 +00:10.83 +11:04.57
67 71 5122 lattarauta
Citroen Xsara T4 Qualif L2 - Tupos Rally Team WRC
37 ° 92:34.58 +13:07.88 +00:10.67 +11:15.24
68 69 1366 Stanley1366
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L2 - Czech Rally Team PWRC
26 ° 92:38.96 +13:12.26 +00:04.38 +11:19.62
69 70 6222 Dorax
27 ° 92:44.02 +13:17.32 +00:05.06 +11:24.68
70 67 4769 NeedAmmo
Mitsubishi Lancer evo X Qualif L2 - Poland Rally Team PWRC
28 ° 92:47.76 +13:21.06 +00:03.74 +11:28.42
71 68 3155 jari-mattex
Renault Clio Williams Qualif L1 - Team So6 Flat-Out PWRC
29 ° 92:50.46 +13:23.76 +00:02.70 +11:31.12
72 73 3644 nould68
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L2 - EST Racing Team PWRC
30 ° 92:52.96 +13:26.26 +00:02.50 +11:33.62
73 72 8534 barjac
Ford Fiesta S2000 2010 Qualif L1 - A.S.A. Lozère SWRC
6 ° 92:57.65 +13:30.95 +00:04.69 +11:38.31
74 75 2172 ErKanario
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 The Race - E.P.C. Estrella Polar Competicion WRC
38 ° 93:07.62 +13:40.92 +00:09.97 +11:48.28
75 76 5221 205 f2000
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L1 - Trajectoire Racing Bis PWRC
31 ° 93:33.52 +14:06.82 +00:25.90 +12:14.18
76 77 6287 ville
Subaru Impreza WRC 2003 WRC
39 ° 94:00.99 +14:34.29 +00:27.47 +12:41.65
77 79 1622 Sifaka
Subaru Impreza N14 URT The Race - R.A.R. (Rhône Alpes Racing) PWRC
32 ° 94:38.85 +15:12.15 +00:37.86 +13:19.51
78 0= 69 tagada
Renault Clio Williams Qualif L1 - Gibson Custom Racing (GICURA) PWRC
33 ° 94:40.57 +15:13.87 +00:01.72 +13:21.23
79 80 2685 titi62
Ford Focus WRC 2008 WRC
40 ° 95:21.23 +15:54.53 +00:40.66 +14:01.89
80 82 7785 Rlionel
7 ° 95:24.27 +15:57.57 +00:03.04 +14:04.93
81 83 668 don6jen
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L1 - Ural Rally Team Ekaterinburg PWRC
34 ° 95:35.19 +16:08.49 +00:10.92 +14:15.85
82 85 7000 KostasEL
Peugeot 206 WRC 2003 Qualif L1 - R40 Rally Team Greece 1 WRC
41 ° 96:40.92 +17:14.22 +01:05.73 +15:21.58
83 86 3593 Dave93
Ford Focus WRC 2008 Holidays League - Xiquets Team Catalonia WRC
42 ° 97:08.06 +17:41.36 +00:27.14 +15:48.72
84 88 1963 EIKO
Mini S2000 Holidays League - Barca Team Rallye SWRC
8 ° 97:27.36 +18:00.66 +00:19.30 +16:08.02
85 89 8053 WRCKurt
Subaru Impreza N14 URT PWRC
35 ° 97:35.83 +18:09.13 +00:08.47 +16:16.49
86 87 741 jeannot
Subaru Impreza N14 URT The Race - R.A.R. (Rhône Alpes Racing) PWRC
36 ° 97:40.57 +18:13.87 +00:04.74 +16:21.23
87 74 1907 hentsrana
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 Qualif L1 - Rond Point Racing Team 1 WRC
43 ° 97:44.61 +18:17.91 +00:04.04 +16:25.27

88 92 1605 mickael polo
Subaru Impreza N14 URT PWRC
37 ° 98:06.09 +18:39.39 +00:21.48 +16:46.75
89 93 2719 lefkot
Subaru Impreza S14 WRC 2008 Qualif L1 - R40 Rally Team Greece 1 WRC
44 ° 98:17.19 +18:50.49 +00:11.10 +16:57.85
90 94 6406 Teamferetrallye
Ford Fiesta S2000 2010 SWRC
9 ° 98:49.49 +19:22.79 +00:32.30 +17:30.15
91 96 3314 ovidi
FIAT Grande Punto S2000 Qualif L1 - Junior Team Catalonia SWRC
10 ° 99:27.20 +20:00.50 +00:37.71 +18:07.86
92 98 1298 feluxis
Subaru Impreza N14 Prodrive Qualif L2 - Czech Rally Team PWRC
38 ° 99:32.13 +20:05.43 +00:04.93 +18:12.79
93 81 48 fifou
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 Qualif L1 - A.R.M.S. WRC
45 ° 99:50.61 +20:23.91 +00:18.48 +18:31.27
94 97 3021 dupanton
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L2 - Team PWRC
39 ° 99:57.28 +20:30.58 +00:06.67 +18:37.94
95 84 5739 Racingman
Ford Fiesta S2000 2010 SWRC
11 ° 100:29.93 +21:03.23 +00:32.65 +19:10.59
96 100 9178 Fortochkin
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L1 - Ural Rally Team Ekaterinburg PWRC
40 ° 100:54.42 +21:27.72 +00:24.49 +19:35.08
97 101 8463 Mencl14
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L1 - Hexis Racing School PWRC
41 ° 101:09.46 +21:42.76 +00:15.04 +19:50.12
98 90 1493 Mikka01
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L1 - Junior Team Catalonia PWRC
42 ° 102:13.25 +22:46.55 +01:03.79 +20:53.91
99 91 6441 unitedviktor
FIAT Grande Punto S2000 SWRC
12 ° 102:38.66 +23:11.96 +00:25.41 +21:19.32
100 95 9676 McicresAmer
Mitsubishi Lancer evo X The Race - Team Catalonia PWRC
43 ° 103:44.50 +24:17.80 +01:05.84 +22:25.16
101 102 5882 Fraparo
Honda Civic R3 PWRC
44 ° 103:53.01 +24:26.31 +00:08.51 +22:33.67
102 99 1665 Jim Cobin
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 WRC
46 ° 104:14.28 +24:47.58 +00:21.27 +22:54.94
103 0= 6414 AnthoRS
Ford Focus WRC 2006 WRC
47 ° 105:04.99 +25:38.29 +00:50.71 +23:45.65
104 0= 3677 RASH1714
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 Holidays League - Xiquets Team Catalonia WRC
48 ° 107:16.41 +27:49.71 +02:11.42 +25:57.07
105 106 4939 M.Arias
Mini S2000 Qualif L1 - E.P.C. Escuderia Filial SWRC
13 ° 107:55.15 +28:28.45 +00:38.74 +26:35.81
106 105 6468 antromeru
Mitsubishi Lancer evo X Holidays League - JUNIOR CASTROL TEAM TURKEY PWRC
45 ° 107:58.06 +28:31.36 +00:02.91 +26:38.72
107 108 2480 VERY FAST TEAM
FIAT Grande Punto S2000 Qualif L1 - ITALIAN TEAM SWRC
14 ° 109:22.52 +29:55.82 +01:24.46 +28:03.18
108 109 4968 Zandrykely
46 ° 110:23.80 +30:57.10 +01:01.28 +29:04.46
109 110 5577 andrinoa
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 The Race - Rond Point Racing Team 2 WRC
49 ° 111:45.53 +32:18.83 +01:21.73 +30:26.19

110 111 2801 capi
Suzuki SX4 WRC WRC
50 ° 112:59.61 +33:32.91 +01:14.08 +31:40.27
111 107 898 PaloSamo
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L2 - Poland Rally Team PWRC
47 ° 113:46.63 +34:19.93 +00:47.02 +32:27.29
112 114 6078 chechugoya
Ford Fiesta R2 PWRC
48 ° 115:18.04 +35:51.34 +01:31.41 +33:58.70
113 116 5075 bchurikov
Skoda Octavia WRC evo1 WRC
51 ° 116:01.11 +36:34.41 +00:43.07 +34:41.77
114 112 4824 ArchenemyR
Subaru Impreza S14 WRC 2008 WRC
52 ° 116:46.68 +37:19.98 +00:45.57 +35:27.34
115 118 476 LuisFonseca
Skoda Fabia S2000 Evo2 SWRC
15 ° 117:12.45 +37:45.75 +00:25.77 +35:53.11
116 113 4754 Bachako
Ford Focus WRC 2008 WRC
53 ° 118:19.26 +38:52.56 +01:06.81 +36:59.92
117 119 6620 Arie
Subaru Impreza N14 Prodrive PWRC
49 ° 119:29.44 +40:02.74 +01:10.18 +38:10.10
118 115 8092 tannat
Suzuki SX4 WRC Qualif L1 - Colinmcraevision WRC
54 ° 119:32.06 +40:05.36 +00:02.62 +38:12.72
119 117 6539 ROMERO luis
Subaru Impreza S14 WRC 2008 WRC
55 ° 120:41.15 +41:14.45 +01:09.09 +39:21.81
120 121 3326 FACHM
FIAT Grande Punto S2000 The Race - E.P.C. Estrella Polar Competicion SWRC
16 ° 121:22.89 +41:56.19 +00:41.74 +40:03.55
121 120 4211 Rapta
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L1 - GameRacers PWRC
50 ° 121:28.46 +42:01.76 +00:05.57 +40:09.12
122 0= 6710 Deadraque
Citroen Xsara WRC 2006 WRC
56 ° 125:25.56 +45:58.86 +03:57.10 +44:06.22
123 0= 3474 ALoNSeNNaToR
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L1 - E.P.C. Escuderia Filial PWRC
51 ° 126:15.44 +46:48.74 +00:49.88 +44:56.10
124 125 3333 yoyoder
Ford Focus WRC 2008 Qualif L2 - Just Enjoy Team 1.1 (JET 1.1) WRC
57 ° 129:58.11 +50:31.41 +03:42.67 +48:38.77
125 127 4086 NormandenAUS
Ford Fiesta R2 Qualif L1 - Trajectoire Racing PWRC
52 ° 131:47.26 +52:20.56 +01:49.15 +50:27.92
126 124 6594 Enciah
Peugeot 207 RC R3T PWRC
53 ° 132:08.39 +52:41.69 +00:21.13 +50:49.05
127 128 235 dimirsca
Suzuki Swift Qualif L2 - Team PWRC
54 ° 134:53.03 +55:26.33 +02:44.64 +53:33.69
128 126 8811 Paleke
Peugeot 207 RC R3T Holidays League - C.A.R. Argentina Rally Team PWRC
55 ° 135:45.34 +56:18.64 +00:52.31 +54:26.00
129 130 9852 fou2rallye25
Subaru Impreza N14 Prodrive Qualif L2 - Ultras39 Rallye Team PWRC
56 ° 138:16.52 +58:49.82 +02:31.18 +56:57.18
130 132 6564 GabiTg
Ford Fiesta R2 PWRC
57 ° 138:45.73 +59:19.03 +00:29.21 +57:26.39
131 129 5503 Sarkkipas
Subaru Impreza WRC 1999 WRC
58 ° 139:32.19 +60:05.49 +00:46.46 +58:12.85
132 131 4584 to_rsrbr
Subaru Impreza N14 Prodrive PWRC
58 ° 142:37.33 +63:10.63 +03:05.14 +61:17.99
133 135 1965 graikas
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 Holidays League - R40 Rally Team Greece 2 WRC
59 ° 143:17.87 +63:51.17 +00:40.54 +61:58.53
134 137 442 UrQuattro
Skoda Fabia S2000 Evo2 SWRC
17 ° 144:42.14 +65:15.44 +01:24.27 +63:22.80
135 133 684 obelix
Renault Clio Williams PWRC
59 ° 144:51.27 +65:24.57 +00:09.13 +63:31.93
136 134 8766 vali91
Ford Fiesta S2000 2010 SWRC
18 ° 145:36.76 +66:10.06 +00:45.49 +64:17.42
137 136 3340 daniek123
Subaru Impreza WRC 2006 WRC
60 ° 147:16.32 +67:49.62 +01:39.56 +65:56.98
138 140 5914 Rusila Jussi
Ford Fiesta S2000 2010 SWRC
19 ° 149:33.53 +70:06.83 +02:17.21 +68:14.19
139 0= 5889 Walkom
Skoda Fabia S2000 Evo2 SWRC
20 ° 149:36.43 +70:09.73 +00:02.90 +68:17.09
140 138 6455 DONCHEV Iliyan
Mitsubishi Lancer evo X PWRC
60 ° 149:43.57 +70:16.87 +00:07.14 +68:24.23
141 143 1111 Cata_RO
Subaru Impreza WRC 2008 WRC
61 ° 156:27.15 +77:00.45 +06:43.58 +75:07.81
142 141 4433 KurialA
Skoda Fabia S2000 Evo2 SWRC
21 ° 157:06.63 +77:39.93 +00:39.48 +75:47.29
143 142 3365 Rickey
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 WRC
62 ° 159:01.47 +79:34.77 +01:54.84 +77:42.13
144 0= 5320 julien38
Ford Fiesta R2 PWRC
61 ° 160:43.19 +81:16.49 +01:41.72 +79:23.85
145 0= 3666 Sorensen
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 WRC
63 ° 161:56.52 +82:29.82 +01:13.33 +80:37.18
146 147 828 arelon2
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 WRC
64 ° 165:49.50 +86:22.80 +03:52.98 +84:30.16
147 146 8725 rb8725
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 WRC
65 ° 166:58.49 +87:31.79 +01:08.99 +85:39.15
148 152 6216 Romain M
Ford Focus WRC 2008 WRC
66 ° 169:05.75 +89:39.05 +02:07.26 +87:46.41
149 148 8900 Sponderi
Ford Focus WRC 2008 WRC
67 ° 172:14.58 +92:47.88 +03:08.83 +90:55.24
150 149 2212 zambo88
Ford Focus WRC 2008 Qualif L2 - Just Enjoy Team 1.1 (JET 1.1) WRC
68 ° 172:17.58 +92:50.88 +00:03.00 +90:58.24
151 150 8743 tantragna
FIAT Grande Punto S2000 SWRC
22 ° 172:43.93 +93:17.23 +00:26.35 +91:24.59
152 151 6761 Matissss
Mitsubishi Lancer evo9 PWRC
62 ° 172:46.25 +93:19.55 +00:02.32 +91:26.91
153 0= 5687 pnebling
Ford Fiesta R2 PWRC
63 ° 174:42.24 +95:15.54 +01:55.99 +93:22.90

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vita ko nena, arabaina ireo tng d felicitation wan hajax alo atreto fa tena tsara ny resultat
bdb ny erreur leg2 d latsaka kel fa f tng alo d zay no important
ity zan alo ny result ao

1 0= 1 MyThiK
Mini WRC The Race - C.O.R. (Centre Ouest Rallye) WRC
1 ° 79:26.70 +00:00.00 +00:00.00 -03:34.28
2 0= 1617 hajax
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 The Race - Rond Point Racing Team 2 WRC
2 ° 81:19.34 +01:52.64 +01:52.64 -01:41.64

3 0= 1004 Groslapin
Citroen DS3 WRC 2011 Qualif L1 - Gibson Custom Racing (GICURA) WRC
3 ° 81:24.64 +01:57.94 +00:05.30 -01:36.34
4 0= 730 Papy Jim
Citroen DS3 WRC 2011 The Race - Wacky Races WRC
4 ° 81:38.18 +02:11.48 +00:13.54 -01:22.80
5 0= 7561 Zakraket
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 Holidays League - Team WRC
5 ° 81:53.72 +02:27.02 +00:15.54 -01:07.26
6 0= 848 mblancafort
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 The Race - Team Catalonia WRC
6 ° 81:54.07 +02:27.37 +00:00.35 -01:06.91
7 0= 3947 danwrc
Citroen DS3 WRC 2011 The Race - Wacky Races WRC
7 ° 82:29.43 +03:02.73 +00:35.36 -00:31.55
8 0= 9080 Steliyan BG
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 Qualif L2 - Tangra WRC
8 ° 82:36.32 +03:09.62 +00:06.89 -00:24.66
9 0= 3711 Aurel
Citroen DS3 WRC 2011 The Race - S.A.M.S. (Stihl Attack Motorsport) WRC
9 ° 82:50.44 +03:23.74 +00:14.12 -00:10.54
10 0= 1907 hentsrana
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 Qualif L1 - Rond Point Racing Team 1 WRC
10 ° 83:00.98 +03:34.28 +00:10.54 +00:00.00

11 0= 7161 witaar
Ford Focus WRC 2010 Qualif L2 - Czech Rally Team WRC
11 ° 83:08.46 +03:41.76 +00:07.48 +00:07.48
12 0= 2180 cat-plani
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 The Race - Team Catalonia WRC
12 ° 83:15.64 +03:48.94 +00:07.18 +00:14.66
13 0= 4605 Guiblo
Subaru Impreza WRC 2006 The Race - Jupiler Rally Team WRC
13 ° 83:39.78 +04:13.08 +00:24.14 +00:38.80
14 0= 4641 vagkiller
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 Qualif L1 - R40 Rally Team Greece 1 WRC
14 ° 83:52.04 +04:25.34 +00:12.26 +00:51.06
15 16 6040 MikeHoncho
Ford Focus WRC 2008 Qualif L2 - Tupos Rally Team WRC
15 ° 84:23.43 +04:56.73 +00:31.39 +01:22.45
16 15 8899 Diogo Velosa
Mitsubishi Lancer evo X PWRC
1 ° 84:27.84 +05:01.14 +00:04.41 +01:26.86
17 18 77 Cromax
Subaru Impreza S14 WRC 2008 The Race - Wacky Races WRC
16 ° 84:32.24 +05:05.54 +00:04.40 +01:31.26
18 17 188 Virgile
Ford Focus WRC 2005 Qualif L2 - Just Enjoy Team 1.0 (JET 1.0) WRC
17 ° 84:33.35 +05:06.65 +00:01.11 +01:32.37
19 0= 9696 nico 2B
Subaru Impreza WRC 2008 Qualif L1 - [A.R.S.] Kiss Cool Racing WRC
18 ° 84:55.35 +05:28.65 +00:22.00 +01:54.37
20 0= 385 TomJPL
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L1 - [A.R.S.] Kiss Cool Racing PWRC
2 ° 85:01.27 +05:34.57 +00:05.92 +02:00.29
21 0= 5829 Komor
Ford Focus WRC 2006 Qualif L2 - Poland Rally Team WRC
19 ° 85:12.13 +05:45.43 +00:10.86 +02:11.15
22 24 418 NORIZA
Citroen DS3 WRC 2011 The Race - Rond Point Racing Team 2 WRC
20 ° 85:24.68 +05:57.98 +00:12.55 +02:23.70

23 0= 1279 verbal
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 Qualif L2 - Just Enjoy Team 1.1 (JET 1.1) WRC
21 ° 85:27.48 +06:00.78 +00:02.80 +02:26.50
24 22 7020 mimowrc
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 Qualif L2 - Tangra WRC
22 ° 86:05.90 +06:39.20 +00:38.42 +03:04.92
25 0= 2582 ildebert
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L1 - A.R.M.S. PWRC
3 ° 86:17.14 +06:50.44 +00:11.24 +03:16.16
26 0= 764 Franconen
Ford Fiesta S2000 2010 Qualif L1 - Gibson Custom Racing (GICURA) SWRC
1 ° 86:18.52 +06:51.82 +00:01.38 +03:17.54
27 0= 4314 LEBUBAR
Subaru Impreza N14 URT The Race - Jupiler Rally Team PWRC
4 ° 86:26.05 +06:59.35 +00:07.53 +03:25.07
28 0= 8877 Boobarak
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 Qualif L1 - East Racing Tamatave WRC
23 ° 86:30.53 +07:03.83 +00:04.48 +03:29.55

29 0= 5617 OPT
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L2 - Tupos Rally Team PWRC
5 ° 86:37.64 +07:10.94 +00:07.11 +03:36.66
30 0= 5165 PeGe
Subaru Impreza S14 WRC 2008 Qualif L1 - R40 Rally Team Greece 1 WRC
24 ° 86:40.13 +07:13.43 +00:02.49 +03:39.15

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novitaina atram france gravel mo zan iz ty an, ca va ny resultat,
scratch kel tao versme alo atreto, controlé alo ra mijan ao io fa wrc daol no ao ariana
1 0= 4500 german maiz
Ford Focus WRC 2007 Qualif L2 - Rotor Rally Team A8W
1 ° 39:14.67 +00:00.00 +00:00.00 -01:33.14
2 0= 7020 mimowrc
Peugeot 207 S2000 Qualif L2 - Tangra A7S
1 ° 39:46.84 +00:32.17 +00:32.17 -01:00.97
3 4 801 kikiny
Subaru Impreza WRC 2007 A8W
2 ° 40:11.09 +00:56.42 +00:24.25 -00:36.72
4 3 5122 lattarauta
Citroen Xsara T4 Qualif L2 - Tupos Rally Team A8W
3 ° 40:13.61 +00:58.94 +00:02.52 -00:34.20
5 0= 2172 ErKanario
Peugeot 207 S2000 The Race - E.P.C. Estrella Polar Competicion A7S
2 ° 40:19.84 +01:05.17 +00:06.23 -00:27.97
6 7 1476 M-Alvin
Citroen Xsara WRC 2006 The Race - C.O.R. (Centre Ouest Rallye) A8W
4 ° 40:20.65 +01:05.98 +00:00.81 -00:27.16
7 8 6040 MikeHoncho
Subaru Impreza WRC 2007 Qualif L2 - Tupos Rally Team A8W
5 ° 40:32.28 +01:17.61 +00:11.63 -00:15.53
8 10 1010 stergioswrc
Subaru Impreza N14 URT The Race - C.O.R. (Centre Ouest Rallye) N4
1 ° 40:44.19 +01:29.52 +00:11.91 -00:03.62
9 12 1907 hentsrana
Audi A3 S3 Qualif L1 - Rond Point Racing Team 1 A8
1 ° 40:47.81 +01:33.14 +00:03.62 +00:00.00

10 11 1499 NyilasM
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L2 - Rotor Rally Team N4
2 ° 40:47.96 +01:33.29 +00:00.15 +00:00.15
11 6 128 Amau43
Ford Focus WRC 2007 Qualif L1 - [A.R.S.] Kiss Cool Racing A8W
6 ° 40:50.62 +01:35.95 +00:02.66 +00:02.81
12 13 1617 hajax
Subaru Impreza N14 URT The Race - Rond Point Racing Team 2 N4
3 ° 41:07.07 +01:52.40 +00:16.45 +00:19.26

13 14 3981 TivaTiva
Peugeot 207 S2000 The Race - Team Catalonia A7S
3 ° 41:07.39 +01:52.72 +00:00.32 +00:19.58
14 15 5617 OPT
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L2 - Tupos Rally Team N4
4 ° 41:11.05 +01:56.38 +00:03.66 +00:23.24
15 16 5997 fanou
Peugeot 207 S2000 The Race - S.A.M.S. (Stihl Attack Motorsport) A7S
4 ° 41:17.27 +02:02.60 +00:06.22 +00:29.46
16 18 2856 alexwelson
Subaru Impreza 95 The Race - Rond Point Racing Team 2 A8
2 ° 41:26.86 +02:12.19 +00:09.59 +00:39.05
17 0= 7621 rawilf
Mini S2000 The Race - Rond Point Racing Team 2 A7S
5 ° 41:28.36 +02:13.69 +00:01.50 +00:40.55

18 19 5062 acajouman
Mini S2000 Qualif L1 - [A.R.S.] Kiss Cool Racing A7S
6 ° 41:30.56 +02:15.89 +00:02.20 +00:42.75
19 22 1279 verbal
VW Polo S2000 Qualif L2 - Just Enjoy Team 1.1 (JET 1.1) A7S
7 ° 41:34.03 +02:19.36 +00:03.47 +00:46.22
20 0= 1296 Nknow
Ford Focus WRC 2004 Qualif L1 - Press on! Rallysport A8W
7 ° 41:36.67 +02:22.00 +00:02.64 +00:48.86

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mifandimby mifampidepa v nareo mitsam ry Hentsrana sy hajax a?
Tsara ny rslt ny hajax zany an.

Ary naninona i NORIZA?

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Vita ihany ko ny WRC! bouncebouncebounce! Tsaratsara iany ny result fa zany oe nisinisy iany reo faute saika fatal!
hajax> cheerscheerscheers Ary nanin andrinoa?
NORIZA> saika tratra Otranlà ko za tao east west fa zany eo tafiditra tao anelanelan'le hazo, d tsy nahetsiko tsony fa nataoko DA. lol! Soa iany fefa arivé Very Happy
Arabaina daolo zay tonga reetra e! cheers

1 0= 1 MyThiK
Mini WRC The Race - C.O.R. (Centre Ouest Rallye) WRC
1 ° 79:26.70 +00:00.00 +00:00.00 -00:34.78
2 0= 7621 rawilf
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 The Race - Rond Point Racing Team 2 WRC
2 ° 80:01.48 +00:34.78 +00:34.78 +00:00.00

3 0= 876 elcheminot
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 The Race - Wacky Races WRC
3 ° 80:21.72 +00:55.02 +00:20.24 +00:20.24
4 0= 5490 peke75
Mini WRC Qualif L2 - Tupos Rally Team WRC
4 ° 80:55.47 +01:28.77 +00:33.75 +00:53.99
5 0= 373 dnafria
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 The Race - Team Catalonia WRC
5 ° 81:15.55 +01:48.85 +00:20.08 +01:14.07
6 0= 1617 hajax
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 The Race - Rond Point Racing Team 2 WRC
6 ° 81:19.34 +01:52.64 +00:03.79 +01:17.86

7 0= 1004 Groslapin
Citroen DS3 WRC 2011 Qualif L1 - Gibson Custom Racing (GICURA) WRC
7 ° 81:24.64 +01:57.94 +00:05.30 +01:23.16
8 0= 730 Papy Jim
Citroen DS3 WRC 2011 The Race - Wacky Races WRC
8 ° 81:38.18 +02:11.48 +00:13.54 +01:36.70
9 0= 1893 Patou
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 Qualif L1 - Colinmcraevision WRC
9 ° 81:50.35 +02:23.65 +00:12.17 +01:48.87
10 0= 7561 Zakraket
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 Holidays League - Team WRC
10 ° 81:53.72 +02:27.02 +00:03.37 +01:52.24
11 0= 848 mblancafort
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 The Race - Team Catalonia WRC
11 ° 81:54.07 +02:27.37 +00:00.35 +01:52.59
12 0= 3947 danwrc
Citroen DS3 WRC 2011 The Race - Wacky Races WRC
12 ° 82:29.43 +03:02.73 +00:35.36 +02:27.95
13 0= 9080 Steliyan BG
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 Qualif L2 - Tangra WRC
13 ° 82:36.32 +03:09.62 +00:06.89 +02:34.84
14 0= 3711 Aurel
Citroen DS3 WRC 2011 The Race - S.A.M.S. (Stihl Attack Motorsport) WRC
14 ° 82:50.44 +03:23.74 +00:14.12 +02:48.96
15 0= 1907 hentsrana
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 Qualif L1 - Rond Point Racing Team 1 WRC
15 ° 83:00.98 +03:34.28 +00:10.54 +02:59.50

16 0= 7161 witaar
Ford Focus WRC 2010 Qualif L2 - Czech Rally Team WRC
16 ° 83:08.46 +03:41.76 +00:07.48 +03:06.98
17 0= 2180 cat-plani
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 The Race - Team Catalonia WRC
17 ° 83:15.64 +03:48.94 +00:07.18 +03:14.16
18 0= 35 jo10
Citroen DS3 WRC 2011 Qualif L1 - Colinmcraevision WRC
18 ° 83:29.19 +04:02.49 +00:13.55 +03:27.71
19 0= 4605 Guiblo
Subaru Impreza WRC 2006 The Race - Jupiler Rally Team WRC
19 ° 83:39.78 +04:13.08 +00:10.59 +03:38.30
20 0= 516 lbg
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 Qualif L2 - Rotor Rally Team WRC
20 ° 83:44.84 +04:18.14 +00:05.06 +03:43.36
21 0= 4641 vagkiller
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 Qualif L1 - R40 Rally Team Greece 1 WRC
21 ° 83:52.04 +04:25.34 +00:07.20 +03:50.56
22 0= 3836 magnar
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 Qualif L1 - Press on! Rallysport WRC
22 ° 83:57.03 +04:30.33 +00:04.99 +03:55.55
23 24 6040 MikeHoncho
Ford Focus WRC 2008 Qualif L2 - Tupos Rally Team WRC
23 ° 84:23.43 +04:56.73 +00:26.40 +04:21.95
24 23 8899 Diogo Velosa
Mitsubishi Lancer evo X PWRC
1 ° 84:27.84 +05:01.14 +00:04.41 +04:26.36
25 26 77 Cromax
Subaru Impreza S14 WRC 2008 The Race - Wacky Races WRC
24 ° 84:32.24 +05:05.54 +00:04.40 +04:30.76
26 25 188 Virgile
Ford Focus WRC 2005 Qualif L2 - Just Enjoy Team 1.0 (JET 1.0) WRC
25 ° 84:33.35 +05:06.65 +00:01.11 +04:31.87
27 0= 9696 nico 2B
Subaru Impreza WRC 2008 Qualif L1 - [A.R.S.] Kiss Cool Racing WRC
26 ° 84:55.35 +05:28.65 +00:22.00 +04:53.87
28 0= 385 TomJPL
Subaru Impreza N14 URT Qualif L1 - [A.R.S.] Kiss Cool Racing PWRC
2 ° 85:01.27 +05:34.57 +00:05.92 +04:59.79
29 0= 9901 wrc
Ford Focus WRC 2007 Qualif L2 - Just Enjoy Team 1.0 (JET 1.0) WRC
27 ° 85:11.12 +05:44.42 +00:09.85 +05:09.64
30 0= 5829 Komor
Ford Focus WRC 2006 Qualif L2 - Poland Rally Team WRC
28 ° 85:12.13 +05:45.43 +00:01.01 +05:10.65
31 0= 2042 fantomas535
Ford Focus WRC 2010 Qualif L1 - Colinmcraevision WRC
29 ° 85:22.88 +05:56.18 +00:10.75 +05:21.40
32 33 5506 Tchokabit
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 Qualif L2 - Just Enjoy Team 1.1 (JET 1.1) WRC
30 ° 85:23.89 +05:57.19 +00:01.01 +05:22.41
33 36 418 NORIZA
Citroen DS3 WRC 2011 The Race - Rond Point Racing Team 2 WRC
31 ° 85:24.68 +05:57.98 +00:00.79 +05:23.20

34 35 1279 verbal
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 Qualif L2 - Just Enjoy Team 1.1 (JET 1.1) WRC
32 ° 85:27.48 +06:00.78 +00:02.80 +05:26.00
35 32 538 RallyJip92-NL
Ford Fiesta RS WRC 2011 Holidays League - Team WRC
33 ° 85:33.89 +06:07.19 +00:06.41 +05:32.41
36 37 943 ny aiko19
Subaru Impreza N14 URT PWRC
3 ° 85:38.01 +06:11.31 +00:04.12 +05:36.53
37 34 7020 mimowrc
Citroen C4 WRC 2008 Qualif L2 - Tangra WRC

67 66 2856 alexwelson
Subaru Impreza 95 The Race - Rond Point Racing Team 2 WRC
44 ° 88:51.44 +09:24.74 +00:05.20 +08:49.96
68 70 3884 ovalist
Ford Focus WRC 2008 Qualif L1 - East Racing Tamatave WRC
45 ° 88:58.46 +09:31.76 +00:07.02 +08:56.98

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tsara daholo izany résultat izany ry zalah, merci é clapclapclapclap

hents> aona ny temps lé audi v maresy evo 9 sa aona e!
hajax> fa aona io N14 mande b io e, efa lasa hainla nga ny milako azy lol!
rawilf> ra misy team wrc tsaratsara maka anla d afaka mande ela fa aza misalasala an lol! tsy à la hauteur anla mintsy ny mijanona miaraka amiko, ela sy hajax no mety d NORIZA misolo ana, lasan'RPR ny WRC amin'ny 2013. Ny 1 amlaisany manao manager.
Aleo ny tenanay hanaja tena , eritrereto zay proposition zay ry zalah a.

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andrinoa a écrit:
tsara daholo izany résultat izany ry zalah, merci é clapclapclapclap

hents> aona ny temps lé audi v maresy evo 9 sa aona e!
hajax> fa aona io N14 mande b io e, efa lasa hainla nga ny milako azy lol!
rawilf> ra misy team wrc tsaratsara maka anla d afaka mande ela fa aza misalasala an lol! tsy à la hauteur anla mintsy ny mijanona miaraka amiko, ela sy hajax no mety d NORIZA misolo ana, lasan'RPR ny WRC amin'ny 2013. Ny 1 amlaisany manao manager.
Aleo ny tenanay hanaja tena , eritrereto zay proposition zay ry zalah a.

mitovtov ian reo e, pilotage sisa, fa nena aleoko audi, madiditra kokoa d reveko, otrn mini-wrc zan

in ndray ty rediredinla ty ry andrinoa a, ra elà v ts à la hauteur d zay zan in, ts f tkn voroka RPR mits i??? miezaka fona lty a, elà zao fer de lance RPR amn herintaona fa elà manana combinaison

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hentsrana a écrit:

mitovtov ian reo e, pilotage sisa, fa nena aleoko audi, madiditra kokoa d reveko, otrn mini-wrc zan

in ndray ty rediredinla ty ry andrinoa a, ra elà v ts à la hauteur d zay zan in, ts f tkn voroka RPR mits i??? miezaka fona lty a, elà zao fer de lance RPR amn herintaona fa elà manana combinaison

Tsy mirediredy lety zany a, aleo izy 3 mitsam no hitondra avo ny faneva RPR , apetrao dieny zano ny démission anla ry NORIZA fa voahantso aty am RPR ela a lol!lol!lol!

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