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Tout ce qui a été posté par Tim

  1. Voici les premières photos du bas moteur...
  2. Tim

    Ma BIATCH !!

    Sublimes ces dernières !
  3. Tim

    vos shootings!

    En parlant DeLorean... Photos prises sur la grand place de Lille par ma mère vendredi : Bonus track
  4. J'ai quasiment la thune pour le moteur Faut que je trouve le temps de trouver the occasion.
  5. Bon, quelques news : le bas moteur est apparemment aussi abimé que le haut. J'attends les photos. Apparemment, il serait resté sans tourner un moment. Du coup les pistons auraient rouillé... Puis ce moteur a redémarrer. Les segments sont en miettes, etc. Les photos devraient nous montrer ça... Je pense que je vais me chercher tout simplement un autre moteur et repartir sur une base saine. ------------------------------------ Hormis ça, je peux échanger mes jantes Satori Ultralight 10S, en 17x7 pour des BBS forgé... Mes jantes actuelles : 4 jantes BBS , modele e26. Dimensions: -diametre: 17 -entraxe: 5x114,3 -2 jantes av: 9x17 -2 jantes ar: 9.5x17 3 parties avec déport , etoile en magnesium. J'ai acheté ces jantes le mois dernier chez Muratet sport à toulouse , puis je les ai refaites entierement (nettoyage ,peinture,polissage).Pas de coups,pas voilées. Je souhaite changer d'orientation dans mon projet , donc un échange est possible contre du 17 mais sans trop de déport. Le prix de vente est de 700€ à deb. Il ne s'agirait que d'un échange. Il n'y aurait donc qu'à gérer les fdp pour les 2 parties. Alors voila mon point de vue : c'est des jantes de malade ces BBS, mais elles sont larges, voir trop larges. A voir si c'est compatible avec un rabaissement sans étirer les ailes... Les Satori sont en 17x7, c'est étroit, mais avec des cales, ca remplis super bien ! Et puis sur ces jantes, je monte des pneus en 205, 215, voir 225. Ce qu'on trouve assez facilement... L'autre critère à prendre en compte en effet : la facilité à trouver des pneus ! L'objectif étant de drifter, ce n'est pas un facteur à négliger. Sur des jantes en 9 ou 9.5 de large en 17, il faut monter des pneus de quel largeur ? 225 voir 235 mini ? On monte jusqu'à 255 ? En 17, ca doit pas être simple à trouver/récupérer... Matt, ton avis ?
  6. J'avais mon APN, mais j'ai préféré discuter avec les gens que de faire des photos
  7. Tim

    Civic Type R

    Ca y est ! Cette caisse évolue
  8. Tim

    Voitures vues dans la rue 2

    Hier soir sur Bondues en 700m : 1/ En sortant du rond point de casto pour revenir vers le domaine de la vigne : Lancia Stratos bleu, suivi par une Ferrari, genre 308 GTB... Et vu les chauffeurs, ca semblait le fils qui suivait son père 2/ Puis devant casto, entre le rond point et l'aérodrome : Ferrari Dino. En allant à la Zaz party, S14 rouge croisée sur l'autoroute de Val, entre la sortie Orchie et Lesquin. Puis derrière le McDo de Val', la civic de Steph' !
  9. Ok pour la Z me concernant. Tiens moi au courant
  10. Super content d'avoir fait le déplacement, même si c'était en fin de journée. Ca fait plaisir de revoir des têtes qu'on voit moins souvent. J'ai eu du mal à décoller Zaz, impressionnante ton evo ! Comment elle a changé depuis que tu l'as eu. A très bientot !
  11. Tim

    > Les trouvailles

    Soit c'est ca, soit je me demande si c'est pas le "Tonka", mais je pense pas.
  12. Tim

    > Civic Coupé 96/2000 EJ6, EJ8, EM1

    Blanc ? Noir ? Dick, tu viens d'illustrer à merveille mon dilemne si je devais faire une complète à mon coupé...
  13. Tim

    > Skyline R33

    Video showing off the paint here YouTube - Skyline R33 GTR House of Kolor
  14. Tim

    > Les trouvailles

    Mattez moi ce char ! C'est bien plus que mon VTT que je peux mettre là-dedans
  15. Tim

    > Les trouvailles

    Faut aimer, mais y a du taff ! MULI AWARD WINNING ARTWORK, ARTIST AND COMPANY. Many of these cars have won Top Awards in Custom Painting, Murals and Graphics in Auto Salon, Summernats, Motorex and hundreds of lcar shows around Australia . At Advanced Airbrush we offer custom paint eg, Crystal Ice Pearls & Flakes through to Full custom artwork & Graphics. Wayne is fully licenced and has over 30 years experience in Custom Art & Paint. Advanced Airbrushes RX8 Promo Vehicle with Custom Paint Nitro Blue crystal Pearl , Graphic in Spectralusion and themed on Tanya our model with a Gothic feel. Wheels by SPEEDY WHEELS with the new Stagger rims on the rear. Car launched at MOTOREX 07 All custom Pearls, Flakes and Colour Shifts now Available for purchase at Advanced Airbrush "Airbrush Shop". Caol (02) 9832-7091 For Colour range availablity. Tanya Lazarous promotional model & model on Wayne's car Maori Themed car with Graphic on sides to door This artwork is on a bonnett and we are now doing the boot to match Themed in beach scene with wave down the side and surfer coloured for a dark vehicle. Skyline Full custom paint by Advanced Airbrush , Colour shift paint used on this car was Gold / Green / Burgandy Shift Crystal Pearl. See samples of paint colours at Factory. Many colours available. Price on painting car only on viewing of car, but welcome to come view range. 2/43 Sterling Rd, Minchinbury Ph: 1300 733 165. Open evenings and weekends on request. WRX Designed and created by Wayne Wayne has used multi effects within his artwork from the soft ghost flame in the orange to yellow blend , then blending into a bright pearl blue with a metal effect blades over the top giving the car a dramatic effect. The car was painted in House of Kolor and Dupont paints. Custom Celica Won Top Murals/Graphics Auto Salon 2007 Sydney, Melbourne and now has just taken out GRAND CHAMPION MURALS & GRAPHICS at Auto Salon FINAL BATTLE 2007. This car arrived at Advanced Airbrush silver and the client requested a Pink floyd theme. So it was resprayed black and artwork put together to refect the Pink Floyd feel in a full wrap mural. F150 Airbrushed with lightening theme for a business client, we have also re developed his logo and have placed this over the lightening on the doors useing a Chrome Effect. This bonnet was Airbrushed for a lady who is a lover of Gecko's This is a top Street Car fully Muraled in Drag theme, the base colour was Grey. Tiger on Holden bonnet NEW!!!!! Full custom Spray Booth - We now offer Full Custom Work including Crystal Ice Pearl, Flakes and many more on Cars, Bikes Full Custom paints and effects. Tiger car with pink graphics Blue car with clouds (this is a softer finish) Artwork in self expres​sion(be an individual) Top Street Car/ Show in spider graphic and soft blends VW with Soft True Fire front and dragon Mural on the sides D sexy was painted to give effect of metal including the bonnet with Graphics Scary has taken out Many top Mural awards in 2006 & 2007 Here is a car with graphics This is produced using HOK allowing the deep rich True Fire effect. Ice Blue Suzuki in show Ice Blue Suzuki now takes to the streets Hyundai Elantra in water theme with Mermaid on bonnet (Street Car but show quality) Burgandy PT cruiser and Wayne did his special touch with Gold and reverse Flame Promotional RX8 now lives in Sth Australia The undercarriage is fully airbrushed also with a cracking / larva effect. It flows through the interior of the car. The new graphics on the side are based on a theme of breaking rocks THIS CAR HAS WON MORE AWARDS I CAN'T LIST THEM ALL. This Car Won " KING OF AUTO SALON" too many features to mention The Artwork was produced on a bonnet and took 1 days to complete This artwork was painted by Adrian and produced on bonnet Corvette with flags Airbrushed on it. Holden VR Acclaim , themed in full SPAWN Artwork 200SX with arwork based on Freddy the movie. This is the old look for YLOOK. If you see it running around now, which is highly unlikely it is wild. It has a wild mural of a Tiger lying on its side with super bright sea scene behind it. Fire and Blades There is nothing we don't airbrush on a car. Here are the engine covers painted in the same theme as our new promotion ute. Engine covers can be airbrushed along with any other part of a car Wheel Cover Looks fantastic with water drops on leaves to add to the 3D feel. Goddess This was one of our Promotional Cars you will see around. It is a 2002 Hyundai Elantra. It has been themed up in Egyptian and has been named "Goddess", It has gold perl through it as well as a gold Flake. It is certainly something different. PSYCHO "Psycho" won KING of Auto Salon 2001. We airbrushed the whole car, wheel arches, undercarriage, interior including the floor and rear around speakers. Not one part of the car dosn't have artwork. Golden Tiger This car was 2 tonned at the bottom to allow the tiger effect, it was designed by its owner on paper then we reproduced it for him onto his car. DCHIEF This car was painted in a full theme of Indians. It was produced over 1 week and is a full wrapp mural, it is also a street car but the first show it appeared at it won Top Murals. This artwork was developed to give you the impression of a Polar Bear climbing out of the ice and ice running back down the doors. This is a PT Cruiser Boot Mural. It is a city scene with a PT Cruiser driving through with its head lights on. Completed Mid 2002. Going away from the usual lightning we have done a blue lightning on a white car. This has taken out some top awards in its first show for Murals. 007 was partly airbrushed at Supernats (Eastern Creek) and then finished at Auto Salon (Homebush) Sukuki Swift themed as 007 car with guns, fire and of course the James Bond girls. Jetspeeds WRX "Top Gun" This car was started at Big Boys Toys in Sydney 2000, it since has been one the most highly photographed cars around . Everyone was a little unsure with doing Jets on a car, but with Wayne forsight and creative talents he made it outstanding. He needed something to relate to the company's name "Jet Speed" what a perfect way to do this. This WRX has now taken out the "Sony Hot 4's Car of the Year Award 2001"
  16. Tim

    > CRX ED9, EE8

    Génial ce crx.
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