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Tout ce qui a été posté par DTM-M3

  1. DTM-M3

    M3e30 parking only

    Here some pictures I have made last year at the Salzburgring.
  2. DTM-M3

    Footrest M3 Group A /DTM

    I have two pices and the prototyp. E-Mail me for making busines.
  3. Is anyone interested in such a part ??? It´s a orginal Copy of the BMW Motorsport part.
  4. DTM-M3

    90 Jahre BMW - Galerie

    Great pictures, mercy !!
  5. Tony Longhurst have had a big crash in 1991. Here is a video.
  6. DTM-M3

    M3e30 parking only

    Some pictures from my archive. Enjoy it 8)
  7. DTM-M3

    M3e30 parking only

    Some pics from the Hillclimb final 2004
  8. DTM-M3

    Reportage M3e30 DTM

    Here you can find more of this videos. It is my website. A few years ago I take it on my website, but now the videos are all over the Internet. Click on "Videos "
  9. DTM-M3

    M3e30 parking only

    Some pics of two ex. DTM cars
  10. DTM-M3

    Video Histocup

    Thank you for this name. It´s a honour for me. Thanks !!! :) No problem ! have a look under your avatar.... Now you are forced to share ALL your pics and videos about DTM... OK, I will do my best !!!
  11. DTM-M3

    Video Histocup

    Thank you for this name. It´s a honour for me. Thanks !!! :)
  12. DTM-M3

    Video Histocup

    Here I have some nice pictures from this race day at the Salzburgring. This was a very great day for me. Enjoy the pics !!!
  13. DTM-M3

    Video Histocup

    Video from the Austrian Histocup. In the youngtimer cup are a lot of ex.DTM M3.
  14. DTM-M3

    M3e30 parking only

    Ok, ok here are some pics I have made at the DTM race 1992 at the Norisring.
  15. DTM-M3

    M3e30 parking only

    [quote="Mpower238"] If I want to post all I need one year, hahaha....
  16. DTM-M3

    M3e30 parking only

    Some pictures from my Gallery. I have millions of pictures.
  17. The white M3 with the M-Strips is my friend Richard Kaulitz. Here is his website:
  18. DTM-M3

    Petit tour chez BM92

    Two interesting cars. Where are they are lokated ??? Are the cars for sale ????
  19. DTM-M3

    resto d'une ex dtm

    Thank you willm3. I will wait for news of this great projekt. :salut:
  20. DTM-M3

    resto d'une ex dtm

    Are there any news or pictures about the preparing of the car ?????
  21. DTM-M3

    Souvenirs souvenirs...

    So many great M3´s in France. Thank you for the pictures !!
  22. DTM-M3

    320i STW

    What a great video Thank you 8)
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