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Tout ce qui a été posté par DTM-M3

  1. DTM-M3

    Pistenclub @ spa

    Hello Stef, The engine is a standard M3 E46 engine. There will come a lot of special parts and airbox, but I dont know when.
  2. DTM-M3

    Pistenclub @ spa

    Just great job mate. What a nice car. I was so pleased when i saw the car on the ring. My first thougt was, fuck a GTR Nice work an so nice in white. There is a lot of work on the car in the next winter. The car need more horse power and the inside of the car have to be finished.
  3. DTM-M3

    Pistenclub @ spa

    Hello Vazily, I found in your gallery " Touristenfahrten 7.10.2007 a car who is built from my brother. It is a M3 E46 with GTR bodykit from Flossmann. We chanced the roof from steel to carbon,too. Here is a picture out of your gallery and some pictures from the car in front of my house.
  4. DTM-M3

    Schnitzer DTM M3

    I have a lot of contacts to people who love the old M3. And there I get a lot of pictures.
  5. Some pictures of a ex. Schnitzer DTM M3. I dont know witch periode this car is but the aerodynamic is from 1990.
  6. I found the Zakspeed photogalerie with some pictures from the M3´s.
  7. DTM-M3

    M3e30 parking only

    Five pictures I have made at the Salzburgring.
  8. DTM-M3

    M3e30 parking only

    Wooow, very nice pictures !!!! Thank you Merci
  9. Enjoy the videos and the sound 8)
  10. Short video from the Muzzimo Gr.A M3 tested at the Salzburgring. The sound is great. :salut:
  11. Short video from the Muzzimo Gr.A M3 tested at the Salzburgring. The sound is great. :salut:
  12. The Mercedes 190 Evo II was a great race car. Here is a picture I have made at the Norisring 1992. Ellen Lohr in the Berlin 2000 Mercedes after the warm up in the morning.
  13. DTM-M3

    DTM 1991 Video

    A nice video from the DTM 1991. You must see it !!!!
  14. Rob got the stickers from me !!! :welcome: Rob
  15. Here is the website of the new owner.
  16. haha. Rudi, you are King of pics... not me. PS: My French is not good.. :pale: I think the canadian can speak french ???
  17. No, No, I only know some of this great cars. Next Time I will present a other car who is in Austria. It´s the ex. Schnitzer/ Ravaglia car from the Italian Championship 1991. It will come soon :salut:
  18. And here a picture of the car in Goodwood.
  19. Nice pictures !!! I visit the new owner of the car. He lives near to me. Befor he bought your car he was interested to buy my M3,but I am not interested to sale my M3. Here I have some pictures made in the garega of the new owner Herbert Reiter:
  20. DTM-M3

    DTM 92 Video

    He Robb, nice to see you here in this Forum !!!
  21. DTM-M3

    DTM 92 Video

    He Robb, nice to see you here in this Forum !!!
  22. DTM-M3

    M3e30 parking only

    This is the orginal Diebels M3 from Christian Danner 1991.
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