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Tout ce qui a été posté par DTM-M3

  1. I hear that the car is sold to swisserland. Anyone knows who is the new owner of it ???
  2. DTM-M3

    ///m3e30 drivers

    I checked my archiv about the driver Nr. 16. It must be Siegfried Maier. He was sharing the car from the Tauber Team with Franz Dufter.
  3. DTM-M3

    ///m3e30 drivers

    Nr. 18 ) Otto Rensing is wrong. This is Prinz Leopold v. Bayern
  4. DTM-M3

    ///m3e30 drivers

    Pour ceux qui sont en Gras, je suis sûr de chez sûr, mais pour les autres, merci de m'aider !!! pirro== 11 Nr. 8 ) Thomas Winkelhock (the younger brother from Jockel Winkelhock ) Nr. 25) Armin Bernhard ( Mercedes Benz private driver )
  5. Here is a nice BMW Motorsport Gallery. You can see various BMW Motorsport models.
  6. DTM-M3

    M3e30 parking only

    The car run at hillclimbs and club races. OK, less attention then Cut out of the fenders are way too big ! It´s the only way to take the car down if you have carbon fenders on it !!
  7. DTM-M3

    M3e30 parking only

    The car run at hillclimbs and club races. OK, less attention then Cut out of the fenders are way too big ! It´s the only way to take the car down if you have carbon fenders on it !!
  8. DTM-M3

    M3e30 parking only

    The car run at hillclimbs and club races.
  9. DTM-M3

    M3e30 parking only

    The first pictures in the new year :salut:
  10. DTM-M3

    M3e30 parking only

    Thank you for this great pictures viko !!! You are number one !!!
  11. Merry Cristmas to all of you. I hope I can post more pictures and Videos next year.
  12. I found two videos of the ex DTM M3 from Armin Dellkamm at the hillclimb final race in Mickhausen. Outside Movie: Onboardvideo:
  13. Herbert Reiter at a Asphalt Rallye in Italy with the ex. Reutter M3
  14. DTM-M3

    Levier vitesse DTM

    I install a orginal DTM gear shifter from BMW Motorsport in my M3.
  15. I have a new video for you. The Dobler Motorsport DTM M3 at the hillclimb race in Oberhallau (swisserland). It is a ex. Linder M3.
  16. To bad !!! Another broken Group A M3.
  17. Replica Footrest from the M3 DTM / Group A
  18. DTM-M3

    M3e30 parking only

    Amazing picture. The Valier M3 is jumping :salut: Thank you
  19. DTM-M3

    Röllinghoff DTM M3

    I will do my best to make all of you a happy day. :salut: If I have new pictures or videos, I post it.
  20. I found a great video from Peter Röllinghoffs ex.DTM M3. Turn the speakers on. The sound is amazing !!!
  21. I found some videos about Johnny Cecotto from 1990-1992.The Videos are good, but there is no sound, sorry. Johnny at the Nürburgring after the crash with Fritz Kreuzpointner 1990 1991: Johnny slides on the oil of Armin Bernhards Mercedes in Hockenheim 1992: Johnny drove in the new BMW Fina Team. First part of the video, he goes out of the pits at the Nürburgring. Second part of the video, he have had a big accident at the Norisring. I hope you like the videos :)
  22. A lot of great models. Now you need a real M3 E30 !!
  23. DTM-M3

    Ton Vink´s DTM M3 is ready

    To much compliments !!! Thank you all
  24. Ton Vink´s DTM M3 is ready. Here some pictures and a video. He checked the car in Zandfoort
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