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Tout ce qui a été posté par Mpower238-s14-motorsport

  1. Oui ais une serie 5 motrice beaucoup plus qu'une e30
  2. Encoie moi un mail avec les pièces dont tu as besoin:
  3. Dans le magnifique cabriolet ///M3 e36 de Nico je suppose.... Et ben il se fait plaisir le Roland Yesssssssssssssssss
  4. Elle est superbe !!! Pour info , c'est le premier ring taxi
  5. Suite içi
  6. Comme je te l'ai deja dit tout à l'heure, superbe !!! Ces roues sont splendides et à mon avis, un des plus beau modèle pour une M street !!! Tu tient le bon beau, et à n'en pas douter la suite sera du meme niveau !! Courage et patience
  7. Je met en vente mon arceau poli, à boulonner, sans démontage de tableau de bord. Look superbe sur une street racing Il y a juste 2 platines à ressouder (fournies), qui ont été coupées pour que l'arceau passe avec le toit ouvrant. Valeur neuf: 1500€ PRIX: 600€
  8. Bonne initiative fabien !! Une nouvelle info de plus !! C'est bon cyril, tu vas pouvoir mettre jour ton site , avec les TDC blanches
  9. racing à mort avec ces roues !!! elle est terrible ! Le premier jeu en france sur une M3e30, viko powaaa
  10. T'as assuré, superbes tofs
  11. Ben oui, les seuls swapp que tu asvu sur le ring , c était le tien qui n a pas fini un tour (moteur cassé) et celui de manu ..... 230 Cv et un guidon Il t'arrive quoi là ? Mais tu as raison , le king du ring avec la meilleure M3e30 du monde...
  12. Vous oubliez beaucoup le pilote .... j'ai vu tourner des M3e30 de 200ch sur le ring, plus vite que des swappées ou autres machines .... Eternel débat que celui du swap
  13. Ah? interessant ça !! donc pas que des noires ?
  14. Salut Sylvain ! Bienvenue sur le forum, et felicitations pour ce superbe achat !! ( t'avais dit qu'il fallait foncer pour l'acheter ) En tout cas, elle est entre de bonnes mains, et fait attention Jean est toujours sur le forum pour t'avoir à l'oeil
  15. Oui il m'a dejà contacté pour son inscription
  16. Le tarif est de 20€ par voiture et 20€ par personne. Merci d'inscrire vos pseudos à la suite, je transmettrai la liste : -Mpower238 -
  17. Un grand meeting M3e30 est organisé au ring le dernier week end de juin, avec une aire reservée au meeting, à l'interieur du circuit GP. A la demande de john l'organisateur, je relaye l'info. S14 Meeting 25-27. June 2010 -- Nürburgring Date: Friday, 25. June to Sunday 27. June 2010 ....................... Location: Paddock GP Circuit -- Event Area 2. Schedule: Friday: 12:00-14:00 Meeting area paddock GP circuit 14:30-19:30 Tourist lapping Nordschleife Saturday: 10:00-23:00 Meeting area paddock GP circuit (there will be a tent and seating area as well) 14:00-17:00 Viewing areas on the Nordschleife during RCN (Brünnchen, Pflanzgarten, usw) 17:00-17:30 Meeting point for parade lap 17:30-18:00 E30 M3 parade lap on the Nordschleife 18:00-19:30 Tourist lapping Nordschleife 20:00-23:00 Tent at paddock GP circuit (Food & Drink will be provided) 08:00-12:00 For participants of the GLP Nordschleife 14:00-17:30 For participants of the RCN Nordschleife Sunday: 10:00-18:00 Meeting area paddock GP circuit 09:00-19:30 Tourist lapping Nordschleife 20:00-23:00 Local restaurant (for those that stay until Monday) Opening Times Tourist Lapping Nordschleife: Friday 14:30 to 19:30 Saturday 18:00 to 19:30 Sunday 09:00 to 19:30 Additional Events: •Radical Euro Masters, Races (GP circuit) •Formula Superleague, Races (GP circuit) •GLP, Gleichmässigkeits Prüfung (Nordschleife) •RCN, Race (Nordschleife) Fees (pre-paid): •per car € 20 (Weekend ticket with parking paddock area GP circuit) •per visitor € 20 (Weekend ticket, includes: see below) Payment: contact via PM / email once signed up S14 Meeting 2010 This year we have planned another S14 meeting at the famous Nürburgring. It will be held from Friday 25 June thru Sunday 27 June 2010 and our meeting area during all of the days will be directly inside the GP circuit next to the main paddock---see "Event Area 2" in the map above. There will be a reserved parking area for our E30 M3s. We will have a large tent and seating area as well, where we will also meet in the evening (food and drink will be provided). In the immediate vicinity of our meeting area (within walking distance), you will have access to the main paddock, hot pits, spectator areas, rest rooms, Lindner hotel, restaurants, bars and "Eifel Village". The Nürburgring village is only a few minutes walk on foot, with additional access to various restaurants and Bed & Breakfast. The Nordschleife main entrance is just a few minutes away. During the weekend you will find plenty of racing action in addition to our S14 meeting. On the GP circuit, there will be racing the Radical Euro Masters, the national level German Radical Masters and also the Formula Superleague (formula cars with ca. 750 hp). On the Nordschleife, there will be the GLP in the morning and in the afternoon the RCN race (both with entries from the E30 M3 faction). We have picked these dates with a purpose in mind. The Saturday will allow for a proper S14 meeting where everyone can get to know each other, see the cars and exchange ideas. There is an extensive motorsport offering on the side and being positioned inside the GP circuit provides for easy access to a great infrastructure. It is expected to have much less traffic on the Nordschleife during this weekend since most of the Saturday will be closed for GLP and RCN. Fridays are typically a good day for lapping and the Sunday should be less crowded as well. So overall, we should get better quality time on the Nordschleife. The intent is to have a good blend of motorsport action, fun time reserved for lapping the Nordschleife and quality time spent meeting with other members of the S14 community. On Saturday at 17:30, we have planned a parade lap of the Nordschleife with all of the E30 M3s. The track will be closed, exclusively for us, for this purpose. At 18:00, normal tourist lapping will begin and we will have about 1.5 hours of lapping. On Friday afternoon we will have about 5 hours of lapping and on Sunday all day. The race organiser (Radical Germany) has assigned us a portion of the paddock named "Event Area 2" for the entire weekend. Special thanks goes to Radical Germany. We have planned to arrange for a large tent and with catering in the evening so that we are able to have dinner together and dont have to split up our group over multiple restaurants. Organising this kind of event is not entirely without cost and we are asking for a small fee to help cover these: 20 euro per vehicle and 20 euro per person. This includes the following: - Weekend ticket to the GP circuit, Radical masters, Superleague and with access to all spectating areas and paddock areas. The ticket comes in the form of a special "Ring Card". - Every Ring Card is pre-loaded with 5 euro which can be used in any of the shops / eateries - 50% reduced admission price for the "Ringwerk" - Free access during the entire weekend to the paddock and parking areas at Event Area 2 - Saturday night dinner including drinks (in our meeting area in the large tent). - Tours to various spectating areas around the Nordschleife during GLP/RCN (especially of interest to first timers at the Ring) - On Friday, the possibility to get passenger rides around the Nordschleife with experienced drivers We will post you your tickets packet several weeks in advance. If you are interested in attending, please sign up well in advance and get your rooms booked early as well. Everyone is responsible for booking their own hotel rooms, however, we can provide recommendations and assistance if required. The sign up list is located here: We will contact you via PM or eMail for payment of the event fees. The Org-Team (Karl, Marco, Rainer, Willi, John) Ne reste plus qu'à representer le forum
  18. Une page qui se tourne... il n'y a aucun doute , le nouveau proprio en sera content !! Pas de souci pour presenter sa "grosse" soeur dans le bistrot
  19. C'est clair,pour la petite histoire à l'époque il a contacté markus pour disribuer ses produits et lui a demandé d'utiliser ses photos. Du coup , jamais rien commandé, et il distribue les produits d'une autre boite allemande ...
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