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Tout ce qui a été posté par QcMark2
C`est drole pareil que la mk6 Golf (comme la mienne) n`a pas de tambour arriere et possède une suspention independente. Comme Dan. Picard viens de dire, c`est un drole de retour en arrière... J`ai aussi payé 10k $ de plus que la Jetta mk6 `de base` aussi.... Pour la Jetta 2011, elle est rendu la voiture ``entrée de game`` pour Volks. De plus, j`ai aussi entendu dire que si elle a du succès en vente, la Polo sera offerte en amerique bientot. C'est pas pour rien que la hyundai accents est l'auto la plus vendue au quebec... on est cheap . On oublie la qualiter ! Rien de mieux que s'assir dans la nouvelle VW Mk6 GTI! J'en bave chaque fois que mon ami me donne un lift.. Il va ce faire un compte cvwo une fois qui achete les wheels et c'est KW
Moteur 2.0L ABA OBD1 ***Vendu***
QcMark2 a répondu à un(e) sujet de VW-Autowerk1 dans À vendre (vw seulement)
Essui glace avec déflecteur...
QcMark2 a répondu à un(e) sujet de VW-Autowerk1 dans Discussion Volkswagen
Mk2 Recaro, GTI seats, Momo, grille kits NOUVEAUX PRIX
QcMark2 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Marc16 dans À vendre (vw seulement)
Que c'est drole! vw vortex content.
QcMark2 a répondu à un(e) sujet de QcMark2 dans Discussion Volkswagen
J'suis ami sur facebook avec Ron, Anyways resumer de l'histoire est que Ron a vendue de ecodes de corrado, mais il est occuper , ya shipper les ecodes may a oublier d'envoyer un message pour tous confirmer.. Le gars a fait du bashing et puis moi j'ai replyer sur facebook et sur vwvortex , tous d'un coups je recoit un mesage du gars: 2000jettaVR62.9LT I'm not sure what else to do about this. Devils -design (moi) Its very simple, ask nicely , tell him you really want these and that you now understand that he's running a business creating a web site while trying to sell a wad of parts to various people. Just tell him that you'll be more patient in the future sells people have life's too they break they crack just like the rest of us. But ! ABOVE ALL tell him you serious via PM and delete all the messages on vortex.RIGHT NOW, No more public bashing.. That's never a good idea this guy has too much hanging on the line to mess up anyways! DEAL with him over PM. This guy probably doesn't like you now .. but business is business.. Ease your way in bud.. Happy holiday I hope this all works out! 2000jettaVR62.9LT I've sent a ton of PM's with no replies, I've been nice to the guy, they only way I got a reply was to post it in the thread. I will delete everything after I get my money back or headlights! I sell a ton of parts on here too and work a full time job and raise my kids. I just asked simply for a tracking number. This shouldn't be this hard to do. Devils-design Well to me you still sound hostel, you might work a full time job and all but in life you can never compare your life to someone else's I've never even met this guy and I know he's got kids he has a upholstery shop a business, an online business , recently got his teeth pulled and a broken thumb.. lol Don't try and be hostel it will bring you NO WHERE, you'll have your cash and no headlights which you'll end up finding again some day but for twice the money.. You want these? Then play it cool and play the odds in your favor, if this is what you call being nice then be super ridiculously nice! In this case you can't ''have your way'' you'll end up with nothing and look like a douche so save your bullets for another fight and carry one soldier , someone has to take a knee here.. And P.S Other people want these.. Thumbs Up ! *be cool* you'll get what you want, keep being hostel anddddd.. You know. Shawn. 2000jettaVR62.9LT fair enough, I just feel since he will not provide me with a tracking number he hasn't actually shipped them. I'm just upset because I feel lied too and I'm out $150.[/QUOTE] Devils-design No my friend he did ship them, now he's planning or already paid to have them shipped back work something out bud . Business is Business. 2000jettaVR62.9LT How do you know he shipped them? Because he said so? HA HA. a tracking number would prove that! It's really not that hard to send a PM with the tracking number is it? I've asked him nicely for a tracking number, I get no replies. The only thing I can do is ask for my money back. I'm the victim here, not him. Bad business is more like it.[/QUOTE] Devils-design You still don't get it? Youre so paranoid its not even funny. He did ship them, I have this guy on facebook, this guy's life is what he sell's and the relation between his customers , do you think he would risk all that over headlights ??? You saw how people backed him up he's done business with a lot of people. Question is do you even want these anymore ? Or are you doing all of this to be a pain in someone ass ? GO BACK TO THE BASICS Do you want these ? yes!? so forget about all the crap that has happen in the past and deal with him, if not then let him sell them to someone else, stop bashing him and stop wasting my time trying to get you some sweet ecodes.. Enough is enough grown up bud.. A victim is only a victim if they keep whining about it and choose to do nothing to mend the situation. He might get a bad rap for the one customer he messed up, but after people see how you've stubbornly reacted well, it'll be like you never existed.. Plain and simple right there.. Happy holidays. 2000jettaVR62.9LT Basic bottom line, paid money, no parts, no tracking, he doesn't reply to me. I will let paypal mend the situation. If he cared about his rep then he would take 2 minutes and handle this. Merry Christmas, thanks for your time. :Done wasting my time with this guy, I would've fixed the situation and got my part by now instead he will keep pursuing this ''mission '' of his trying to bash him ..
the kijiji craiglist lespac ebay whatever find thread
QcMark2 a répondu à un(e) sujet de yves10 dans À vendre (vw seulement)