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Marie Girard

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Tout ce qui a été posté par Marie Girard

  1. Marie Girard

    Baja SAE Texas 15:45 = Design Presentation FRIDAY - APRIL 25, 2014
  2. Marie Girard

    Compétition BRP

    Pour ceux qui ont manifesté leur intention de participer à la compétition BRP, j'ai besoin d'ici MARDI prochain votre plus récent relevé de notes et votre CV pour envoyer à BRP. Envoyez-moi le tout à:
  3. Il y a une réunion demain midi, qui s'adresse surtout à ceux qui viennent au Texas. Tout le monde est invité mais on va surtout organiser la semaine à venir et la compétition.
  4. Notre Frame Design Pre-Check a été ACCEPTÉ!
  5. Marie Girard

    Baja SAE Texas
  6. Marie Girard

    Baja SAE Kansas

    J'imagine qu'il y aurait moyen d'arranger de quoi!
  7. Important de ne pas oublier de réserver les stationnements pour chaque sortie, 2 jours à l'avance pour obtenir l'autorisation avant d'y aller. Tout ce qu'on doit faire c'est écrire un message à: et attendre une réponse. Ils demandent de préciser: - le jour de la sortie; - l'heure; - l'endroit; - le motif; - le nom du projet; Pour un jour de semaine (lundi au jeudi) il n'est pas possible de réserver un stationnement avant 20h et même à cette heure-là, il faut aller vérifier avant pour être certain qu'il n'y ait plus d'auto. Il faut également aviser la sécurité avant de sortir et il faut barrer l'accès au cas où une auto arriverait.
  8. Marie Girard

    Baja SAE Texas

    ''Your team’s roster has been designated as GREEN. As long as all team members are listed already on the attached roster, your team will be permitted to go to the Fast Track Registration line where only the team captain/advisor is required to report to registration area. He/She will be responsible for signing as witness in front of SAE staff/volunteers that the team registration being submitted is complete and accurate with those onsite and attending. He/She will also be responsible for picking up all wristbands, distributing to team members and encourage team members to wear them. He/She will also collect all other giveaway items provided to teams.'' Yé.
  9. Marie Girard

    Baja SAE Texas

    Here comes the sun:
  10. Marie Girard


    Les pneus sont arrivés chez Pneu Andre Ouellet. Est-ce que quelqu'un peut aller les chercher bientôt?
  11. Gestion - Tempête des sciences, jeudi 17 avril = Lehoux; - Montage kiosque tempête mercredi soir = FSAE ou Baja…à confirmer; - TIRAGE - Registration Data Form (Farly); - Vêtements = Mel; - Chemises; - Remise Design Report Kansas = 17 avril; - Aller-retour ETS 20 avril, U-Haul reserve (valider) Mel a confirmer, besoin d'une autre pesonne!; - Collants = Ethier; - Remboursements, à venir; Technique - Ré-usiner subframes 2014 (Étienne) - Suivi shocks; - Suivi gearbox; - Shifter; - Draglinks 2014; - Bracket tank; - Question SAE tank; - Rallonger brakes (Ethier#Farly); - Cable throttle final (court); - Lumiere brake; - Usiner calliper = Farly; - Splash shield, hood, backplate, cover CVT; - Sample soudure; - Trimer carrosserie; - Pose vinyle + collants; - Testing ECVT = ce soir? Démonstration demain soir devant PA;
  12. Marie Girard

    Tirage 2014

    Bravo à la blonde d'Étienne qui gagne le tirage 2014! Pour l'argent déposé, j'ai comptabilisé ceci: Benoit = 102$ Félix = 2$ François = 70$ Melissande = 103$ Farly = 103$ Est-ce exact? Est-ce que j'ai oublié quelqu'un?
  13. Marie Girard

    Alexandre Côté

    Julien, j'ai fait un chèque pour ton frère. Il est dans le tiroir. Libre a toi de passer le prendre quand tu veux!
  14. Marie Girard

    Compétition BRP

    ''Je confirme que notre événement aura lieu le 19 juin à Valcourt Nous espérons vraiment votre participation! Voici un lien pour visualiser le vidéo de l'événement de l'an dernier qu a été offert aux équipes de Formule SAE. J'aurais besoin sous peu de votre confirmation et de la liste de noms des participants (max 10 participants par équipe) Merci et au plaisir de se revoir! Eve'' Qui veut venir? J'attends une réponse d'ici lundi prochain!
  15. Ouin, ça peut se faire. M'en va comptabiliser tout ça lundi.
  16. Marie Girard


    Ok, je touche a rien alors
  17. Marie Girard

    Baja SAE Texas

    *****************IMPORTANT***************** Quentin, Farly, manque des informations pour votre inscription (Emergency Contact + Emergency Phone). ALLEZ UPDATER L'INFO MAINTENANT S'IL-VOUS-PLAIT.
  18. Marie Girard

    Baja SAE Texas

    ''As you may know, we have a new registration option this year that will allow teams to register much quicker. We call it Fast Track Registration, and you will need to do some work ahead of the event in order to take advantage of Fast Track Registration. Part One: TODAY 1. Verify the accuracy of the attached roster of team members affiliated to your team on 2. Add any missing students or Faculty Advisors. 3. Verify all emergency contact information is complete. 4. If anyone is missing emergency contact information, complete this information on 5. Ensure that all additions and modifications are made by APRIL 15, 2014 AT 11:59 PM EST. Note: The only blank columns should be Size and Note. All modifications must be made on, not handwritten. Part Two: ONE WEEK FROM NOW 1. In one week, you will receive your updated roster with all changes and a color designation. GREEN: All information is completed. Green teams will be permitted to go to the Fast Track Registration line. YELLOW: All information is completed except for the Faculty Advisor. Yellow teams will be permitted to go to the Fast Track Registration line. RED: Not all information is completed. Red teams must report to the regular registration line with all team members and will not be permitted to go to the Fast Track Registration line. 2. If you’ve received a green or yellow designation, print the entire packet. 3. Ensure that every team member reads the Participant Waiver and confirms emergency contact information. 4. Handwrite the t-shirt size in the Size column. 5. Every team member should sign in the signature column over the text “I have read release on page 2” in the presence of the Team Captain or Faculty Advisor. 6. DO NOT SIGN THE FINAL PAGE. This must be signed in the presence of an SAE International staff member or registration volunteer. Note: The only handwriting that will be accepted are t-shirt sizes and signatures. Sizes are not guaranteed and are on a first come first serve basis. Part Three: REGISTRATION DAY 1. Only the Team Captain or Faculty Advisor will proceed to the SAE International Registration Area with their team’s completed roster. 2. The Team Captain or Faculty Advisor will sign the list of signatures IN FRONT OF the Registration Staff to confirm the validity of all signatures. 3. The Team Captain or Faculty Advisor will receive all wristbands and giveaways for only those who have signed. Note: Student Registration will only be open DAY ONE AND TWO of the event. Anyone registering for the first time on Dynamic Day or Endurance Day will be considered a spectator. Frequently Asked Questions Q: How do we add team members to the list if we don't see them? A: Each team member needs to affiliate themselves online the team's registration page under the specific competition signing in with their SAE membership profile. They must also complete the required information used at registration. Q: What is the timeframe we need to get team members affiliated? A: As team members join the team, they should be affiliating themselves online. Team captains will be sent a list at least two weeks prior to the competition to confirm that all the team members are affiliated and their information is complete. We WILL NOT accept any handwritten documents onsite (except for t-shirt size).At least one week out from the competition, team captains will be emailed FINAL Registration Form that must be presented onsite. Q: What happens if we get our final registration form and we still need team members added? A: Writing in team members to the final list will not be accepted and so the entire team will need to report to the registration area to register. Q: In the Onsite Registration Procedure it states registration will only be open for one day; what do we do if we have a team member coming late? A: As long as that team member(s) information is filled in on the final registration form complete with his/her signature we will consider them registered and the TEAM CAPTAIN/Advisor will be given his/her wristband at the time team registers. It will be the responsibility of the team captain/advisor to give him/her their wristband and any other deliverables upon their arrival. Q: If we have all our team members affiliated but they are missing required information, what do we do? A: If you notice information missing on the first registration form provided, encourage those team members to login and complete the information. If by the second round their information is still missing, the entire team will need to report to registration area to register onsite. Q: What does it mean if everything is complete on our final registration form? A: Having all the student team members and advisor registration information completed prior to arrival onsite will allow your team to have a quick registration where only the team captain/advisor is required to report to registration area. He/She will be responsible for signing as witness in front of SAE staff/volunteers that the team registration being submitted is complete and accurate with those onsite and attending. He/She will also be responsible for picking up all wristbands, distributing to team members and encourage team members to wear them. He/She will also collect all other deliverables provided to teams.''
  19. Marie Girard


    Laurence, pour les billets d'avion, les photocopies brochées avec la note ''nouvelles heures'' fais quoi avec ça?
  20. Marie Girard

    Tirage 2014

    - Quentin - Nicholas - Félix - Ethier - Melissande - Gagnon - Étienne - Blais - Farly - Lehoux - Antoine - Nicolas - Charles-Étienne - Benoit - Laurence - Côté ...est-ce que tout le monde a pris ses billets? Si non, ils sont dans le bureau au local. Chaque billet vaut 1$ et vous donne une chance de gagner 200$ à la SAQ. Vous devez vendre 100 billets en tout, ou plus!
  21. J'ai besoin d'une confirmation le plus tôt possible de ceux dont le nom est suivi d'un ''?'': En pick-up: Nicholas Alex Gagnon Quentin Laurence Marie En char: Mel Côté Charles-Etienne (?) François (?) Blais (?) Benoit (?) Nicolas (?) Farly (?) Est-ce que j'oublie quelqu'un?
  22. Bin rendu là faudrait qu'on planifie notre trip au states en tant que homeless people...faut décider où est-ce qu'on passe notre semaine et quand on arrive en Illinois. On demandera a Doom et Gui si il veulent nous suggérer des endroits cool. Serais-tu libre pour qu'on regarde ça bientôt? Après ça on pourra regarder les hôtels libres et réserver 2 chambres. Comme la compétition se termine un samedi, normalement tout le monde dort le 7 au soir.
  23. Marie Girard

    Baja SAE Kansas

    J'ai besoin d'une confirmation le plus tôt possible de ceux dont le nom est suivi d'un ''?'': En pick-up: Nicholas Alex Gagnon Quentin Laurence Marie En char: Félix Charles-Etienne (?) François (?) Blais (?) Benoit (?) Nicolas (?) Farly (?) Est-ce que j'oublie quelqu'un?
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