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Tout ce qui a été posté par agron-subaru-sti-passion

  1. si j ai ca je calculerais ,tout se que j ai
  2. oui sa serais bien de rester un peut serieux il y a assez d endroit pour faire les cons sur se forum
  3. tu cherches toujours le 1.27 dadam au faite ?
  4. tu fais vraiment des photos pourrit toi en tout cas la 1000 et magnifique ,pour l avoir vue!!!!!
  5. rouler cool le 2.5l mange en effet de l huile
  6. While chucks car is under the knife Justin has been hard at work prototyping IC piping and intake piping on Frank and Mikes car. The end product will have a black crinkle coat finish. very stealth. At AMS we pride ourselves on making the highest quality and most powerful parts on the market. This does not come easy but thanks to our highly qualified team and state of the art equipment we can make that a reality for any customer. One of the tools we use to achieve this goal is our portable CMM arm (coordinate measurement machine). Our Romer portable CMM allows us to digitally plot any given area we are working with. By taking the arm and touching key points on the motor and the chassis we can digitally recreate the entire GT-R drivetrain in our CAD software. Why is this important? This allows us to make and design the best part possible using the given space constraints. The end result is a product that fits like stock, lasts the life of the car and produces the most power capable in that given area. Remember all that math in school that you thought you would never use in real life? Well we do In chuck's case we are using this technology to create quite simply the best turbo kit available for the GT-R! Here are some pictures of one of our engineers Drew Johnson plotting the GT-R engine bay on Chucks soon to be AMS powered 1000plus WHP GT-R!
  7. Technician is now tearing apart Chucks car... Chuck your car is now a hovercraft! lol Ivan has been busy. Your motor is out on the bench. your rear end is out along with the transmission off to the trans shop for work. The cage was cut out of it to build and install a 8.50 cage and possibly chute. Lots of work going on over here....lots of work The motor will now go back in the car without the oem turbos and will be passed over to our fab guys to begin turbo kit R&D
  8. In addition to the black 1000whp car we are building we are also strengthening the trans as well as improving the 700whp AMS GT-r owned by Frank and Mike Franks trans is OUT and getting ready for shipment. Time to start digging into the fuel system and dropping the motor in Chucks car [Cranking away over here. We dropped Frank's Fuel tank so we can dissect the factory fuel pump housing to upgrade to larger volume pumps
  9. agron-subaru-sti-passion

    Golf R20
  10. agron-subaru-sti-passion

    Golf R20

  11. agron-subaru-sti-passion

    Golf R20

    non; on parle moteur aussi 305cv moteur d origine trouver 270 a 280cv moteur au roue encore moins ,mais en correspondance au 270cv a 280cv j ai pas les feuilles de bans sous le nez je t en mettrais une ou 2
  12. agron-subaru-sti-passion

    Golf R20

    donc d'après toi une sti 280 cv sors 280 cv aux roues non pas au roue car les 280cv des sti sont moteur comme les autres autos d ailleur donc impossible d avoir au roue
  13. agron-subaru-sti-passion

    Golf R20

    a oui c est prouvé la ,est banc a l appuis casi personne ont leur 305cv sa tourne en moyenne a 270 a 280cv une personne a eu dans les 245cv je crois beaucoup se plaignent ,et je les comprend va faire un tour sur le forum FRS
  14. agron-subaru-sti-passion

    Golf R20

    rare sont les sti qui ont sortit moins que d origine
  15. T'as essayé avec ta brouette? oui avec toi dedans tu te rappel pas mais t etait trop lourd
  16. pour allez dans mon garage chez moi il y a une belle monter pour sortir de la maison avec de la neige ,j ai tout essayer traction,prop,meme camion benne en prop et gros pneus,et master ba ,il y a que l evo ou les sub qui monte en pneus ete rien d autre alors une porsche
  17. en tout cas ,elle est vraiment sympa comme elle est la !
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