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Johnathan Schwemler

Johnathan Schwemler in Lucas Oil Sportsman Cup!

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Inside Track magazine presented the 7th Annual Canadian Motorsports Expo this past weekend. Kyle Bush, Micheal Waltrip and the "Trailer Park Boys" were all in attendance as well as many NASCAR Cdn Tire Series stars.

Johnathan Schwemler trailered his new ride from the Johnathan Schwemler Racecars (JSR) shop in Napierville, Quebec to Toronto Thursday night in preparation for the three day show. JSR will be preparing an ex-NCATS '09 McColl chassis in the Lucas Oil Sportsman Cup (LOSC) for Canadian Heroes.

Canadian Heroes is a non-profit organization that was formed as a tribute to the fallen soldiers that paid the ultimate sacriface in the Afghan war. The Canadian Heroes LOSC program invites the family to a memorial race held in their fallen soldier's memory and treats them to a full VIP hospitality experience. The hood at each race is wrapped to commemorate the event and is donated to the family following the race.

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