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Ricky Dee 38


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up up up !!!

accrochage a la derniere course , besoin d'un devant , d'une aile avant gauche et d une porte gauche , 2 bout de tuyau à changer .

vendu tel quel 7500$

possibilité de faire reparation nécéssaire , ready to race à 10 000$

viens avec pieces de spare ...

Benoit 450-602-1484 ou par mp


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produc#33 a écrit:
félecitation, es ce que tu fais toute la saison?

merci! oui je va courser toute la saison 2012!

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karol49 a écrit:
thank you very much,
I'm really happy Very Happy

bravo . Karol !!!!!! tu fait un grand changement, coursera tu a Capital ????

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karol, there's three of us that should get together and talk to capital city speedway about being allowed to run there. if you're at the meeting next week get ahold of me to talk about it

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already talk to tood about being allowed to run the sportman (ANCA) at Capital City and the response si NO!

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This would probably be better discussed in person, and I'm sure the main effort for the three cars that would benefit from the availablity of running in Ottawa would be the full season at ASE.

That being said...
The cars aren't much different, especially now that they went to fibreglass bodies. Our tires and weight placement really help our cars though.
The car count in Ottawa is really hurting most nights, and if their end of year invitational event is on the same weekend as last year, it doesn't conflict with ASE. ASE's season will be complete, there wouldn't be any ill effect on either points championships etc. The bonus for Ottawa could be an increase in their car count (what did they have for their big show, 6 cars?)
When my sponsor encouraged me to investigate running a second time the tech director wanted my sportsman to move up and run with their ACT latemodels.

I think if there is interest that Todd and the others would look into it further, but it's going to take more than just the three of us asking individually if we can run.

Sorry for highjacking your thread... We should take the interested parties and get together at the rules meeting and perhaps receive Yves' blessing before doing much more.

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I understand your point, but Ottawa does not want to kill (Thunder Cars) for a class sportman

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Talk to me Saturday. Maybe with some wiser business sensed people we can come up with a way to help both the racers that are interested in running, and the track to increase it`s field (at least for the one special it runs a year), all without hurting our current racing at ASE.

Trying this would benefit me a lot less than some others. Right now to be legal in Ottawa I just need manifolds, change the tranny to an auto, tires and to move my weight from the left side of my chassis more to the center. That also means I should be alot slower (which I am) than our ASE Sportsmans built to take full advantage of the rules.

It is a balancing act to get all parties involved interested and sold on the idea, but it may be worth the effort.

Johnathan Schwemler

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you have to change the (screw) in front, for original table, Minimum frame height 6 inches

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