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[BMW essence] Huiles conseillées par usine BMW (résolu)

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1) L'huile moteur M610 peut également être utilisée jusqu'à épuisement des stocks. Voir annexe 10
2) Les huiles Longlife-04 sont autorisées pour les moteurs à essence uniquement en Europe (UE et Suisse,
Norvège et Liechtenstein). En dehors de cette zone, elles ne doivent pas être utilisées en raison des problèmes
fréquents de qualité du carburant.
3) Utiliser uniquement l'huile de rodage 5W-30 de référence 83 21 0 398 507/508 pour les 2000 premiers km.
Passer ensuite à l'huile 10W60.
4) La rubrique "Divers" contient tous les moteurs/modèles BMW qui ne figurent pas sur le tableau ci-dessus, tels
que M10, M20, M30, M40, M42, M43, M44, M50, M52, M60, M62, M70, M73, S14, S38, S50, S50U, S52, S70,

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4.0 "Longlife-04"

Homologuées pour les moteurs BMW suivants : voir l'annexe 3

Les huiles Longlife-04 sont autorisées pour les moteurs à
essence uniquement en Europe (UE et Suisse,

Norvège et Liechtenstein). En dehors de cette zone, elles ne
doivent pas être utilisées en raison des problèmes

fréquents de qualité du carburant.

4.1 Huiles moteur Longlife-04 disponibles via le service
d'approvisionnement des pièces BMW :

Huile moteur Longlife-04 SAE 0W-40

Nom commercial Référence P.R.A. BMW Stockage

Huile moteur BMW Longlife-04 83 21 0 398 504 1 litres

Huile moteur Longlife-04 83 21 0 398 505 208 litres

Huile moteur Longlife-04 83 21 0 398 506 Citerne

Huile moteur Longlife-04 SAE 5W-30

Nom commercial Référence P.R.A. BMW Stockage

Huile moteur BMW Longlife-04 83 21 0 398 507 1 litres

Huile moteur Longlife-04 83 21 0 398 508 208 litres

Huile moteur Longlife-04 83 21 0 398 509 Citerne

4.2 Désignations des huiles Longlife-04 homologuées :

commercial Viscosité Fabricant

Extra Power MV 0538 SAE 5W-30 Addinol Lube Oil GmbH

Formula MS B04 SAE 5W-30 ENI S.p.A.

Alpine RSL
5W30 LA SAE 5W-30 Mitan Mineralöl GmbH

SuperTronic SAE 0W-40 Aral

Astris DPF Syntho SAE 5W-30 Astris SA

AVIA Synth
LS SAE 0W-40 Avia Mineralöl AG

Unique BM SAE 5W-30 Finke Mineralölwerk GmbH

Longlife-04 SAE 5W-30 Krafft S.L. (Unipersonal)

Bizol New
Generation SAE 5W-30 BITA Trading GmbH

Huile moteur Budget synthèse HC SAE 5W-40 Goldhand
Vertriebsges. mbH

Edge SAE 5W-30 Castrol Limited

Edge Formula RS SAE 0W-40 Castrol Limited

Edge Sport SAE 0W-40 Castrol Limited

Edge Turbo Diesel SAE 0W-30 Castrol Limited

Formula RS SAE 0W-40 Castrol Limited

Formula SLX Turbo Diesel SAE 0W-30 Castrol Limited

Castrol GTX
MAGNATEC SAE 5W-30 Castrol Limited

Castrol GTX
9 Magnatec SAE 5W-30 Castrol Limited

Castrol SLX
LL-04 SAE 0W-30 Castrol Limited

Castrol SLX
Longlife III SAE 5W-30 Castrol Limited

SBS 4.0 "Longlife-04" BMW AG - TIS
02.05.2013 09:32

Date d'édition (08/2007) Uniquement valable jusqu'à la
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Castrol SLX
Professional OE SAE 5W-30 Castrol Limited

Castrol SLX
Professional Powerflow BMW


SAE 0W-30
Castrol Limited

Castrol SLX
Professional Powerflow BMW


SAE 5W-30
Castrol Limited

Castrol SLX
Professional Powerflow C3l SAE 0W-30 Castrol Limited

Castrol SLX
Professional Powerflow C3


SAE 0W-30
Castrol Limited

Castrol TXT
LL-04 SAE 5W-30 Castrol Limited

Cespa Star Mega LS SAE 5W-30 Cespa Lubricantes S.A.

Diesel One
SAE 5W-30 ERG Petroil spa

Syntholight HC-FE SAE 5W-30 Zeller+Gmelin

Excellium C3 SAE 5W-30 Total

Excellium LSX SAE 5W-30 Total

Elf Solaris
LSX SAE 5W-30 Total

Cleantec SAE 5W-30 Hunold Schmierstoffe GmbH

Fina First
500 SAE 5W-30 Total

Galp Energy
Ultra LS SAE 5W-40 Petrogal SA

Formula ULE SAE 5W-30 Gulf Oil International

Formula XLE SAE 5W-30 S.A. Espanola de Lubrificantes

Progress Extended SAE 5W-30 S.A. Espanola de Lubrificantes

Ultra S SAE 5W-30 Chevron Global Lubricants

Ultra S SAE 5W-40 Chevron Global Lubricants

Igol Process
Compact M SAE 5W-30 Igol France, S.A.

Jet Top
Level SAE 0W-40 Conoco Phillips GmbH

Longlife-04 SAE 5W-30 Krafft S.L. (Unipersonal)

Liqui Moly
Longtime High Tech SAE 5W-30 Liqui Moly

Liqui Moly
TopTec 4100 SAE 5W-40 Liqui Moly

Liqui Moly
Nachfüll-Öl SAE 5W-40 Liqui Moly

Liqui Moly
Pro-Engine M 400 SAE 5W-40 Liqui Moly

Liqui Moly
Pro-Engine M 500 SAE 5W-30 Liqui Moly

Marly Gold
Ultra 5W30 LL-04 SAE 5W-30 N.V. Marly S.A.

Motorenöl New Generation SAE 5W-30 Meguin GmbH & Co.KG

Midland (R)
Synova SAE 5W-30 Oel-Brack AG

Midland (R)
Synova SAE 5W-40 Oel-Brack AG

Mobil 1 ESP
SAE 0W-40 ExxonMobil

Mobil 1 ESP
Formula SAE 5W-30 ExxonMobil

Mobil Syst
S ESP SAE 5W-30 ExxonMobil

Mobil Syst
S Special V SAE 5W-30 ExxonMobil

SBS 4.0 "Longlife-04" BMW AG - TIS
02.05.2013 09:32

Date d'édition (08/2007) Uniquement valable jusqu'à la
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MOL Dynamik
Gold SAE 5W-30 MOL-LUB Lubricant Ltd.

Longlife-04 SAE 5W-30 Krafft S.L. (Unipersonal)

moteur Low Emission SAE 5W-40 Meguin GmbH

Select LA-X SAE 5W-30 Bucher AG

Specific LL-04 SAE 5W-40 Motul S.A.

Motul 8100
X-Clean SAE 5W-40 Motul S.A.

Neste City
Pro SAE 5W-40 Neste Markkinointi Oy

special C3 SAE 5W-30 OMV AG

OMV eco
plus SAE 5W-30 OMV AG

Longlife 2 SAE 5W-30 Unil Opal

Optima Eco
SAE 5W-30 Oil Refinery Modrica

Syntium 5000 LL SAE 5W-30 Petronas

MaxEnergy Euro4 SAE 5W-30 Orlen Oil Sp. z o.o.

Q Diesel
Plus SAE 5W-30 Pennzoil-Quaker State

Q8 Formula
Special SAE 5W-30 Kuwait Petroleum

Ravenol HLS
SAE 5W-30 Ravensberger Schmierstoffvertrieb


Elite Evolution SAE 5W-40 Repsol YPF

Shell Helix
Diesel Ultra Extra SAE 5W-30 Shell International Petroleum


Shell Helix
Ultra AP SAE 5W-30 Shell International Petroleum


Shell Helix
Ultra Extra SAE 5W-30 Shell International Petroleum


Shell Helix
Ultra LX SAE 5W-30 Shell International Petroleum


LazerWay C SAE 5W-40 Statoil Lubricants

Concept-Tech DX SAE 5W-30 Swd Lubricants GmbH & Co. KG

swd Primus
DX SAE 5W-30 Swd Lubricants GmbH & Co. KG

Tamoil Sint
Future Extra SAE 5W-40 Tamoil Italia SpA

Titan GT1
SAE 5W-30 Fuchs Petrolub AG

Tor Prolong
LSP SAE 5W-30 De Oliebron

Quartz INEO MC3 SAE 5W-30 Total

SynPower MST SAE 5W-30 Valvoline

Vita Alpha
SAE 5W-30 Müller Minearlöle Handels- und


VIVA 1 topsynth alpha LS SAE 5W-30 SRS Schmierstoff Vertrieb GmbH

Masterlube Synflow C3 SAE 5W-30 Wolf Oil s.a.

Yacco VX
1703 FAP SAE 5W-30 Yacco S.A.S.

Yacco VX
1703 FAP SAE 5W-40 Yacco S.A.S.

SBS 4.0 "Longlife-04" BMW AG - TIS
02.05.2013 09:32

Date d'édition (08/2007) Uniquement valable jusqu'à la
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York 848 SAE
5W-40 Ginouves SAS

recommande l'huile Castrol.


SBS 4.0 "Longlife-04" BMW AG - TIS
02.05.2013 09:32

Date d'édition (08/2007) Uniquement valable jusqu'à la
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5.0 "Longlife-01"

Homologuées pour les moteurs BMW suivants : voir l'annexe 3

5.1 Huiles BMW Longlife-01 disponibles via le service
d'approvisionnement des pièces BMW :

BMW Quality Longlife-01 SAE 0W-40 (entièrement synthétique)


Nom commercial Référence P.R.A. BMW Conditionnement

BMW Quality
Longlife-01 83 21 0 144 456 1 litres

BMW Quality
Longlife-01 83 21 0 144 458 208 litres

BMW Quality Longlife-01 83 21 0 144 459 Citerne

BMW Quality Longlife-01 SAE 5W-30 (entièrement synthétique)


Nom commercial Référence P.R.A. BMW Conditionnement

BMW Quality
Longlife-01 83 21 0 144 450 1 litres

BMW Quality
Longlife-01 83 21 0 144 452 208 litres

BMW Quality Longlife-01 83 21 0 144 453 Citerne

MINI Quality Longlife-01 SAE 5W-30 (entièrement synthétique)


Remarque :

Supprimée du catalogue de pièces. Est remplacée par
Longlife-04 SAE 5W-30

5.2 Désignation des huiles Longlife-01 homologuées :

Nom commercial Viscosité Fabricant/Fournisseur

ADDINOL Super Power MV 0537 SAE 5W-30 Addinol Lube Oil GmbH

Adnoc Image SAE 5W-30 Abu Dhabi National Oil Co.

Formula LL B 01 SAE 0W-30 ENI S.p.A.Refining and Marketing


Agip Sint
2000 Evolution SAE 5W-40 ENI S.p.A.Refining and Marketing


TECSINT SL SAE 5W-40 ENI S.p.A.Refining and Marketing


Longlife SAE 5W-30 Mitan Mineralöl GmbH

Alpine RS
SAE 0W-30 Mitan Mineralöl GmbH

Alpine RS
SAE 0W-40 Mitan Mineralöl GmbH

SuperSynth SAE 0W-40 Aral

SuperTronic B SAE 5W-30 Aral

SuperTronic G SAE 0W-30 Aral

Unique DC SAE 5W-30 Finke Mineralölwerk GmbH

S-Class Motor Oil SAE 5W-30 AXCL Gulf FZE

BP Visco
7000 SAE 0W-40 BP Oil International

SBS 5.0 "Longlife-01" BMW AG - TIS
02.05.2013 09:26

Date d'édition (08/2007) Uniquement valable jusqu'à la
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BP Visco
7000 M SAE 0W-30 BP Oil International

BP Visco
7000 Turbo Diesel SAE 0W-40 BP Oil International

Castrol DCO
Top Up SAE 0W-30 Castrol Limited

Edge SAE 0W-30 Castrol Limited

Edge SAE 5W-30 Castrol Limited

Castrol Edge
SAE 0W-40 Castrol Limited

Formula RS Power and Protection SAE 0W-40 Castrol Limited

Formula SLX SAE 0W-30 Castrol Limited

Formula SLX LL01 SAE 0W-30 Castrol Limited

Formula SLX Long Tec SAE 0W-30 Castrol Limited

Castrol SLX
Longtec SAE 0W-30 Castrol Limited

Castrol SLX
Professional Longtec SAE 0W-30 Castrol Limited

Castrol SLX
Professional Longtec SAE 0W-40 Castrol Limited

Castrol SLX
Professional Longtec BMW LL01 SAE 0W-30 Castrol Limited

Castrol SLX
Professional Longtec BMW LL01 SAE 5W-30 Castrol Limited

Super Racing 0W-40 SAE 0W-40 Castrol Limited

Syntec European Formula SAE 0W-30 Castrol Limited

Castrol TXT
Softec LL01 SAE 5W-30 Castrol Limited

Cepsa Star
Mega Synthetic SAE 0W-30 Cepsa Lubricantes S.A.

Cepsa Star
Mega Synthetic SAE 5W-30 Cepsa Lubricantes S.A.

Syntholight SAE 0W-40 Zeller+Gmelin

Excellium SAE 0W-30 Total

Excellium Full-Tech SAE 0W-30 Total

Excellium LDX SAE 0W-30 Total

Excellium XLL SAE 5W-40 Total

Fina First
600 SAE 0W-30 Total

Formula XLD SAE 5W-30 Petrogal SA

Formula Extreme SAE 0W-30 S.A. Espanola de Lubrificantes

Formula GX SAE 5W-30 S.A. Espanola de Lubrificantes

Formula TLX SAE 0W-30 S.A. Espanola de Lubrificantes

Synthetic BM SAE 0W-30 ChevronTexaco

Ultra BM SAE 5W-30 ChevronTexaco

Process Compact P SAE 5W-30 Igol France S.A.

INA Futura
MB SAE 5W-30 INA Maziva Rijeka

IP Sintiax
Motor Oil Excel SAE 5W-40 Italiana Petroli

LL01 SAE 5W-30 GS Caltex Corporation

LL01 SAE 5W-40 GS Caltex Corporation

0W-30 Fuchs Labo Auto S.A.

SBS 5.0 "Longlife-01" BMW AG - TIS
02.05.2013 09:26

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Liqui Moly
Leichtlauf Special LL SAE 5W-30 Liqui Moly

Liqui Moly
Pro-Engine M300 SAE 5W-30 Liqui Moly

Motorenöl Quality SAE 5W-30 Meguin GmbH & Co.KG

Premium-Motorenöl SAE 0W-40 Ölwerke Julius Schindler GmbH

Mobil 1 SAE
0W-40 ExxonMobil

Mobil 1
Arctic SAE 0W-40 ExxonMobil

Mobil 1 New
Life SAE 0W-40 ExxonMobil

Mobil 1
Turbo Diesel SAE 0W-40 ExxonMobil

Mobil 1
Formula C SAE 0W-40 ExxonMobil

Mobil SHC
Formula B SAE 5W-40 ExxonMobil

Mobil Super
3000 Formula B SAE 5W-40 ExxonMobil

Profile B-XL SAE 0W-30 Bucher AG

Select SP-X SAE 5W-30 Bucher AG

Specific LL-01 SAE 5W-30 Motul S.A.

Motul 8100
X-max SAE 5W-30 Motul S.A.

OMV Bixxol
special BM SAE 5W-30 OMV AG

OMV Bixxol
special G SAE 5W-30 OMV AG

Longlife SAE 5W-30 Unil Opal

Platinum Vollsynthese SAE 0W-40 Orlen

Exclusive BD SAE 5W-30 Panolin AG

European Formula Ultra SAE 5W-30 Pennzoil-Quaker State

Platinum European Formula Ultra SAE 5W-30 Shell International Petroleum


0W-30 VS* SAE 0W-30 Deutsche Pentosin-Werke

Syntium 3000 LL SAE 5W-30 Petronas

Q8 Formula
Special SAE 0W-30 Kuwait Petroleum

Q European
Engine Ultra SAE 5W-30 Pennzoil-Quaker State

Ravenol HCL
SAE 5W-30 Ravensbuger Schmierstoffvertrieb


Elite Common Rail SAE 5W-30 Repsol YPF

Shell Helix
Diesel Ultra SAE 0W-40 Shell International Petroleum


Shell Helix
Diesel Ultra SAE 5W-40 Shell International Petroleum


Shell Helix
Ultec SAE 0W-40 Shell International Petroleum


Shell Helix
Ultra SAE 0W-40 Shell International Petroleum


Shell Helix
Ultra SAE 5W-40 Shell International Petroleum


Shell Helix
Ultra AB SAE 5W-30

SBS 5.0 "Longlife-01" BMW AG - TIS
02.05.2013 09:26

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International Petroleum


Shell Helix
Ultra AL SAE 5W-30 Shell International Petroleum


LazerWay B SAE 5W-30 Statoil Lubricants

Motorenöl Supersyn SAE 0W-30 Techno-Einkauf GmbH

Supersyn SAE 0W-30 Fuchs Petrolub AG

Supersyn Longlife SAE 5W-30 Fuchs Petrolub AG

Synthetic LL SAE 5W-30 De Oliebron

Activa Energy 9000 SAE 0W-30 Total

Quartz Energy 9000 SAE 0W-30 Total

SynPower SAE 5W-30 Valvoline

SynPower MXL SAE 5W-30 Valvoline

Powertron LL01 SAE 5W-30 Veedol International

Syntolube SAE 0W-40 Ölwerke Julius Schindler GmbH

Super Synthe SAE 0W-30 Wako Chemical Co. Ltd

Gigatron SAE 0W-40 Westfalen AG

VIVA 1 Longlife SAE 5W-30 SRS
Schmierstoff Vertrieb GmbH

Yacco VX
1600 SAE 5W-30 Yacco S.A.S.

BMW recommande l'huile Castrol.

Version 08/2007

SBS 5.0 "Longlife-01" BMW AG - TIS
02.05.2013 09:26

Date d'édition (08/2007) Uniquement valable jusqu'à la
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7.0 "Longlife-98"

Homologuées pour les moteurs BMW suivants : voir l'annexe 3

7.1 Huiles BMW Longlife-98 disponibles auprès du service
d'approvisionnement des pièces :

L'huile BMW Super Power Plus SAE 5W-30 est remplacée par
l'huile BMW Quality Longlife-01 SAE 5W-30

voir annexe
5.0 Huiles Longlife-01

BMW Super
Power Oil SAE 5W-40


Nom commercial Référence P.R.A. BMW Conditionnement

BMW Super
Power 81 22 9 407 547 1 litres

BMW Super
Power 81 22 9 407 002 60 litres

BMW Super Power 81 22 9 407 029 208 litres

7.2 Liste nominative des huiles Longlife-98 homologuées :

commercial Viscosité Fabricant/Fournisseur

76 Pure
Synthetic Motor Oil SAE 5W-40 76 Lubricants Company

Motor Oil NDA SAE 5W-40 SAE 5W-40 Ashland

light SAE 5W-40 Addinol Lube Oil GmbH

Extra light MV 038 SAE 0W-30 Addinol Lube Oil GmbH

Super light MV 0546 SAE 5W-40 Addinol Lube Oil GmbH

Adnoc Image
SAE 5W-40 Adnoc FOD

Agip Extra
HTS SAE 5W-40 ENI S.p.A.Refining and Marketing Division

TECSINT SAE 5W-30 ENI S.p.A.Refining and Marketing Division

Alpine RSL
SAE 5W-40 Mitan Mineralöl GmbH

Excellia LDX SAE 5W-40 Total

HighTronic SAE 5W-40 Aral

Avia Synth
0W-40 SAE 0W-40 AVIA Mineralöl AG

Avia Synth
5W-40 SAE 5W-40 AVIA Mineralöl AG

Leader SAE 5W-40 AOT Azmol

Bardahl XTC
Syntronic SAE 5W-40 Bardahl-OCD Nederland b.v.

BP Euro
Spirit SAE 5W-40 BP Oil International

Professional Euro SAE 5W-40 BP Oil International

BP Visco
5000 SAE 5W-40 BP Oil International

BP Visco
5000 Turbo Diesel SAE 5W-40 BP Oil International

BP Visco
7000 Sport SAE 5W-40 BP Oil International

BP Visco
7000 Turbo Diesel Sport SAE 5W-40 BP Oil International

Huile moteur Budget synthèse HC SAE 5W-40 Goldhand
Vertriebsgesells. mbH

Huile moteur Budget entièrement synthétique SAE 5W-40
Goldhand Vertriebsgesells. mbH

Havoline Fully Synthetic SAE 5W-30 Caltex Petroleum Corporation

Havoline Fully Synthetic SAE 5W-40 Caltex Petroleum Corporation

SBS 7.0 "Longlife-98" BMW AG - TIS
02.05.2013 09:35

Date d'édition (08/2007) Uniquement valable jusqu'à la
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Car Jack
5W-40 GSR SAE 5W-40 SIG-GmbH

Edge SAE 0W-40 Castrol Limited

Formula RS Motorsport SAE 0W-40 Castrol Limited

Formula RS Road and Track SAE 5W-40 Castrol Limited

Castrol GTD
Direct Injection SAE 5W-40 Castrol Limited

GTX5 SAE 5W-40 Castrol Limited

GTX7 Dynatec SAE 5W-40 Castrol Limited

Magnatec SAE 5W-40 Castrol Limited

Castrol SLX
Professional SAE 5W-40 Castrol Limited

Syntec SAE 5W-40 Castrol Limited

Castrol TXT
Softec SAE 5W-40 Castrol Limited

Cepsa Star
Mega Synthetic SAE 5W-40 Cepsa Lubricantes S.A.

Cepsa Star
Retto Mega Synthetic SAE 5W-40 Cepsa Lubricantes S.A.

Supreme Synthetic SAE 5W-40 ChevronTexaco

HDC SAE 5W-40 Swd Lubricants GmbH & Co. KG

CPC 9000 MB
Motor Oil SAE 5W-40 Chinese Petroleum Corp.

Syntholight SAE 5W-40 Zeller+Gmelin

Driver Plus
SAE 5W-40 Kuttenkeuler GmbH

Duckhams Q
Fully Synthetic SAE 5W-40 Duckhams International

Duckhams QS SAE 5W-40 Duckhams International

Duckhams QS Premium MO SAE 5W-40 Duckhams International

Econo Veritas XL-HC
SAE 5W-40 Oelwerke Julius Schindler

Elf Excellium LDX SAE 5W-40 Total

Elf Excellium NF SAE 5W-40 Total

Elin Auto Tec Synthetic SAE 5W-40 Elinoil SA Hellenic
Petroleum Company

EMARAT Power Synth SAE 5W-40 Meguin GmbH

EmoSynt SAE 5W-40 Eggert Mineraloel AG

Engen Protecta SL SAE 5W-40 Engen Petroleum Limited

ENOC Protec X-treme SAE 5W-40 Enoc International Sales L.L.C

ESA Syntolub Pilot SAE 5W-40 ESA, Schweiz

Esso Ultron SAE 5W-40 ExxonMobil

Esso Ultron SL SAE 5W-40 ExxonMobil

Esso Ultron Turbo Diesel SAE 5W-40 ExxonMobil

Eurolub Synth SAE 5W-40 Hunold Schmierstoffe GmbH

Feu Vert 100% Synthese SAE 5W-40 Feu Vert

Fina First 400 SAE 5W-40 Total

Galp Energy Ultra SAE 0W-30 Petrogal SA

Galp Energy Plus SAE 5W-40 Petrogal S.A.

SBS 7.0
"Longlife-98" BMW AG - TIS 02.05.2013

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Galp Formula 1 Plus SAE 5W-40 Petrogal SA

Galp Formula TD Plus SAE 5W-40 Petrogal SA

Gulf Formula G SAE 0W-30 Gulf Oil International

Gulf Formula G SAE 5W-30 Gulf Oil International

Gulf Formula G SAE 5W-40 Gulf Oil International

Gulf Formula S SAE 5W-40 S.A. Espanola de Lubrificantes

Habot Full Synthetic SAE 5W-40 Habot

Havoline Synthetic
SAE 5W-40 ChevronTexaco

Havoline Ultra SAE 5W-40 ChevronTexaco

High Star SAE 5W-40
Addinol Lube Oil GmbH

Hunold Synt 5W/40 SAE 5W-40 Hunold Schmierstoffe GmbH

Idemitsu Zepro Racing
SAE 5W-40 Idemitsu Kosan Co.

Igol Process MB SAE 0W-30 Igol France, S.A.

Igol Symbol Ceramic SAE 5W-40 Igol France, S.A.

INA Millennium SAE 5W-40 INA Maziva Rijeka

Iranol 30000 SAE 5W-40 Iranol Co.

JB German Oil Longlife P5 SAE 5W-40 JB German Oil GmbH &

Jet Top Level SAE 5W-40 Conoco Phillips GmbH

Kendall GT-1 Full Synthetic Motor Oil SAE 5W-40 Kendall
Motor Oil

KunLun SL/CF SAE 5W-40 Petro China Lubricant Co.

Labo Carat SAE 5W-30 Fuchs Labo Auto S.A.

Labo Carat SAE 5W-40 Fuchs Labo Auto S.A.

Laike SL/CF SAE 5W-40 Fujian Laike Petrochemical Co.

Liqui Moly Diesel Synthoil SAE 5W-40 Liqui Moly

Liqui Moly Leichtlauf HD C7 SAE 5W-40 Liqui Moly

Liqui Moly Profi Synthoil SAE 5W-30 Liqui Moly

Liqui Moly Profi Synthoil SAE 5W-40 Liqui Moly

Liqui Moly Synthoil High Tech SAE 5W-40 Liqui Moly

Liqui Moly Synthoil Longtime SAE 0W-30 Liqui Moly

Lotos Syntetic SAE 5W-40 Grupa Lotos SA

LUKoil Synthetic SAE 5W-40 000 Lukoil Permnefteorgsintez

Mannol Extreme SAE 5W-40 SCT Vertriebs GmbH

Mannol Legend+Ester SAE 0W-40 SCT Vertriebs GmbH

Marly Gold S1 SAE 5W-40 N.V. Marly S.A.

megol Motorenoel Super Leichtlauf Multisynth SAE 0W-30
Meguin GmbH

megol Motorenoel Super Leichtlauf SAE 5W-40 Meguin GmbH

megol Motorenoel Super Leichtlauf RUNNER SAE 5W-30 Meguin

megol Motorenoel Ultra Performance Longlife SAE 5W-40 Meguin

SBS 7.0
"Longlife-98" BMW AG - TIS 02.05.2013

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Meister-Öl Leichtlauf-Motorenöl SAE 5W-40 Ölwerke Julius

MHG Syntolube Leichtlaufmotorenöl SAE 5W-40 MHG

Millers XFS SAE 5W-40 Millers Oils Limited

Mobil Special X SAE 5W-40 ExxonMobil

Mobil Super 3000 X1 SAE 5W-40 ExxonMobil

Mobil Super 3000 X1 Performance Plus SAE 5W-40 ExxonMobil

Mobil Super 3000 X1 Performance Plus Turbo


SAE 5W-40 ExxonMobil

Mobil Synt S SAE 5W-40 ExxonMobil

Mobil Synt S Turbo Diesel SAE 5W-40 ExxonMobil

Mobil Syst S SAE 5W-40 ExxonMobil

Mol Dynamic Star SAE 0W-40 MOL-LUB Lubricant Ltd.

Mol Dynamic Star SAE 5W-40 MOL-LUB Lubricant Ltd.

Mol Dynamic Synt SAE 5W-40 Mol Hungarian Oil and Gas Co.

Morris Multilife SAE 5W-40 Morris Lubricants

Motoroil Plus SAE 5W-40 ExxonMobil

Motorex Evolution SAE 5W-30 Bucher AG

Motorex Evolution SAE 5W-40 Bucher AG

Motorex Select SP-X SAE 5W-40 Bucher AG

Motorex Xperience FS-X SAE 0W-30 Bucher AG

Motorex Xperience FS-X SAE 0W-40 Bucher AG

Motor Gold Highline SAE 0W-30 Mineralöl-Raffinerie
Dollbergen GmbH

Motor Gold Supertec SAE 5W40 SAE 5W-40 Mineralölraffinerie
Dollbergen GmbH

Motul 6100 Synergie SAE 5W-40 Motul S.A.

Motul 6100 X-cess SAE 5W-40 Motul S.A

Motul 8100 Synergie SAE 5W-40 Motul S.A.

Motul 8100 X-cess SAE 5W-40 Motul S.A.

Motul Synergie SAE 5W-40 Motul S.A.

Nasalube 1 Fully Synthetic SAE 5W-40 PT. Harfacindo Raya

Olympia Pro-Tech Fully Synthetic Engine Oil SAE 5W-40 Meguin
GmbH & Co.KG

OMV Full Syn SAE
0W-40 OMV AG

OMV syn com SAE 5W-40 OMV AG

Opaljet 24 S SAE 5W-40 Unil S.A.

Optima Magnum Plus SAE 0W-40 Oil Refinery Modrica

Orlen Star Synt S SAE 5W-40 Orlen

Panolin Racing Synth DC SAE 0W-30 Panolin AG

Parnas Synthesis 540 SAE 5W-40 Sakson S.A.

Pennzoil Synthetic European Formula SAE 5W-40 Pennzoil
Quaker State

SBS 7.0
"Longlife-98" BMW AG - TIS 02.05.2013

Date d'édition (08/2007) Uniquement valable jusqu'à la
prochaine édition du DVD Copyright Page
- 4 -

Pento High Performance SAE 5W-40 Deutsche Pentosin-Werke

Pentosynth SAE 5W-40 Deutsche Pentosin-Werke

Permorfax SAE 5W-40 Pennzoil-Quaker State

Petronas Syntium 900 SAE 5W-40 Bucher AG

Petronas Syntium 3000 SAE 5W-40 Bucher AG

Petronas Syntium 3000 S SAE 5W-40 Bucher AG

Petronas Syntium 5000 FS SAE 0W-40 Bucher AG

Huile moteur de voiture 5W-40 SAE 5W-40 Shell International
Petroleum Company

Platinum Synthetic SAE 0W-30 Orlen Oil Sp. zo.o.

PO Ultra SAE 5W-40 Petrol Ofisi A.S.

Profi-Car Synth-Tech SAE 5W-40 Profi-Tech GmbH

Pyroil Synthetic motor oil SAE 5W-40 Valvoline

Q1 Diamant Synthetic SAE 5W-40 Beckmann Mineralölhandel GmbH

Q8 Formula Exclusive SAE 5W-30 Kuwait Petroleum

QS Synquest SAE 5W-40 Comercial Importadora S.A. de C. V.

Quaker State De Luxe SAE 5W-40 Oel-Brack AG

Quaker State Full Synthetic European Formula SAE 5W-40
Pennzoil-Quaker State

Quaker State Synquest SAE 0W-30 Oel-Brack AG

Quaker State Synquest
SAE 5W-40 Oel-Brack AG

Ravenol HPS Hypersynth SAE 5W-30 Ravensberger
Schmierstoffvertrieb GmbH

Ravenol Hydrocrack Synth.HCS SAE 5W-40 Ravensberger
Schmierstoffvertrieb GmbH

Ravenol Super Synthetic SSO SAE 0W-30 Ravensberger
Schmierstoffvertrieb GmbH

Ravenol VSI SAE 5W-40 Ravensberger Schmierstoffvertrieb GmbH

Repsol Elite Competicion SAE 5W-40 Repsol YPF

Repsol Elite Cosmos SAE 0W-40 Repsol YPF

Rotary 1 Fully Synthetic SAE 5W-40 PT Harfacindo Raya

Selenia Digitech SAE 0W-30 FL Selenia s.p.a.

Selenia WR SAE 0W-40 FL Selenia s.p.a.

Shell Helix Diesel Ultra SAE 5W-30 Shell International
Petroleum Company

Shell Helix Plus SAE 5W-40 Shell International Petroleum

Shell Helix Plus Extra SAE 5W-40 Shell International
Petroleum Company

Shell Helix Plus S SAE 5W-40 Shell International Petroleum

Shell Helix Premium SAE 5W-40 Shell International Petroleum

Shell Helix Ultra SAE 0W-30 Shell International Petroleum

Shell Helix Ultra SAE 5W-30 Shell International Petroleum

Sheng Ma SAE 5W-40 Shell Tongyi (Beijing) Petroleum Chemical

Co., Ltd.

Sigma PAO SAE 5W-40
LG Caltex Oil Corporation

SBS 7.0
"Longlife-98" BMW AG - TIS 02.05.2013

Date d'édition (08/2007) Uniquement valable jusqu'à la
prochaine édition du DVD Copyright Page
- 5 -

Sonol LL Super SAE 5W-40 Sonol Israel Ltd.

SPC Syn Ace SAE 5W-40 Singapore Petroleum Company Ltd.

Speed Metal SAE 5W-40 Sunshine Sundry International Co., Ltd

Statoil GT S SAE
5W-40 Statoil Lubricants

Statoil Lazerway SAE 5W-40 Statoil Lubricants

S-Tronic SAE 5W-40 Kuttenkeuler GmbH

swd Concep-Tech VS SAE 0W-40 Swd Lubricants GmbH & Co.

swd Primus HDC SAE 5W-40 Swd Lubricants GmbH & Co. KG

swd Primus Ultra SAE 0W-30 Swd Lubricants GmbH & Co. KG

swd Primus VS SAE 0W-40 Swd Lubricants GmbH & Co. KG

Syncon TM High Performance Synthetic Engine


SAE 5W-40 ConocoPhillips International Inc.

Huile entièrement synthétique SYNT X SAE 5W-40 Müller
Mineralöle Handels- und Beratungsges.


SYNT XL SAE 5W-40 Müller Mineralöle Handels- und


Syntronic Plus SAE 5W-40 Kuttenkeuler GmbH

Tamoil Sint Future Racing SAE 5W-40 Deutsche Tamoil GmbH

Tamoil Sint Future Prestige SAE 0W-30 Deutsche Tamoil GmbH

Teboil Diamond SAE 5W-40 Suomen Petrooli Oy

Titan Supersyn SAE 5W-30 Fuchs Petrolub AG

Titan Supersyn SAE 5W-40 Fuchs Petrolub AG

Titan Supersyn SL SAE 5W-40 Fuchs Petrolub AG

Top Evolution SAE 5W-40 Top Oil Products Co. Ltd

Top Lube Diamond SAE 5W-40 ABS Lubricants

Tor Hypersynth SAE 5W-40 De Oliebron

Total Activa 9000 SAE 5W-40 Total

Total Quartz 9000 SAE 5W-40 Total

Total Quartz 9000 Energy SAE 5W-40 Total

Triathlon Synthetik SAE 5W-40 Adolf Würth GmbH

Trli-Hera Vigor Turbo Plus Fully Synthetic SAE 5W-40 TRLI
Enterprise Co.Ltd.

Ultra Gold SAE 5W-40 Greatwall Lube Oil Co. SINOPEC

Ultrasyn Plus SAE 0W-40 Kuttenkeuler GmbH

Unicorn Ultrasynt SAE 5W-40 Unicorn Oil Company

United 1 Fully Synthetic SAE 5W-40 United Oil Company PTE

Valvoline Durablend MXL SAE 5W-40 Valvoline

Valvoline Syn Power SAE 0W-40 Valvoline

Valvoline Syn Pro SAE 5W-30 Valvoline

Valvoline Syn Pro Diesel SAE 5W-40 Valvoline

SBS 7.0
"Longlife-98" BMW AG - TIS 02.05.2013

Date d'édition (08/2007) Uniquement valable jusqu'à la
prochaine édition du DVD Copyright Page
- 6 -

VAT SynGold SAE 5W-40 Vatoil Europe

Veedol Powertron SAE 5W-30 Veedol International

Veritas Syntolube SAE 5W-40 Ölwerke Julius Schindler

Virada Top SAE 5W-40 VEBA Oel AG

Wako's ex-Synthe SAE 5W-40 Wako Chemical Co. Ltd.

Wako's 4CT SAE 5W-40 Wako Chemical Co. Ltd.

Weco TXI Syntlube SAE 5W-40 Weko

Westfalen Megatron SAE 5W-40 Westfalen AG

Wintershall VIVA 1 energy SAE 5W-30 SRS Schmierstoff
Vertrieb GmbH

Wintershall VIVA 1 synth SAE 5W-40 SRS Schmierstoff Vertrieb

Wintershall VIVA 1 topsynth alpha SAE 5W-30 SRS Schmierstoff
Vertrieb GmbH

Wintershall VIVA 1 topsynth SAE 5W-40 SRS Schmierstoff
Vertrieb GmbH

Wolf Masterlube Synflow DC SAE 5W-40 Wolf Oil s.a

Wolf Masterlube Synflow Plus
SAE 0W-40 Wolf Oil s.a.

Wolf Masterlube Synflow Plus SAE 5W40 SAE 5W-40 Wolf Oil

Yacco VX 1000 SAE 5W-40 Yacco S.A.S

Yacco VX 600 SAE 5W-40 Yacco S.A.S.

Yellow Hat Magmax SJ SAE 5W-40 Yellow Hat Co., Ltd

York 748 SAE 0W-30 Ginouves Georges S.A.

ZIC QX SAE 0W-40 SK Corporation

BMW recommande l'huile Castrol.

Version 08/2007

SBS 7.0
"Longlife-98" BMW AG - TIS 02.05.2013

Date d'édition (08/2007) Uniquement valable jusqu'à la
prochaine édition du DVD Copyright Page
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6.0 "Longlife-01 FE"

Uniquement homologuées pour les moteurs de la nouvelle
génération : voir l'annexe 3

6.1 Huiles BMW Longlife-01 FE disponibles via le service
d'approvisionnement des pièces BMW :

BMW Quality Longlife-01 FE SAE 0W-30 (entièrement


Nom commercial Référence P.R.A. BMW Conditionnement

BMW Quality
Longlife-01 FE 83 21 0 144 462 1 litres

BMW Quality
Longlife-01 FE 83 21 0 144 464 208 litres

6.2 Désignation des huiles Longlife-01 FE homologuées :

commercial Viscosité Fabricant/Fournisseur

7007 SAE 0W-30 ENI S.p.A.Refining and


Castrol SLX
LL01 FE SAE 0W-30 Castrol Limited

Castrol SLX
Professional Fuel Saver BMW


SAE 0W-30
Castrol Limited

BMW recommande l'huile Castrol.

Situation : 08/2006

SBS 6.0 "Longlife-01 FE" BMW AG - TIS
02.05.2013 09:37

Date d'édition (08/2007) Uniquement valable jusqu'à la
prochaine édition du DVD Copyright Page
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