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Tout ce qui a été posté par danielkinsey

  1. Thank you. Should have an update or 2 over next few days after work :)
  2. Thank you. Should have an update or 2 over next few days after work :)
  3. Okay new to site. Heres I have so far :) lowered, slightly wider rear arch/wheel, smoothing rear bumper gaps, removed exhuast
  4. danielkinsey

    Hello from UK

    Hello there from the UK. My name is Daniel I'm 26. I have been chopping cars for about 8years. got link for site from facebook. My username is my facebook name so you will probably seen some of my work. I have started onthe Audi chop so will post up I have done so far. Unfortuantly I don't know a seocnd language. Did French and Spanish at scholl but that was some time ago now so will dop best on here to post in right place :)
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