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  1. 9NT3BKAQ pour le video du combat
  2. 11-3-0 Kuniyoshi Hironaka vs Jonathan Goulet 21-9-1 Vainqueur: Goulet par KO à 2:07 du 2e round
  3. GSP récupère son titre! Samedi 19 avril 2008 Georges St-Pierre est de nouveau champion des mi-moyens du UFC. Georges St-Pierre avait promis à ses partisans qu’il redeviendrait champion samedi, au Centre Bell. Promesse tenue! Le Québécois a récupéré son titre des poids mi-moyens du UFC en défaisant Matt Serra par TKO, à 4:43 du deuxième round. « Je voudrais remercier mes fans du Québec qui sont venus m’encourager ce soir », a été les premiers mots de St-Pierre au terme de sa victoire. La stratégie de St-Pierre était simple : épuiser Serra. Il y est parvenu. GSP a martelé Serra de coups, tant au sol que debout. Finalement, vers la fin du deuxième round, GSP a lancé des coups de genou dans les côtes de Serra qui était exténué. L’arbitre Yves Lavigne a décidé de mettre un terme au combat, au grand plaisir des 22 000 spectateurs présents. « Mon but était de l'épuiser. Je voulais mélanger mes attaques et je crois bien avoir réussi. » St-Pierre a aussi tenu à remercier Serra d’avoir accepter un combat en territoire hostile. « Serra a eu le courage de venir se battre devant mes partisans. Je te promets que je ferai de même la prochaine fois. » Il faut dire que St-Pierre s'était incliné devant Serra aux États-Unis, en avril 2007. ça se passait cependant à Houston, alors que Serra est originaire de New York. Pourquoi pas un troisième affrontement GSP-Serra, mais cette fois au Madison Square Garden! Ça débute au sol Dès les premiers moments du combat, St-Pierre a projeté Serra au sol. Pour la majeure partie de ce round initial, GSP a joué avec Serra comme un chat joue avec une souris. GSP a entrepris le deuxième round de la même façon. Il y a également eu de pretites confrontations debout, encore une fois dominé par la fierté de St-Isidore. Finalement, c'est alors que Serra était à genou que GSP a porté les coups qui allaient mettre fin au combat. Franklin trop fort pour Lutter En demi-finale, Rich Franklin a signé la 25e victoire de sa carrière en arts martiaux mixtes en défaisant par TKO Travis Lutter, à 3 :01 du deuxième round. Après avoir évité d’être piégé par une clé de bras au premier round, l’ancien champion du monde des poids moyens est revenu en force et a dominé Lutter qui était exténué. L’arbitre a finalement mis un terme au combat lorsque Lutter n’avait plus la force pour répondre aux coups de Franklin. Lutter a offert une bonne opposition au premier round, lui dont la stratégie était d’amener Franklin au sol. Il a eu quelques occasions de porter une prise de soumission à son opposant, mais l’expérimenté Franklin a toujours su s’en sortir. Reste maintenant à savoir si Franklin pourrait obtenir une troisième chance face au champion des moyens, Anderson Silva. Allure du combat Round 2 GSP projette de nouveau Serra pour débuter le round. Serra est coupé près de l’œil gauche. Il ne faut pas oublier que l’Américain ne s’est pas battu depuis un an. Il semble épuisé. Les deux combattants sont debout. Coup de pied circulaire raté par GSP. Quelques gauches qui portent. Et on retourne au sol, gracieuseté de GSP. GSP parvient encore à porter quelques coups de poing. GSP lance des coups de genou. C’est terminé GSP est de nouveau champion! »!!! Round 1: GSP envoie Serra au sol dès les premières secondes du combat. Serra tente de se défaire de GSP, mais en vain. Tout le monde dans le Centre Bell est debout. Serra retient la tête de GSP, pendant que ce dernier lui donne des coups au corps. Bonne droite de GSP. Coupe de coude de GSP. L a stratégie du Québécois est claire. Ça se passera au sol. GSP porte plusieurs coups à Serra. Ce dernier en a plein les bottes! Les droites pleuvent. Serra se sort du pétrin et les deux sont debout. Autre projection au sol. Nette domination de GSP dans ce premier round et la foule est en délire!!!
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  7. UFC 83 Serra vs St-Pierre 2 - 19 avril 2008 un combat a ne pas manquer et a montreal au centre Bell au meme programme Kuniyoshi Hironaka Vs. Jonathan Goulet Jonathan Goulet "The Road Warrior" Born: Victoraville, Quebec, Canada Age: 28 Height: 6' 1" (185 cm) Weight: 170 lbs. (77 kg) Pro MMA Record (W-L-D): 21-9-1 plus info [url][/url] VS
  8. jai etudier le video un peut y vien loose a 192 mph au plus loin 195 mph avec le volant contre braque vers la droite et sa toujours a full throttle 100% il tappe le mur a 188 mph et apres ses les tonneau a 160 mph en decroissant 9 ou 10 au total et quelque seconde plus tard il sort du vehicule en saluant la foule toute les nouvelle mesure de securiter on faite en sorte qui est sorti de la indemme sur le site replace a 28-foot section of the SAFER barrier sa sauver une vie NASCAR vice president for competition Robin Pemberton said it's standard procedure for NASCAR to evaluate how its safety initiatives hold up in severe crashes, particularly the advancements that have been made in the new car. Pemberton said NASCAR engineers may be particularly interested in this crash, because it should provide some valuable telemetry to show forces and loads on the car when it impacted the SAFER barrier and then tumbled at least eight times. "I don't know if anything's textbook," Pemberton said. "Every [incident] seems to be different. It was a substantial, rather spectacular incident, so we'll take this opportunity to go back and learn what we can with it. "We'll look at all the numbers. We'll measure it and look at loads and hits and all of that. We'll put it in our database and take that opportunity to learn some stuff." An initial inspection of the car by NASCAR officials following the accident seemed to indicate that all of the safety features on the car performed as expected, according to Pemberton. "It seemed to," Pemberton said. "Once again, it's hard to really make a judgment on it, in the field like this. Everybody took a good look at it. It's best to do it in a closed environment where we can really take our time and look. "When we measure these cars, we know where everything is, all of the components and all the structure is, within a thousandth of an inch. We've got a sheet on every one of these cars. We'll go back and we may compare some of those initial numbers from when the car was new until now." Pemberton said safety is something that is an evolutionary process. And studying the data from McDowell's crash will help engineers as they continue to make improvements to the current design.
  9. FORT WORTH, Texas -- On Monday, Michael McDowell had a long talk with Jeff Burton about driver etiquette. After walking away from a wild crash during Friday's Sprint Cup qualifying at Texas Motor Speedway, the next conversation between the two may be about safety, something that's near and dear to Burton's heart. Heading into Turn 1 on his second qualifying lap, McDowell's No. 00 Toyota twitched, then shot up the track as he tried to catch the spin. The rookie slammed nearly head-on into the SAFER barrier, then spun upside down for several hundred yards before the car began a series of at least eight barrel rolls, coming to rest right-side up on the backstretch. That's one of the worst wrecks I've seen, for sure, in a while and I'm not excited I had to participate in it. ” McDowell was able to exit the car under his own power and walk away from his destroyed racer, which touched off a roar from the crowd. He was the second car on the track after David Gilliland's No. 38 Ford had engine problems on his run, forcing crews to lay down absorbent material during their cleanup efforts. "I came off of [Turn 4] on that last lap and it just felt a little bit off," McDowell said. "I went down into [Turn] 1 and I don't know if it was the oil dry or something happened, but it was real unfortunate for those guys. I hate to make a lot of work for the guys back in the shop. "That's one of the worst wrecks I've seen, for sure, in a while and I'm not excited I had to participate in it." Seeing the accident on television replay, McDowell himself seemed awed and impressed by his escape -- and used the word "mad" to describe his emotions while the crash was unfolding. "I told the guys, 'Man, this thing feels really tight. I'm going to run another lap,'" he said. "Then I got down in there and it just started to pull right on me. I tried to gather it up and as soon as I turned back to the right, the front tires hooked up and it started rolling down from there. I didn't lose consciousness, so I felt every roll down the hill. "I thank the guys back in the shop. They make these cars extremely safe. They spend the extra time padding everything. For me to walk away from that wreck, right there, is unbelievable." Tony Stewart was watching replays of the incident on the speedway's video screens. "I'm real curious to see the data that they logged from that," Stewart said. "Because, live, that was the hardest hit I've ever seen anybody take. That was a pretty impressive crash. It was just good to see him get out and walk around. That makes you look at what NASCAR's done and say that they're doing a good job of doing what they're doing with the [new car] and the SAFER barriers. "We've got a lot of people to thank today because of the hard work and the hours that we all don't know about, to take an accident like that and watch him get out and walk to the ambulance." Qualifying was delayed for 72 minutes as NASCAR president Mike Helton, Sprint Cup director John Darby and track crews assessed the damage to the steel barrier, which was bowed heavily by the impact. Temporary repairs, including welding quarter-inch L-plating to the exposed ends of the damaged barrier, were completed. Track crews planned to replace approximately 20 feet following the competition of the day's activities. McDowell made his Sprint Cup debut last week at Martinsville and finished 26th after a late-race incident with Jamie McMurray cost him two laps. McDowell made his Nationwide Series debut at Fort Worth last season, starting 17th and finishing
  10. ...traine une bonbonne d'air avec toi..... je ne peu dire mieu
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