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Tout ce qui a été posté par Coelho1

  1. Coelho1

    Toit de cabrio

    how did the meet go?
  2. Coelho1

    Spotted: 7 rabbits hier

    R.I.P mon noir rabbit. Frost plug :gold: ???
  3. Coelho1

    Rencontres hebdomadaires CVWO

    it was a mk1 show. that means the drivers are not so up to date with technology,like digital i think vinceroy took photos..
  4. Coelho1

    Rencontres hebdomadaires CVWO

    missing do and riccerzzz too!
  5. Coelho1

    Rencontres hebdomadaires CVWO

    im in for aylmer carwash parking. G i will call you at 6:30 or sooner if i can.
  6. Coelho1

    Rabbit flat black

    the begining of a wonderfull patina.
  7. Coelho1

    Rabbit flat black

    cest moi, mon premier journe avec cette annee.. mechant ride.
  8. Coelho1


    bonne fete
  9. Coelho1

    Dan WebberSow (Carillon)

    ok no gti for me this weekend needs more adjustments
  10. i bet the 14yr old homexicans ate that up in a burrito
  11. Coelho1

    Dan WebberSow (Carillon)

    keep a place for me with the cvwo gentlemen. i will arrive at carrilon tomorrow around 4pm coming from :snow: tremblant. IN THE MK1 GTI!!!!!!!!
  13. Coelho1

    Rencontres hebdomadaires CVWO

    if anyone know how to base timing and ignition timing on an 8v please stop by my place on the way to the weekyl meet. its just off labrosse exit on the way to buckingham. 819-669-2219 mark btw the gti started up boys..
  14. yeah thats the one Yves. the owner would like to trade me even for my 62 buick. what do you think??
  15. not a fan of the fake rust. just the old diesel, chainlink/button ragtop roof, bench seat, and airbag frame. but i would set up the air bag frame less extreme and as hidden as possible (no holes).
  16. I know it would be trouble with inspection but I would not leave the floors open. I would cover the frame in sheet metal and the roof also has a button top. Check the close up of the roof, it has buttons to add a rag top. I am in love with the idea.
  18. Coelho1


    avec des freins pi une tete the moteur... spelling
  19. Coelho1

    Dan WebberSow (Carillon)

    i will be there for saturday afternoon. coming from temblant leave a spot for me
  20. Coelho1

    Lamborghini Gallardo jaune

    My friend in vancouver drives a grey one. i want to visit just to try the gallardo.
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