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My Niva is powered by Toyota...

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My Niva is powered by Toyota engine also gearbox model Toyota 2C 2000 CC, really i found it very powerfull,
But i have a small problem, it is located in the drive wheel it is too heavy in turning it right or lift but while moving it became little easier i want to make it easy all time in turning more and more so please if you have a solution provide it to me.
Mostafa Saad
Petroleum Engineer
AlMansoori Specialized Enginnering

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It may not a very easy job but. Is there any way to fit an hydraulic power cylinder on the tierod? It is necessery to investigate which set-up can be adapted to the Niva steering geometry. Good luck and keep telling us how is going this modification if you find a way to do that, this would be an interesting information to share. Maybe someone else has a good info. on that matter.

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A mathpaquet,
Super intéressants ces 4 sites que tu suggères pour adapter un power steering...

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