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Looking for clutch cylinder and new starter

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Hello. Unfotunately I dont speak french well so i cant write on french. Its really nice to see so many fans of Lada Niva. I just got mine a couple of months ago and enjoying it to the fullest. I am looking for some parts, particularly I need a clutch cylinder and starter. Please let me know if you know where to get this.



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Hi Igor I'm sure that you're are gooing to find wath you want at Monprince auto part!... Monprince is a member of our club but unfortunetly I think he don't speek English but per haps I make a mistake!

Per haps Lada97 has these parts too

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Invité Monprinc
Error my dear, I speak english fluently.

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Oh scuse me sir!

Je pensais avoir lu a qulque part ds un lointin post que tu ne comprenais pas l'angalis!

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Invité Monprinc
Ah oui..... quand ca, tu m'en diras tant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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