Doom Marceau 0 Posté(e) le 17 mars 2013 Design report pour Washington est à remettre pour le 8 avril pour Washington. C'est dans 3 semaines et ça va venir très vite! Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Marie Girard 0 Posté(e) le 17 mars 2013 Oui. Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
philippe morin 0 Posté(e) le 26 mars 2013 y a tu qqun qui a des photos du setup avec le chainbox-diff j'en ai, mais p-e que vous avez de quoi de mieux!! Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Marie Girard 0 Posté(e) le 31 mars 2013 On remet le Design Report dans 8 dodos. On va passer la semaine la-dessus, no choice.En tout on a 4 pages de texte, 3 pages avec les images du char (1 page top, 1 page front, 1 page side) et une page d'annexe ou est-ce qu'on peut mettre ce qu'on veut.Pour le texte, il faut donc être extrêmement précis et surtout concis. J'ai fait une première répartition de tâches. Laissez moi savoir si vous jugez que certaines parties sont superflues ou manquantes.CVT: Nic/Julian;Brakes: Nic;Suspension: Étienne (inclure données shock dyno?);Frame: Étienne;GB+Diff: Morin;Clutch: Marie (analyses Maxwell);Ergonomic/safety: Marie;Design goals, si on a de la place: safety/lightness/performance/reliability/manufacturing/ergonomic.La compé c'est dans 6 semaines. Eh oui. Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Marie Girard 0 Posté(e) le 5 avril 2013 SAE Design Design Report GuidelinesIntroductionTechnical report writing is a skill that is different from informal writing – letters, notes, email – and, like all skills, needs practice to be mastered. The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Aero Design Competition provides an excellent opportunity for students to exercise this skill. This document provides guidelines to help design teams write clear, succinct, and data-rich reports. The guidelines are grouped in three areas: organization, writing process, and writing clearly and succinctly.OrganizationReports are written for a person or group to read, and these readers have a purpose for reading the report. In the SAE competition, the readers are judges, and their purpose in reading is to grade the paper. Therefore, the design team authors should write the design report using techniques that make it easy for the judges to grade. Organizing the report for the reader's purpose is the first technique in effective technical writing.Outline - The judges grade to criteria found in the rules and the scoring sheet. The rules predominately cover administrative aspects of the report – page limits, formats, and specific graphs and drawings. However, Paragraph 60.1 presents requirements for the content, listed in bullet form below:• Explain the team’s thought processes and engineering philosophy that drove them to their conclusions • Detail the methods, procedures, and where applicable, the calculations used to arrive at the presented solution • Cover these topicso Vehicle configuration selection o Wing plan form design including airfoil selection o Drag analysis including three-dimensional drag effects o Aircraft stability and control o Power plant performance including both static and dynamic thrust, performance prediction o Other as appropriate The scoring sheet (see Attachment 1) topics are not parallel to these instructions, so how should the design team organize the report to make it easy for the judge to grade? I suggest organizing the report around the judging sheet, and building an outline that parallels the applicable grading criteria. Address the above topics as subsections in the appropriate section of the outline. Attachment 2 is a suggested outline based on this approach. Inserted in italics are suggested places to address the topics listed in Paragraph 60.1 of the rules. Avoid making up long introductions to major sections. A single sentence describing the topics to be covered in the subsections is adequate. An example is shown below:2.0 Design ProcessThe following section describes the research we performed, our design and analysis process, and our design selection process.Although it may be harder to write the report to this outline, it will be easier for the judges to grade. This outline also forces the team to address topics the judges must grade, and develop necessary data. Writing ProcessWriting a multi-page report can be made less daunting by using a multi-step process. The first step is described above, generating an outline that addresses the reader’s purpose. The next steps, described below, help in generating a data-rich, well-edited report.Allocate Pages – Allocate the 30 pages to the sections of the outline. The allocations should reflect the emphasis areas of the team’s design. Do this before writing begins, and adjust after reviewing the first draft. For each page of the report, define the topic to be discussed and message to be delivered. Make writing assignments for each page. Giving authors page-by-page assignments makes it easier to attack the writing – they are writing only one page at a time.Create the Figures – Most judges will be engineers, and engineers are graphically inclined - they can understand a concept more easily when looking at a picture. Therefore, build each page around at least one figure. Create the figures first, and review them before starting to write. Each figure needs a message which should be summarized in the figure title. Make the figures data-rich, but legible (9-point font is a minimum size - another advantage of using figures is that the rules do not constrain type font or spacing on figures). Equations can be incorporated in figures to save space. The figures can also be the basis for the oral report.Draft the Text -Use text to highlight, explain, or further develop the major points of the figure. Writing guidelines for clarity and succinctness are presented in a subsequent section.Edit the Text and Figures – Take the time to edit the document at least twice. A good approach is to perform one edit cycle based on a group review of the draft document (called a Red Team). Have the Red Team members read the document as judges, supplying them with a scoring sheet and a copy of the rules.Create the Final Document – Although several persons may contribute to the writing process, one team member should make the final version. This person works to achieve a consistent style to the text and to make the messages consistent.Schedule the Effort – Although this is the first step, I describe it last so that the reader can see what the team needs to schedule! A good report takes more than a week to create. One month is a guideline for the duration of the writing effort. Create a schedule of the above tasks and status it regularly. An efficient method is to establish the outline, page allocations, and figures early in the project, so the team can generate the necessary data as the design progresses. This reduces both the last-minute cram and the amount of unused documentation.Writing Clearly and SuccinctlyThe best outline, figures and data can be undone by poor writing. Publications are available that discuss this topic in depth (I recommend books and articles by Paula LaRocque). Listed below are seven basic techniques for creating effective technical prose.Use Active versus Passive Voice – Sentences written in active voice consist of a subject acting (via a verb) upon the object. Sentences written in passive voice consist of a subject being acted upon by a usually unidentified noun. Simple examples:The team calculated the drag of the aircraft. (Active)The drag of the aircraft was calculated by the team. (Passive)In the second example, the prepositional phrase by the team is usually not included, and must be inferred by the reader. In technical writing the subject of many sentences is often the same – the author or a design team – and passive voice relieves the author from continually repeating the subject. This may appear elegant, but passive voice produces longer, sometimes stilted sentences and leads to dull reading. Using active voice makes the writing lively – the reader sees an action being performed and knows who is doing it. An example from one of the design reports illustrates this point – the highlighted verbs are passive voice:Part of the initial design steps, after choosing the airfoil and getting its resulting Cl, included choosing a range of desired aircraft weights. Using these estimated ranges, a range of wing areas was determined that could satisfy the requirements. The operating ranges were then narrowed down and iterated until workable values were obtained. Once the required wing area was known, along with the taper ratio, the chord dimensions were chosen.Edited using active voice verbs (highlighted)After selecting the airfoil, the design team established a desired weight range for the aircraft. Using these weights and the Cl value of our airfoil, we calculated wing areas that provided the lift needed to achieve the takeoff requirement. We iterated this analysis and selected a wing area. The team then selected a taper ratio and established the chord dimensions.The example shows how the writer can alternate the first person (we) and third person (the design team) to alleviate monotony. Passive voice can be used occasionally to alter the sentence flow. A suggested ratio is one passive voice sentence for every two active voice sentences.Eliminate Unnecessary Words – Casual conversation uses many introductory phrases and colloquialisms. Using these extra words in a technical document, however, dilutes the meaning of a sentence. In a page limited document, these words also reduce the space available for additional or larger figures, or another sentence. Examples of unnecessary words:now that from the start to go about this simply the next step from this A before/after example illustrates how many words can be eliminated without removing content – unnecessary words are highlighted: Now that the type of wing that was going to be built was selected, the next step was to select the airfoil that would be used. To go about this, research was conducted on different types of airfoils through various airfoil databases. During the search a program called Profili was discovered.After – edited to contain only necessary words:With the wing configuration selected, we then evaluated airfoil options. We researched airfoil databases and found a program called Profili.Eliminate phrase duplication. In the before/after example below, the original sentence has two sets of duplications, one underlined and the other in boldface: Additionally, fuel burn has little effect on the center of gravity as well (less than a quarter of an inch shift).After - with duplications removed:Fuel burn shifted the center of gravity less than 0.25-in.Talk Technical – Do not use adjectives to quantify a topic, use data. Here are examples of expressions that should not be used in a technical report:large amount/quantity/effect severalsignificant increase/decrease someextensive range a fewlow/high level of manyexcellent agreement/levelsState a value or range of values, an order of magnitude, or a percentage. This provides the reader with a clear understanding of the magnitude of the data comparison.Explain Symbols – Introduce symbols and acronyms in the text to spare the reader from constantly referring to the List of Symbols and Acronyms. The first time a symbol is used, provide the definition (in parentheses is adequate). For an acronym, spell out the words of the acronym then follow with the acronym in parentheses. Cite References in Text – A list of references at the end of the report does not help the reader understand how the references were used in the design process. Where appropriate in the report, cite the reference. If the references are numbered in the list of references, the citing can be worded in parentheses - (see Reference X).Use due to Correctly – Since technical reports often describe cause-effect relationships the phrase due to is often (over)used. The following guideline will mitigate overuse:Due to is a substitute for caused by. It is not a substitute for because of.Test all uses of due to with the guideline. Replace with because of where appropriate, and also mix in caused by to add varietyKeep Tenses Simple - A technical report usually combines a history of work performed with a description of the result. Confusing tense structure can be avoided by using the following guidelines:• When describing the design development process, write in the past tense. The work was done in the past. The obvious exception is description of follow-on work or work being performed as the report is written. For these cases, use the future or present tense respectively. • When describing the features of the design, or results of the design process, use present tense (e.g. the data show, not the data showed). The features, once established, are independent of time. An exception is when describing a feature that was subsequently changed, past tense is appropriate. Limit using past perfect, present perfect, and conditional tenses, as they add words. Examples: Instead of - Use - has been, have been was would be isBefore/after examples of effective use of tense follows with the verbs highlighted: Example 1 – present, past, present perfect, and future tenses used: The fuselage is a simple cylindrical structure constructed from the EPP foam. It is permanently attached to the tail boom and will house the payload. This cylindrical structure was chosen for its aerodynamics and ease of construction. It has been positioned below the wing and centered on the center of gravity so that the addition of the payload weights doesn’t disturb the center of gravity (CG) positioning. The payload itself will consist of lead bars cut to the length of the fuselage.After – present and past tenses used:A cylindrical fuselage constructed from EPP foam is permanently attached to the tail boom. The cylindrical structure was selected for its desirable aerodynamics and ease of construction. The fuselage, which carries the payload, is positioned below the wing on the projected center of gravity (CG) to minimize CG shift with payload addition. The payload consists of lead bars cut to the length of the fuselage.Example 2 – past and conditional tenses used:A choice needed to be made whether to put the hatch on the top or bottom of the wing, each had its pros and cons. Putting the hatch on the bottom of the wing had the benefit that if the hatch was not installed perfectly it would have less effect on the lift the wing created, but would mean the plane would have to be turned up side down to load and additional support would be required to keep the weight from falling out. A hatch on the top of the wing would be easy to load and the supports already built into the wing could be used to carry the weight, but if the hatch was not perfect it would greatly reduce the lift of the wing.After – present and past tenses used: We traded two options for the location of the payload hatch: (1) on the top of the wing, and (2) on the bottom of the wing. The figures of merit evaluated were lift impact, weight, and ease of loading. The bottom location is less sensitive than the top location to lift loss caused by hatch misalignment. The top location is lighter because the hatch does not need to support payload weight. The bottom location requires turning the aircraft over to load payload. Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Marie Girard 0 Posté(e) le 5 avril 2013 Example Scoresheet (Future Release) Attachment 2 – Suggested Report OutlineCover PageStatement of ComplianceTable of ContentsList of Figures and TablesList of Symbols and Acronyms1.0 Introduction• Objective• Requirement Statement (good place to insert a Figure that lists the design requirements)2.0 Design Process2.1 Research1.1.1 Discussion of Concepts1.1.2 Discussion of previous design/concepts/publications1.1.3 Test & Experiment(Don’t be reticent to describe knowledge gained from previous competition entries)2.2 Design Analysis and Review ProcessDiscussion of results 2.3 Design Selection ProcessWhy certain design was selected over others (vehicle configuration selection)(In 2.2 and 2.3, explain the team’s thought processes and engineering philosophy that drove them to their conclusions)3.0 Calculations (equations, Calculation, Charts, and/or Tables)3.1 Performance• Drag analysis including three-dimensional drag effects• Power plant performance including both static and dynamic thrust, • Performance prediction3.2 Stability and ControlAircraft stability and control3.3 Aircraft SizingWing plan form design including airfoil selection3.4 Weight Build-up and Analysis3.5 Structural Analysis(In 3.1 through 3.5, detail the methods, procedures, and where applicable, the calculations used to arrive at the presented solution)4.0 Innovations (write only to innovations incorporated in the design – don’t create words to fill a section. Leave blank if there is nothing to say. However, the team should be challenged to address all topics in the design)4.1 Process/methods4.2 Design4.3 Application4.4 Construction4.5 Use of Computer Aid Design ToolsReferencesAppendix A – PlansAppendix B – Payload Prediction Curve Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
philippe morin 0 Posté(e) le 5 avril 2013 okay... absolument tout est à refaire... Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Marie Girard 0 Posté(e) le 5 avril 2013 Pas nécessairement..ce ne sont que des suggestions pour aider/améliorer. Je ne sais pas à quel point il faut s'en tenir uniquement à ce que dicte ce texte là...La majorité des textes que j'ai lu suggèrent fortement de présenter nos designs sous forme de ''solutions'', par exemple:''Afin de contrer tel problème, nous avons conçu notre clutch de telle façon''..faut mettre de l'emphase sur le pourquoi, mettre des graphiques pour appuyer.Mais encore une fois, c'est le résultat de mes recherches..ce n'est pas la vérité absolue..on parlera de tout ça demain! La fin de semaine de Design Report sert à ça aussi..on va passer les prochains jours à faire et refaire chaque partie pour que ça soit le mieux possible..sinon on aurait pas eu besoin de se rencontrer pour faire la mise en commun.Ça ressemblait à quoi ton texte toi? Ça contenait quoi comme infos? Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
philippe morin 0 Posté(e) le 5 avril 2013 pour que ça soit plus court, c'était beaucoup une exposition de nos designs en expliquant comment nous avons fait un procédé de engineering... Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Guillaume T.F 0 Posté(e) le 8 avril 2013 Vous êtes rendu où ? Remettez le pas en retard ou je vous assomme. Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Marie Girard 0 Posté(e) le 8 avril 2013 Il manque la partie de Morin avec la durée de vie des gears, pitch pis toute. Il manque aussi les analyses de Étienne pour joindre a la section CHASSIS.Ça va être remis a temps. Promis. Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Guillaume T.F 0 Posté(e) le 9 avril 2013 Shoot moi un copie par courriel plz little Mary. Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Marie Girard 0 Posté(e) le 9 avril 2013 Si. Internet vaut pas grand chose aujourd'hui a l'Universite. Je t'envoie ça au plus tard ce soir/nuit quand je rentre chez moi.Je vais le déposer sur le serveur aussi.LE DESIGN REPORT DE ROCHESTER EST A REMETTRE LE 29 AVRIL. Et c'est pas comme si on avait eu trop de temps pour reviser celui de Washington. Il y a certainement moyen de remettre une version améliorée dans 20 jours. Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites