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Récupération Batterie LIPO ?

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Est-ce qu'il y a un endroit où ont peut laisser nos vieilles batteries Lipo pour les jeter/recycler ??

J'en ai quelqu’une qui ne servent plus et dont un que un des cellules est rendu à 1.98V... (6S 5800Mha... si jamais quelqu'un veux faire quelque chose avec, à moins que se soit facile de la transformer en 5S ?)

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Moi je m'enservirais pour faire un beau feu d'artifice le soir ... comme on a vue à l'ile!!! Very Happy J'ai hate d'en avoir une de scrap pour essayer... Razz

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Tu la décharges complètement et tu peux la mettre dans l'eau salée. Ensuite tu peux en disposer sans danger avec les autres batteries. ou faire un feu d'artifice comme tu dis!

To dispose of Lipo cells and packs:

If a Lipo cell in the pack has been physically damaged, resulting in a swollen cell or a split or tear in a cell’s foil covering, do NOT discharge the battery. (Proceed to step 5 on this list.)
Place the Lipo battery in a fireproof container or bucket of sand.
Connect the battery to a Lipo discharger. Set the discharge cutoff voltage to the lowest possible value. Set the discharge current to a C/10 value, with “C” being the capacity rating of the pack. For example, the “1C” rating for a 1200mAh battery is 1.2A, and that battery’s C/10 current value is (1.2A / 10) can be used; a power resistor or set of light bulbs can be used as long as the discharge current does not exceed the C/10 value and cause the cells to overheat. For Lipo packs rated at 7.4V and 11.1V, a 150-ohm resistor with a power rating of 2 watts (commonly found at a local electronics store) can be connected to the pack’s positive and negative terminals to safely discharge. Connecting the battery to an ESC without a Lipo cutoff setting and allowing the motor to run a low RPM until no power remains would be an alternative way to discharge the battery.
Discharge the battery until its voltage reaches 1.0V per cell or lower. For resistive load type discharges, discharge the battery for up to 24 hours.
Prepare a plastic container (do not use metal) with normal tap water and mix in 1/2 cup of salt per gallon of water. Drop the battery into the salt water. This container should have a lid, but it should not need to be airtight. Allow the battery to remain in the tub of salt water for at least 2 weeks.
Remove the Lipo battery from the salt water, wrap it in newspaper or paper towels and take to reputable battery recycling center here is a link for centers in the US ( and if one is not available you can place it in the normal trash. Since they are now landfill safe after completing the steps listed above.

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Dans l'eau salé, est-ce que je mets les connecteurs des batteries dedans aussi ?

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David_24 a écrit:
Dans l'eau salé, est-ce que je mets les connecteurs des batteries dedans aussi ?

Oui un coup que tu l'as complètement déchargée

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