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Pierre Barbeau

G.L.O.R.C.S. Great Lakes OffRoad Championship Series Rd #4

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G.L.O.R.C.S. Great Lakes OffRoad Championship Series Round #4

Cette réputé série canado-américaine fait son entrée au Québec pour la pemière fois.
Cette série est plus connue en Ontario et sur la couronne nord des USA. La ronde #4 du GLORCS 2010 sera courru chez RC Offroad Drummond ( ) les 10 au 12 septembre 2010.
Les pré-inscriptions se feront sur le site .

Je suis très fier, comme Promoteur RC, de m'associer avec Stéphane Lemieux, responsable de RC Offroad Drummond pour acceuillir cette ronde nord-américaine.
La réglementation GLORCS 2010 est en mise à jour.

À confirmer: Les classes courrues en Nitro et electrique Buggy et Truggy, Slash stock et SC Open.
De plus amples information à venir !!!


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eric beauregard a écrit:
tu va ratter la plus belle course qui a pas eu o quebec et ses la meme distence que quand on est aller a ta course l ete passe Very Happy

J'ai pas dit que je ne la verrai pas parcontre!!! hihihih Smile

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Infos provenant du forum GLORCS

This season will be slightly shorter than last. We had planned to do 4 races and a fundraiser but I have received numerous requests from racers who heard about this and hence we will be running 5 points races for 2010. THERE WILL BE NO MINIMUM NUMBER OF RACES TO RUN AS THERE HAS BEEN IN PREVIOUS SEASONS AND NO FINAL RACE!! This season points will be calculated on the best 3 out of 5 races.

We had some intense discussion about classes for this season. For the 2010 season GLORCS will be running;
1/8 Buggy
Open 1/8 E-Buggy
Stock Short Course Truck Class
Open Short Course Truck Class


As usual the Baja dates will be separate from the nitro dates and will be one day races. The Short Course Classes will also be one day events and will be run on the Saturday of the nitro races, the same as last season. It is with mixed feelings that we are going to drop monster truck for this season. I have always been a big advocate of the monster truck class but the numbers have been continuing to decline and the time has come to try something new.

E-Buggy, is going to be an exciting class and I am confident that this class will be one that will grow quickly. We are going to be running this as an open class and there will be no restriction of batteries or cases. This was a hot debate but I believe the right decision was made.

A couple of behind the scenes changes will be made to make things a little easier. We will be running the entire season on one computer which will stream line the registration process and hopefully make things easier at the track. In a perfect world you will pre register and simple have to check in when you get there.

The schedule has been out for some time and I know people have been anxious to get the venues for this season. We did have problems with venues and trying to set dates that didn't conflict with other events at those venues. With more tracks being located at mutli use facilities scheduling is getting to be more of a challenge.

The dates and venues for this year are as follows;

June 4-6 FTR
July 9 -11 Hardwood RC
Aug 13 -15 Hardcore RC
Sept 10 -12 FX Hobby (Quebec)
Sept 25 - 26 Glenwood RC
Awards Banquet TBA


May 29 - Juiced RC (Keswick)
June 26 - The Barn Yard (Tavistock)
July 24 - Juiced RC (Keswick)
August 21 - The Barn Yard (Tavistock)

We are excited to welcome a new track to our line up for this year. FX Hobby in Quebec has been pursuing a GLORCS race for a while and we are pleased to be able to bring the GLORCS tour back to QUEBEC. We still have some updates to come for the GLORCS website and are waiting for information from a couple of the tracks in regards to accommodation and such.

This should be enough to address many of the questions people have been asking. I will be releasing a new news letter in the near future which will go into more detail about what to expect this season. Keep an eye on the GLORCS website as we will be posting more information there first.

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