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Gloucester fair 2009- May 29th-30th

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IMPACT Demolition Derby returns to the Gloucester Fair.

May 30th.

Check out the rules on our website.

Classes will be:

4-6 cylinder cars- 6 Cylinders cars are to be under 106" wheel base.

Full size Pro-modified

Entry fee will be $40 per car.

There will be heats and features for both Classes.

Pre-register thru the fair office.


Come be part of the action, demo cross racing hits the Gloucester Fair Saturday May 29th. There will be two separate races during the event. Entry fee will be $40 and if you come to play in both events the second entry will be half price! This event is open to demo cars also, come play in the demo cross and then be part of the demolition derby the next day. This event is open to cars, vans and trucks. The new 2010 rules are available on our website, the rules for this event make it fairly easy for a driver to build a vehicle as the gas tank and battery can be left in the stock position. This event is open to the first 12 cars per event. Register today with the Gloucester fair office today to be sure you get your spot!

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