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andre fortin

On parle de Dick Foley dans le Sud

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Spent about two hours with Dick Foley at the Archives this afternoon... Dick was the first Canadian to race in the Daytona 500, in both 1959 and 1960... The 1959 Chevrolet he drove was built by Marshall Teague and Teague probably would have been his crew chief in 1959 but had lost his life testing an Indy Car before the first 500 was run... However Foley's biggest claim to fame is being the driver that spun and triggered the big 37-car wreck in the 1960 Modified-Sportsman race at Daytona... Interestingly enough, his crew repaired a broken spindle on his car while they were cleaning up the big mess and Foley came back to finish 10th!
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M. Dick Foley a aussi couru plusieurs épreuves sur la plage de Daytona. Eva, sa conjointe actuelle, a relèvé plusieurs articles sur son amour que l'on peut voir affiché sur "son" mur à sa résidence ! Les Dick and Dick Foley étaient proche de Bill France Sr..

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