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Kalamazoo Free From Township Noise Ordinance

Tracks - 4/9/13

Kalamazoo Speedway and Alamo Township have come to a resolution to a Noise Ordinance that was proposed back in February for the Michigan oval. After further review, the township has decided to drop the proposed noise ordinance and there will be no monitoring of any decibel readings at all, clearing the way for the southwestern Michigan facility to continue on with racing uninterrupted and as scheduled. Despite the decision to not place any noise restrictions on the speedway, Track Promoter Gary Howe has made some changes regarding the noise level coming from Michigan’s only NASCAR sanctioned facility in an effort to show cooperation with the Township. In a show of cooperation between the track and township, Saturday, April 27th will be Alamo Township Night at the races. An resident of the township will get in free with proper identification.

En gros, la ville était en conflit avec la piste à propos du bruit émis par les voiture. Le tout s'est conclu avec le retrait de toutes procédures de la part de la ville et la piste est libre de vaquer à ses occupations sans se bâdrer d'exigence désobligeantes de personne.

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