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Ira t il rejoindre son frère???

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Kyle Busch, toujours égal à lui même, a encore fait une bévue après la course de dimanche en débatissant TRD ''live'' en communication avec son équipe. La différence, c'est que M White, grand boss the TRD, ce coup ci, ne l'a pas trouver drôle pis pas du tout.

S'il ne veut pas alller rejoindre son fréro dans une équipe médiocre de 3ème ordre, il serait peut être temps qu'il pense à peser ses mots envers ceux qui lui permettent de vivre en pachat.

Toyota not happy with Kyle Busch's Dover comments: After leading - by far - the most laps in Sunday's AAA 400 at Dover International Speedway, #18Kyle Busch was forced to make a late pit stop under green flag conditions in order to make it to the end of the race. The stop cost him the win and he finished seventh, one lap down. Only six cars, including winner Brad Keselowski, finished on the lead lap. As he crossed the finish line, Busch let loose a short, vulgarity-laced tirade over his team radio directed at Toyota Racing Development, claiming the in-house tuning shop for all Toyota cars had cost him and his No. 18 Joe Gibbs Racing team "another one." On Wednesday, Lee White, TRD president, took issue with Busch's comments. "We're as frustrated as he was that he didn't win that race considering how many laps he led, considering he and Denny (Hamlin) both literally dominated the race. We're as disappointed as he was. However, we've got used to saying 'That's just Kyle, you know' But this is a bit of a special case," White said. "We're extremely disappointed in his negative comments and the tone of the comments after the event. It is under discussion as we move forward. We certainly are very disappointed, having said that, Kyle is an amazing talent in a race car and he takes it very personally when something goes wrong and he loses a race he thinks he should have won. I look forward to take it up with coach (Joe) Gibbs and see if we can't do something to sort it out so that we have a better working relationship in the future. I am confident that we will."(


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Et voilà pourquoi j'aime détester KB... mettons qu'il n'inspire pas le respect.

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C'est comme dans la WWE. Ca prend des bons et des méchants. Ca donne un meilleur spectacle de cette facon, ca vend plus et ca génère de l'intéret. Qu'on aime ou aime pas, ca reste deux maudits bon pilotes.

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De toute façon, c'est déjà tout oublié. Kyle a fait son petit apology, la famille Toyota a accepté et on recommence à se licher les lobes d'oreilles, pis à se trouver bon.

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andre fortin a écrit:
De toute façon, c'est déjà tout oublié. Kyle a fait son petit apology, la famille Toyota a accepté et on recommence à se licher les lobes d'oreilles, pis à se trouver bon.


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