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Johnathan Schwemler

Rule Clarification : 15c Position du moteur et supports

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15 c) Pour les chassis G originaux (incluant ceux qui ont un clip avant Morin): 2 pouces de moins que les mesures mentionnees dans 15a, 15b, 15c (<---- not my typo), 15d.

That's how the rule reads, and these are my questions related to that...

So, the rear of the engine should be 87" from the webbing that is used to reinforce the area between the gear carrier and the axle tubes? (this webbing is roughly in the center of the axle) (the 31 is running a stock frame and stock rearend right now)

Thanks for the assistance!

Johnathan Schwemler

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Any help here?

There's a picture in the rules for the Ford 9", so I understand that measurement, but I'm lost on where to measure the stock GM differential.

It"s difficult enough building a car to two sets of rules, especially when one set is in a language that you don't completely understand, and I could really use the clarification.

Thanks guys for your help, because I really need to weld the motor mounts in tonight.

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From what I understand in the rules, you need to measure at the face of the diff when the cover is off the diff. It's not in the center of the axle. The GM cover is in the back of the diff, the Ford is in the front, that is why there is a difference of 4 inches in the two rules (depending on the diff you choose to run). From what I read, your measure should be 91" +/- half an inch from the engine to the back cover of your GM diff. That's because you run GM engine with GM diff.orrect me if I'm wrong,but that's what I understood while reading the rulebook...
Hope this will help! Cool

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