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Johnathan Schwemler

Rookie of the Year

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How many races can a driver participate in during a single season to still be considered a rookie for the next season?

Does this include the MASTERS Series races at Airborne Speedway in Plattsburgh, NY?

Thanks for your time,

Johnathan Schwemler

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Johnathan Schwemler a écrit:
How many races can a driver participate in during a single season to still be considered a rookie for the next season?

Does this include the MASTERS Series races at Airborne Speedway in Plattsburgh, NY?

Thanks for your time,

Johnathan Schwemler

The 2012 ANCA Championship INCLUDED 12 races. 9 at St-Eustache and 3 at Airborne. All the 12 races count for the roockie championship. A roockie is a driver with 4 programs or less in Sportsman division during his life.
Exemple: If you participate at 4 events in 2011 + 2 events in 2012, for a total of 6, you won't be eligible for the roockies championship in 2013. (a driver beginning a season with 5 races or more in his life in the same division cannot be a roockie)

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Yves Ladouceur a écrit:
Johnathan Schwemler a écrit:
How many races can a driver participate in during a single season to still be considered a rookie for the next season?

Does this include the MASTERS Series races at Airborne Speedway in Plattsburgh, NY?

Thanks for your time,

Johnathan Schwemler

The 2012 ANCA Championship INCLUDED 12 races. 9 at St-Eustache and 3 at Airborne. All the 12 races count for the roockie championship. A roockie is a driver with 4 programs or less in Sportsman division during his life.
Exemple: If you participate at 4 events in 2011 + 2 events in 2012, for a total of 6, you won't be eligible for the roockies championship in 2013. (a driver beginning a season with 5 races or more in his life in the same division cannot be a roockie)

Do starts registered as an Airborne Speedway driver count?

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Johnathan Schwemler a écrit:
Yves Ladouceur a écrit:
Johnathan Schwemler a écrit:
How many races can a driver participate in during a single season to still be considered a rookie for the next season?

Does this include the MASTERS Series races at Airborne Speedway in Plattsburgh, NY?

Thanks for your time,

Johnathan Schwemler

The 2012 ANCA Championship INCLUDED 12 races. 9 at St-Eustache and 3 at Airborne. All the 12 races count for the roockie championship. A roockie is a driver with 4 programs or less in Sportsman division during his life.
Exemple: If you participate at 4 events in 2011 + 2 events in 2012, for a total of 6, you won't be eligible for the roockies championship in 2013. (a driver beginning a season with 5 races or more in his life in the same division cannot be a roockie)

Do starts registered as an Airborne Speedway driver count?


Le titre de la recrue de l’année sera attribué au meilleur « nouveau pilote » de sa catégorie pour la saison en cours, c’est-à-dire au nouveau pilote qui aura accumulé le plus de points. Ce dernier devra avoir participé à 80% des courses de la saison, NE JAMAIS AVOIR PARTICIPÉ À PLUS DE 5 COURSES à vie dans le passé dans la division concernée, et ne pas être issue d’une catégorie supérieure ou égale à la sienne. Le niveau des catégories est le suivant : 1 : Sportsman, 2 : Sport Compactes, Légendes modifiées et Production, 3- Challenge 4. Les points pour les Recrues de l’année sont attribués au pilote sur une base personnelle. Les points ramassés par d’autres pilotes ayant piloté la même voiture seront soustraits des points de l’équipe lors des absence du pilote-recrue.

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I understand that rule, but it doesn't really clear up my question.

An Airborne registered driver/car doesn't participate in events at ASE or the MASTERS at Airborne as an ANCA Sportsman. You pointed that out when you stated that the 8 minimum races for the MASTERS point fund had to be races from ASE.

Should the rule be amended for that, or are people able to take advantage of that so that they are better prepared for the strong rookie classes that the ANCA Sportsman produce?

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Johnathan Schwemler a écrit:
I understand that rule, but it doesn't really clear up my question.

An Airborne registered driver/car doesn't participate in events at ASE or the MASTERS at Airborne as an ANCA Sportsman. You pointed that out when you stated that the 8 minimum races for the MASTERS point fund had to be races from ASE.

Should the rule be amended for that, or are people able to take advantage of that so that they are better prepared for the strong rookie classes that the ANCA Sportsman produce?


Si tu t'étais présenté ce matin à l'ASE avec les autres de pilotes de la division SPORTSMAN, tu serais au courant des choses à savoir.(que tu sais déjà d'ailleurs).

En fait, ce sont les mêmes conditions qu'énoncées lors du meeting de décembre, et que tu as en main sur la documentation qu'on vous a remis.

Pour toutes les réponses aux multiples questions que toi, et ton ami, Monsieur Descarries avez posées depuis quelques jours, les réponses sont sur votre règlementation depuis décembre dernier.

Vos prétentions sur le nombre de programmes minimum à Plattsburgh, ainsi que le règlement des pneus font également partie de la désinformation que vous avez tenté de répandre.

Il n'y aura aucun amendement au règlement, en ce qui concerne le nombre minimum d'événements et le règlement de recrues.

Bonne journée.

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Patient M. Yves Ladouceur, je ne voudrais pas votre "job" pantoute...bonne journée d'essaies!

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Quand on sait qui tire les ficelles par en arrière.......ce n'est pas surptenant !!!
Les vraies informations ont été données ce matin aux pilotes CONCERNÉS.

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Yves Ladouceur a écrit:
Johnathan Schwemler a écrit:
I understand that rule, but it doesn't really clear up my question.

An Airborne registered driver/car doesn't participate in events at ASE or the MASTERS at Airborne as an ANCA Sportsman. You pointed that out when you stated that the 8 minimum races for the MASTERS point fund had to be races from ASE.

Should the rule be amended for that, or are people able to take advantage of that so that they are better prepared for the strong rookie classes that the ANCA Sportsman produce?


Si tu t'étais présenté ce matin à l'ASE avec les autres de pilotes de la division SPORTSMAN, tu serais au courant des choses à savoir.(que tu sais déjà d'ailleurs).
Even when I'm there you guys speak soo fast my limited french can't keep up... I understood every word Mike Perrotte said! Laughing

En fait, ce sont les mêmes conditions qu'énoncées lors du meeting de décembre, et que tu as en main sur la documentation qu'on vous a remis.
Although things like the 8 race rule was presented in December, I didn't understand it until I got in an arguement with another Sportsman driver over how it worked. That's why I needed to ask you. Both of us misunderstood and neither of us won the bet!

Pour toutes les réponses aux multiples questions que toi, et ton ami, Monsieur Descarries avez posées depuis quelques jours, les réponses sont sur votre règlementation depuis décembre dernier.
Although M. Descarries may be a friend (I wouldn't be racing ANCA Sportsman if it hadn't been for JF promoting it) he doesn't pull my strings on which questions to ask. I have asked questions on behalf of other Sportsman drivers though!

Vos prétentions sur le nombre de programmes minimum à Plattsburgh, ainsi que le règlement des pneus font également partie de la désinformation que vous avez tenté de répandre.
I've never spoken of the Plattsburgh tire rule, and have known that it was in effect when Airborne implemented it. The advantage of speaking english is that it's easy to make friends south of the border.

Il n'y aura aucun amendement au règlement, en ce qui concerne le nombre minimum d'événements et le règlement de recrues.
I didn't expect you to rewrite rules, the rookie rule could use a revision, but not a rewrite. Since it was straightened out before the season started, I won't have an issue with it.

Bonne journée.

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The advantage of speaking english is that it's easy to make friends south of the border.[/color](Jonathan) l'avantage de parler français est que tu peux te faire beaucoup d'amis du côté nord de la frontière.
Et si tu parles les deux langues, tu as des amis des deux cotés de la frontière !

Bonne journée.

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