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andre fortin

Une job de pit crew, ça te tente?????

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Mercredi, chez Richard Childress Racing, grosse journée de recrutement, ouvert à tous(toutes).

Arrive prêt.

Always wanted to try out at a combine?

The vast majority of people won’t ever be invited to a National Football League combine, but Richard Childress Racing has scheduled one that is open to anyone. Well, almost anyone.

For the first time in its history, RCR is holding a pit-crew training combine. The sessions will be held at RCR’s Welcome, N.C., facility Tuesday and Wednesday next week.

The combine is open to both experienced pit-crew members as well as individuals with a desire to work in the field. Activities will include agility workouts and demanding tests, including simulated pit stops, so a certain level of physical ability is expected.

Qualified individuals should arrive at RCR dressed appropriately and prepared to work out. There are no fees associated with the combine.

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Belle opportunité...mais je passe mon tour...trop énervant à mon â

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