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Johnathan Schwemler

In car Headphones, 15" x 8", 5x5" rim avec 3" backspacing

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Looking to borrow these parts for the night tonight...

I have stuff ordered, although my parts are in transit.

1 x ear phones for driver to work w/ standard in car radio wiring
1 x 15" x 8", 5 x 5" rim w/ 3" backspacing -the condition isn't a worry, round, holds air... (it's for the spare)

Merci beacoup!

my cell;

Johnathan Schwemler

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Johnathan Schwemler a écrit:
Looking to borrow these parts for the night tonight...

1 x ear phones for driver to work w/ standard in car radio wiring

my cell;

Johnathan Schwemler

There was a topic here at the beginning of the season, I think Stephane Gauvreau was saying that at the dollar store Dollarama they had ear buds that does a great job... For 2$

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