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Jean-François Descarries

Des bonnes nouvelles de Patrick Carpentier

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Wave Energy Drink to Sponsor TBR and Carpentier in Six Sprint Cup Races

Charlotte, NC - (Aug. 27, 2009)

Wave Energy Drink, LLC announced today that it will sponsor Tommy Baldwin Racing’s No. 36 Toyota and driver Patrick Carpentier in six NASCAR Sprint Cup Series races this season.

Wave Energy Drink branding will appear on the No. 36 for the following six races: Atlanta, Richmond, New Hampshire, Dover, Kansas and California. “The partnership between Wave Energy Drink and Tommy Baldwin Racing will provide the brand with immediate access to a significant number of the core target audience vital to the brand’s success,” said Jason Wolter, V.P. of Marketing for Wave Energy. “The partnership will help us turbo-charge Wave Energy’s upcoming consumer launch. We are also excited about our involvement with a NASCAR Sprint Cup Series team that has a loyal following like TBR. In addition to consumer awareness, Wave Energy Drink sees this as a great opportunity to reach interested franchise owners. This is a great way to get started in your own business to be a part of one of the fastest growing categories, energy drinks. There are protected territories available across the country.”

Unlike typical energy drinks, Wave Energy Drink has no bad after taste, no funky smell and no artificial flavoring. Wave Energy Drink is made with lower caffeine levels than other energy drinks and has added loads of healthy B Vitamins in its place. With high quality ingredients and B Vitamins, Wave Energy Drink gives you the power and energy and taste you won’t find in any other energy drink. Wave Energy Drink is one of only a few energy drinks to use all natural flavors on the market today.

“We are excited to help promote a new brand on our No. 36 Toyota,” said Tommy Baldwin. “We are excited to help grow their brand as they help grow ours. I think this partnership is a win-win for everyone involved.” With the sponsorship Wave Energy Drink is hoping to make consumers aware of their new product and also expand their distribution throughout the country. They feel like it’s a unique chance to benefit from a promising company with proven leadership in a rapidly growing market segment. Energy drinks are the only category to experience double digit growth in the entire beverage industry. Energy drink sales are currently estimated at $7 billion in 2010.

For more information, please visit

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