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Jean-François Descarries

Pour ceux qui savent lire l'anglais!

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Tuesday will be a busy day in Niagara.

While voters head to the polls, many people in the area will be awaiting word from the United Arab Emirates about plans for a NASCAR-style race track proposed for the west side of the QEW between Bowen Road and Gilmore Road in Fort Erie.

Despite rumours that the announcement would come out of the UAE – where Fort Erie Mayor Doug Martin is with Economic Development and Trade Minister Sandra Puppatello this week to take part in the Cityscape Expo in Dubai – it’s now expected that announcement will come after Thanksgiving.

“Tuesday after 3 p.m.” read a brief e-mail from Jim Thibert, general manager of Fort Erie’s Economic Development and Tourism Corp. who accompanied Martin to Dubai.

The propsed $150-million track will have seating for 67,000 spectators, a 1.6-kilometre oval and a street track that would accommodate NASCAR, Indy and Formula One racing.

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Jean-François Descarries a écrit:
Tuesday will be a busy day in Niagara.

While voters head to the polls, many people in the area will be awaiting word from the United Arab Emirates about plans for a NASCAR-style race track proposed for the west side of the QEW between Bowen Road and Gilmore Road in Fort Erie.

Despite rumours that the announcement would come out of the UAE – where Fort Erie Mayor Doug Martin is with Economic Development and Trade Minister Sandra Puppatello this week to take part in the Cityscape Expo in Dubai – it’s now expected that announcement will come after Thanksgiving.

“Tuesday after 3 p.m.” read a brief e-mail from Jim Thibert, general manager of Fort Erie’s Economic Development and Tourism Corp. who accompanied Martin to Dubai.

The propsed $150-million track will have seating for 67,000 spectators, a 1.6-kilometre oval and a street track that would accommodate NASCAR, Indy and Formula One racing.

C'est sur qu'avec le bassin de population qu'il y a dans cette région, ca ne devrait pas etre trop difficile de vendre un tel projet.

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Si ma mémoire est bonne ce projet a déjà été annoncé... il y a quelques années en même temps que la mort née International StockCar Alliance (ISA), te rappelle-tu? JF.

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Je serais le plus surpris que les "Dieux" de la F-1 s'y retrouvent.....même Indy car...! Le circuit peut être homologuer, mais ca ne veux pas dire qu'ils vont y être un jour et ce nsere a probablement jamais le cas. À mon avis c'est un autre grand coup de pelle dans les nuages.

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