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Michael McDowell !!!!!!!!!

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Bravo a Nascar pour les normes de sécuritées!Ce gars la serait pas fort sans la platte-forme COT et les safety barrier!!

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jai etudier le video un peut y vien loose a 192 mph au plus loin 195 mph avec le volant contre braque vers la droite et sa toujours a full throttle 100% il tappe le mur a 188 mph et apres ses les tonneau a 160 mph en decroissant 9 ou 10 au total SurprisedSurprisedSurprisedSurprisedSurprisedSurprised

et quelque seconde plus tard il sort du vehicule en saluant la foule ShockedShocked


toute les nouvelle mesure de securiter on faite en sorte qui est sorti de la indemme

sur le site

yeah replace a 28-foot section of the SAFER barrier yeah sa sauver une vie

NASCAR vice president for competition Robin Pemberton said it's standard procedure for NASCAR to evaluate how its safety initiatives hold up in severe crashes, particularly the advancements that have been made in the new car.

Pemberton said NASCAR engineers may be particularly interested in this crash, because it should provide some valuable telemetry to show forces and loads on the car when it impacted the SAFER barrier and then tumbled at least eight times.

"I don't know if anything's textbook," Pemberton said. "Every [incident] seems to be different. It was a substantial, rather spectacular incident, so we'll take this opportunity to go back and learn what we can with it.

"We'll look at all the numbers. We'll measure it and look at loads and hits and all of that. We'll put it in our database and take that opportunity to learn some stuff."

An initial inspection of the car by NASCAR officials following the accident seemed to indicate that all of the safety features on the car performed as expected, according to Pemberton.

"It seemed to," Pemberton said. "Once again, it's hard to really make a judgment on it, in the field like this. Everybody took a good look at it. It's best to do it in a closed environment where we can really take our time and look.

"When we measure these cars, we know where everything is, all of the components and all the structure is, within a thousandth of an inch. We've got a sheet on every one of these cars. We'll go back and we may compare some of those initial numbers from when the car was new until now."

Pemberton said safety is something that is an evolutionary process. And studying the data from McDowell's crash will help engineers as they continue to make improvements to the current design.

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c est vrai qu ils sont assé avencé en sécurité maintenent ,mais le coté plate de la chose c est que sa pris des morts pour leur sonné la cloche !

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SurprisedSurprised oufffff le gars sort et salut la foule comme si rien n'était arrivé
il marche droit meme pas étourdi Surprised c'est incroyable !!

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