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Sadler parle de Carpentier...

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We've got to do that all winter long and get ready for next season, but we are definitely going into next season thinking we can make the Chase.

I'll tell you one thing. I'm really looking forward to working with Patrick Carpentier, who'll join our group at Phoenix this weekend. I'm especially trying to tune up my impersonation of Patrick.

I think he ran very well at the COT test in Atlanta. He's a very nice guy and he's got a lot to learn. Kasey and I are going to try and help him as much as we can. I love the way that he explains stuff.

I can't do his accent right now on cue, but I'll get better at it and maybe try and get it at Phoenix. I look forward to helping him.

They're putting some good guys around him so we'll see. I think there is going to be a learning curve. We just have to do our job as teammates and as teams to try and help the No. 10 out as much as we can each and every week, because the first five or six races next year are going to be tough on everybody.

*&@#!% j'peut pu attendre!!!!

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