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Ti-Gaz !

Terrible accident au Tennesee

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bah ca m'as l'air d'une parade celon ce qui disent =/

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non finalement c étais une course sur une route public avec la foule tout au long sans bloc de ciment pour les protéger ,le gars a fais sa drag,les pneu on chauffé et en perdand le controle il a ramasser la foule ,aucune chance No

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alaintardif1982 a écrit:
non finalement c étais une course sur une route public avec la foule tout au long sans bloc de ciment pour les protéger ,le gars a fais sa drag,les pneu on chauffé et en perdand le controle il a ramasser la foule ,aucune chance No

Bah je me suis renseigné sur cnn hier soir et en gros c'est que les pilotes faisait juste des burnout et lachait le char pour une petite distance... le gars bah a clairement perdu controle et voila le triste résultat...
---------------------------------------- a écrit:

The crash happened during an "exhibition burnout" -- when a drag racer spins his tires fast enough to make them smoke. Drivers of other dragsters in the parade had been spinning their tires and then accelerating quickly, but everyone else put on the brakes before going past the guard rails, said Garett Moore, 19, who said he was about 15 feet away when the car wrecked.


Larry Price, the founder of Cars for Kids, said he has been staging this event for 18 years in Selmer, and drivers always do burnouts at the end of the parade. There had been no accidents in the past, he said.

"We're not racing," Price said. "We're just doing little old burnouts, revving the motors up, stuff like that."

There were four professional drag racers at the show, and each was supposed to do one burnout, Price said. Most people burn the tires for less than 50 feet, but Critchley went much farther than that before losing control, Price said.


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