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Jean-François Descarries

NASCAR à Montréal

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Michigan International Speedway. Credit: Rusty Jarrett/Getty Images

Canada, candy and Carl
By Marty Smith, NASCAR.COM
August 24, 2006
10:14 AM EDT (14:14 GMT)

Canada, start your engines, eh?

According to a high-ranking NASCAR source, the sanctioning body is close to securing a Busch Series date north of the border for the 2007 season. Though not yet fully executed, the contract is some 95 percent complete and should be done within the week, the source said.

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Once complete, NASCAR plans to host a points-paying event at the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve road course in Montreal, Quebec.

The race's prospective date was not disclosed, but if NASCAR follows the format used in the Mexico City initiative, look for the Montreal event to fall on a Cup Series off-weekend, thereby enabling any interested Nextel Cup Series drivers to compete.

Excluding Easter weekend, just one date is open: mid-July, between Chicago and Indianapolis.

Again, that is merely speculation, but there's no question NASCAR wants Cup Lite in Labattland.

NASCAR officials placed the Mexico City date in the season's third week, an off-weekend for the Nextel Cup Series stationed between events in Fontana, Calif., and Las Vegas, Nev.

As a result, non-Busch Series-regulars Rusty Wallace, Kevin Harvick, Elliott Sadler and Jamie McMurray, among others, were enticed to compete in its inaugural running at the Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez, a 2.518-mile road course.

The Circuit Gilles Villeneuve course is 2.709 miles in length, and currently hosts the Formula One Canadian Grand Prix and the Champ Car Grand Prix of Montreal.

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NASCAR's Canadian initiative is many years in the making. In June 2004, NASCAR opened a corporate office in Toronto in a joint partnership with Canadian media company TSN.

"This partnership, which goes far beyond televising NASCAR in Canada, will help grow the NASCAR brand in Canada, attract new fans to our sport, and bring new marketing opportunities to NASCAR sponsors and licensing partners," said then-NASCAR COO George Pyne, who has since departed the company to head-up IMG, the world's foremost athlete-representation firm.

"It will be an important vehicle for NASCAR's continuing support of stock car racing in the Canadian market."

Many consider NASCAR's want to construct a track in the Northwest a bid to satiate Canadian fans, as well. Canada is widely considered NASCAR's largest untapped market, which seems an accurate assessment judging by email feedback to articles.

It won't be long now.

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Twisted EvilTwisted EvilTwisted Evil

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Champ-Car OUT!!!!
Aweywe Tag,demande a ton boss qui te donne le volant a Ambrose en Craftsman!! Twisted Evil

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*J'en ai presque éclaboussé mon verre de jus*

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j'imagine tracy pis villeneuve en train de se faire les 100 coups sur la track ... Les journaux seraient contents la !!!

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Question comme cela,
Combien d'acheteurs de billets pour le Busch Série au Circuit Gilles Villeneuve les 3-4 aoùt ont recu leurs billets...

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Pas encore mais...

J'ai téléphoné, pas plus tard que la semaine dernière, à la billetterie du circuit Gilles-villeneuve du réseau admission et on m'a dit qu'ils n'étaient pas encore imprimés mais que l'on devrait les recevoir d'ici la fin du mois de mars (plutôt que la fin février originalement prévue.).

En espérant que cette information vous aide.

Plus que 4 mois et demi...

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CeeBee a écrit:
Question comme cela,
Combien d'acheteurs de billets pour le Busch Série au Circuit Gilles Villeneuve les 3-4 aoùt ont recu leurs billets...

je n'ai pas reçu mes billets au début il avais dit en février et j'ai reçu un e-mail
comme quoi la livraison était remis en mars.

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Moi je les trouvent imbéciles!

Je ne sait si c'est Admission ou l'organisation qui ne vendent pas de tickets aux Labaie(e)!!

Seulement par carte de crédit ou quoi?Ca va mal,sont toutes loadées!!

Comment avez-vous acheter vos billets si ce n'est que par carte de crédit?

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