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Marina de Lacrowe

Entre le bien et le mal

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Classic phrase used during the marriage "between good and evil" that today I want to use it differently. Those who love to read books, knows that often tell of people have disappeared, and it is about those who knew these people through books tell us about these famous people.
The book "Qui se souvient de John Woolfe ?" released in 2009 is a biography on the French pilot who died in the race at Le Mans in 1969 and written by Michel Boixière and Michel Fournier. The sale of more than 600 copies of the book could know the true story of the incident J.Woolfe, because behind this happened there are so many assumptions and few certainties.
There is a short video showing the incident to J.Woolfe partner wild with pleasure but shot in the fog, and not much understand how the events took place. There is the hypothesis that J.Woolfe has not fastened his seat belt and was thrown out of the cockpit. Exists the possibility that the right door of his car was not closed, and has contributed to the accident. Exists the possibility that J.Woolfe was wrong to take the corner of the stretch where he died, to avoid aventuale overtaking Ferrari's following him.
However, the truth knows anyone who has suffered the accident but unfortunately is unable to tell us about it. Here, then, that books can give us a vision of the facts, and the authors expertise in describing what happened during the story.
In conclusion, the term "good" I attribute it to the authors of the books, without which we could not learn the lives of celebrities. And the term "evil" I attribute to the unfortunate people who have suffered the fatal accident, and then fades over time their story.

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Chère Marina @ : Merci pour cet article ! Dans le livre nous ne formulons pas d'hypothèses. En interrogeant les témoins sur place à l'époque, donc les 3 commissaires en poste sur maison blanche, tous ont dit que John arrivait trop vite et ne pu prendre le "S". Il est décédé éjecté de sa 917 qui fut coupée en deux dans le choc. Pour bien comprendre ce qu'était la 917 de juin 1969 il faut lire les déclarations des pilotes pros de chez Porsche pour se faire une idée de difficulté à dompter la "bête". John ne fit que 6 tours avec et cassa un moteur. Lors du 1er tour démarrant difficilement en retard il du cravacher pour remonter en 11è position lors de l'accident. Il dépassa ses possibilités !
Il y a un très bel article sur John Woolfe et la 917 dans le magazine "Flat 6" de septembre.
J'ai fait un PDF de 150 pagesde photos sur John, des essais à l'accident. Si tu le veux je te l'envoie. Il y des commentaires de Herbert Linge qui devait prendre le volant pour le départ, mais John a refusé, c'était sa voiture ! Helàs !

PS : Nous fêtons avec Michel Boixière le 700è exemplaire vendu.

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"Nous fêtons avec Michel Boixière le 700è exemplaire vendu"

I can be very happy to know a serious writer, and equally happy that the book has had an even greater sales. My little article was written in English is not my first language, it is obvious that some speech was not delivered properly, and may cause some small mistakes.Certainly in the French version I would have committed more misspellings, and why I did not write. In general I have tried to highlight that often through the books, you can learn how the events took place.

"J'ai fait un PDF de 150 pagesde photos sur John, des essais à l'accident. Si tu le veux je te l'envoie"

I am honored that a man can recognize that even the girls can understand a sport considered for males. In the '60s, I was not yet born and for this I can not make judgments on the pilot J.Woolfe, although I looked for information about its history and also some pictures. I wanted to put more information in my article, but I was not sure of their reliability why I gave up.
Mr. Michel, if he wants to give me a chance to read his documents I am very grateful, although my French is at the school level, the images fortunately have a common language.

I really like the design and looking at the cover of his book, it seemed to recognize the giant wheel typical of Le Mans. Can you tell me something about the cover of the book? ( Just a curiosity )



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Marina @ : Merci pour les dernières phrases. La structure graphique de la couverture a été décidé à deux avec Michel Boixière, après les consignes de l'ACO de ne pas faire apparaitre une voiture en 1ère de couv. Donc nous avons pensé à illustrer la courbe Dunlop avec son pneu aux couleurs de l'équipe de John Woolfe, comme un arc en ciel. La couverture a été diversement appréciée par nos lecteurs. Mais difficile de parler des 24 h du Mans sans faire figurer une auto. Comprenne qui pourra !

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