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Ci-dessous les derniers liens pour les téléchargements de E-sys et psdzdata :

E-Sys.rar (Includes E-Sys v.3.27.1 & Guides):!JxQXEDzS!HJz-AHV1cwMf6DkIgQs5W3d41ubx2yK6EjIj_v-H1X8

* NOTE: If upgrading from a previous E-Sys version, first uninstall current E-Sys version via Windows Control Panel.

* NOTE: E-Sys 3.27.1 is the preferred version. Newer E-Sys versions are known to have random Runtime Errors and do not work with 61.5 PSdZData KIS Database for ECU Programming.

E-Sys Launcher Premium 2.x (w/ Builtin Token Generator): #F!PV9lxa4J!wvP4wFcYZVF84JBfc__lAw

* NOTE: E-Sys Launcher 2.x requires original unmodified E-Sys version. If you have a E-Sys version using patched .jar file(s), uninstall E-Sys and reinstall a clean copy.

* NOTE: If E-Sys Launcher 2.x requires and Activation Code, you must obtain it from the developer, TokenMaster, directly. In that case, press the Activation button to send him an email request. There is no cost for the Activation code for Premium version.

* NOTE: E-Sys Launcher 2.x Car Series MUST be set to exactly match the car's chassis type you are coding (e.g. F01, F06, F07, F10, F12, F15, F25, F30, F82, F83, etc.). If after install it defaults to F999 and it cannot be changed, change PC Date ahead 4 days, then change E-Sys Launcher Car Series, then change PC Date back to current date. DO NOT create .EST Token and PIN with PC Date advanced 4 days as the Validity Start Date for the token will be 4 days in the future.

"E-Sys - Installation Instructions - v.14.pdf" (E-Sys Installation & Setup Guide):!M1BSHR4T!Vx_dMBMzQqRvv-PXZ6v_jyNJOo-4Yot5i3-hmmaQgno


* NOTE: PSdZData Lite Version has all ECU Firmware files removed, which are needed only for flashing new firmware onto ECU's and which ARE NOT needed at all for any Coding.

- OR -


* NOTE: If upgrading from a previous PSdZData version, DELETE old PSdZData folder and REPLACE with new PSdZData folder (DO NOT copy (merge) new PSdZData folder on on top of old PSdZData folder).V337249

* NOTE: 60.x PSdZData requires E-Sys 3.27.1 or higher. Do NOT use older version of E-Sys.

* NOTE: 54.2 PSdZData and higher requires E-Sys Launcher Premium 2.x for FDL Coding. BMW AG made changes to PSdZData beginning with 54.2 PSdZData where they removed (trimmed) all descriptive text from CAFD (and FAFP) files, making FDL Coding of ECU's difficult, as the FDL Codes can no longer be easily located. E-Sys Launcher Premium 2.x uses historical CAFD data from older Untrimmed PSdZData releases to dynamically map the trimmed data back into E-Sys.

Je le mettrais à jour dès que des nouveaux seront disponibles.

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