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La subaru de Jamie

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Hello everyone! thank you for letting me join your forum!


Bonjour tout le monde! je vous remercie de me joindre à votre forum!

^^i hope that is right lol!

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Subie Gal a écrit:
Hello everyone! thank you for letting me join your forum!


Bonjour tout le monde! je vous remercie de me joindre à votre forum!

^^i hope that is right lol!

Hello Jamie, it is with great pleasure that the members of subarumania and myself officially welcome you here.This'is truly an honour to count you among our members. Ton charts in the U.S. rallies leave us admire. We hope through this post that we informed you a little of your season (ranking, races, etc. ..) over the month.
For the record I attach to this post your achievements.

Home: Kirkland, WA
Role: Driver

First rally as co-driver: SCCA Doo Wops Rally, 2001
First rally as driver: SCCA Doo Wops Rally, 2002

Career Highlights
SCCA NW Region Driver Class 3 Champion
SCCA Nor Pac Region Production Class - 2nd Place
SCCA ProRally Production - 2nd Place Drivers Championship
SCCA Oregon Trail ProRally - 1st Place (first ProRally win)
SCCA NW Rallysprints - First Overall Win
SCCA ProRally PGT - 3rd Place
SCCA Nor Pac Region PGT Class Champion
SCCA NW Region Driver Class 2 Champion
SCCA NW Region Driver Class 2 Champion
SCCA Nor Pac Region PGT Car Class Champion
Western States Rally Championship - PGT Driver
Rally-America Western Region PGT Champion
SCCA Nor Pac Region PGT Class 2nd Place
Western States Rally Championship PGT Driver
Treeline Rally - 1st Overall - Rally Winner

Pacific Rally Championship Driver PGT Champion

Titles and Championships

2006 NASA Rally-America and Pacific Rally Group Championship
Jamie Wins the Pacific Rally Group PGT Championship
Mountain Trials 3rd Overall - 1st in Class
2005 NASA Rally-America and Western State Rally Championships
Jamie Takes 3rd overall, 1st in Class
Treeline Rally, Rally-America - Jamie 1st Overall in a stage rally! 1st in Class
Oregon Trail Regional Rally - Another Podium! 3rd Overall

2004 Norpac, and Western States Rally Championship
SCCA Nor Pac Region PGT Class Champion
SCCA NW Region Driver Class 2 Champion
SCCA Western States Rally PGT Driver Class Champion
Mountain Trails Rally - Jamie Won Her First Stage Overall
Wild West Rally - Fastest Stage Time
Shitepoke ClubRally - First Podium Finish - 3rd Overall

2003 Norpac and Western States Rally Championship
SCCA NorPac Region PGT Class Champion
SCCA NW Region Driver Class 2 Champion
CCA National ProRally PGT - 3rd Place
Western States Rally Championship - 3rd Place
Oregon Trail ProRally - 1st Place PGT (first National Win)
SCCA Rallysprints 1st Overall (1st Overall Win)

2002 SCCA Norpac and ProRally Championship
SCCA NW Region Class 3 Champion
SCCA NorPac Region Production Class - 2nd Place
SCCA ProRally - Production Class - 2nd Place National Championship

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you have a very nice sub and I saw you are a big champion.
We hope to see you in france with all the members
Best regards lol!

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