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celle là est terrible!!!


Red, red wine goes to my head
Makes me forget that I still need her so

Red, red wine, it's up to you
All I can do I've done
Memories won't go, memories won't go

I'd have sworn, that with time
Thoughts of you would leave my head
I was wrong, now I find
Just one thing makes me forget

Red, red wine, stay close to me
Don't let me be alone
It's tearing apart my blue heart

I'd have sworn, that with time
Thoughts of you would leave my head
I was wrong, now I find
Just one thing makes me forget

Red, red wine, stay close to me
Don't let me be alone
It's tearing apart my blue blue heart

Red red wine, you make me feel so fine
You keep me rockin' all of the time
Red red wine, you make me feel so grand
I feel a million dollar when you're just in my hand
Red red wine, you make me feel so sad
Any time I see you go, it make me feel bad
Red red wine, you make me feel so fine
Monkey back and ease up on the sweet deadline

Red red wine, you give me holy pahzing
Holy pahzing, you make me do my own thing
Red red wine, you give me not awful love
Your kind of lovin' like a blessing from above
Red red wine, I loved you right from the start
Right from the start, with all of my heart
Red red wine in an eighties style
Red red wine in a modern beat style

Give me a little time, let me clear out my mind
Give me a little time, let me clear out my mind
Give me red wine, the kind make me feel fine
You make me feel fine all of the time
Red red wine, you make me feel so fine
Monkey back and ease up on the sweet deadline
The line broke, the money get choked
Bunbah, ganjapani, little rubber boat
Red red wine, I'm gonna hold on to you
Hold on to you 'cause I know you love truth
Red red wine, I'm gonna love you till I die
Love you till I die, and that's no lie
Red red wine, can't get your off my mind
Wherever you may be, I'll surely find
I'll surely find, Make no fuss, just leave us

Give me a little time, let me clear out my mind
+ de paroles

* Food For Thought
* The Way You Do The Things You Do
* Homely Girl
* Don't Break My Heart
* Crying Over You
* (I Can't Help) Falling In Love With You
* Superstition
* I Got You Babe
* Riddle Me
* Style Mk.4

Give me a little time, let me clear out my mind
Give me red wine, the kind make me feel fine
You make me feel fine all of the time
Red red wine, you make me feel so fine
Monkey back and ease up on the sweet deadline
The line broke, the money get choked
Bunbah, ganjapani, little rubber boat

Red red wine, you give me not awful love
Your kind of lovin' like a blessing from above
Red red wine, I loved you right from the start
Right from the start, with all of my heart
Red red wine, you give me holy pahzing
Holy pahzing, you make me do my own thing
Red red wine in an eighties style
Red red wine in a modern beat style

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