PhilippeBlais 0 Posté(e) le 10 octobre 2013 Dear Baja teams,The moment you’ve all been waiting for has arrived! L’Épreuve du Nord is back for its 8th edition! Again this year, Université Laval will host the most challenging and spectacular non-sanctioned Baja SAE competition in Canada. This year’s event will take place on February 15th and 16th 2013.After the success of last year’s Épreuve du Nord, the organization is already at work to bring you an even bigger and more impressive event than ever. With the participation of a few teams from Ontario and USA last year, the organisers are still hoping for more teams from outside the province to have an even fiercer competition.Here is how it goes:· The inspection. Teams are asked to arrive on the Friday morning for inspection. Make sure the vehicle has: - Passed Tech 2009 or sooner- SFI rated 2009 or sooner seat belts- Snell approved helmet- Working brakes (static check)- Working brake light- Two working kill switches- Proper powertrain guards- Governor set at 3800 rpm · The qualifications. There will three simultaneous qualifying events for even more action! Qualifications allow all teams to demonstrate their potential and practice driver’s skills. Again this year, good performances will be rewarded!· Le Show du Nord. This year, we are preparing a more laid back evening. It will be a great opportunity to meet other teams, to know the results of qualifications and chill out before the endurance race. A cover singer of the region will animate the evening.· The race. A two hours endurance race where all baja cars will battle in the snow and ice to bring home trophy and glory. The track will still be hosted on Université Laval’s Grand-Axe ground, with more features and challenges to test the limits of your baja. This is your opportunity to prepare your team for the upcoming competitions or only to live a memorable racing weekend!To register, please mail to and we will send you all the information and documentation as soon as possible. In order to make it possible for as many teams as possible, the registration is totally free and all teams can register as many cars as they want as long as they meet the safety rules. All teams are encouraged to compete with more than one baja.More information coming up soon.Hope to see you there!Jean-Michel BretonPresident, Épreuve du nord 8president@epreuvedunord.com418 717-1380J'ai trouvé sa sur Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites