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Salut M-A,

Ya une team qui demandais de l'info pour l'épreuve du nord et il disait qu'il pensait que ça marchait pu parce qu'il avait trouvé aucune info. J'ai répondu en disant que ça avait bel et bien toujours lieu (J'ai dit que c'était le 11-12 février est-ce que je me trompe?) et je lui ai donné le peu d'info que j'avais. Est-ce que tu pourrais écrire un petit résumé détaillé officiel de ce qui va se passer pour que je le post sur

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Voilà le texte pour SAE en anglais! révisé par jayson!

The Sixth Edition of L’Épreuve du Nord is going to take place in Quebec City, at Laval University on February 11th and 12th. The Bajas of 13 different colleges and universities will compete on a snowy racetrack. For the qualifications, three different tracks on the campus will have to be completed. On the first day, teams will be evaluated on their manoeuvrability skills in an undergrowth, on their acceleration capacity and on the traction/suspension abilities of their vehicle. The main race will take place the second day. This two hour endurance will happen on a fourth track and will reveal the most resistant Bajas. Besides being the only winter event of this kind in North America, L’Épreuve du Nord is also a social event. Indeed, people are cordially invited to assist the competition during the day, and the Show du Nord during the night, where local artists will perform, allowing all teams to fraternize.

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M-A viens de m'informer que l'UQAR s'ajoute à la compé donc je remplace le 13 par 14 ds le texte.

Bonne versioN :

The Sixth Edition of L’Épreuve du Nord is going to take place in Quebec City, at Laval University on February 11th and 12th. The Bajas of 14 different colleges and universities will compete on a snowy racetrack. For the qualifications, three different tracks on the campus will have to be completed. On the first day, teams will be evaluated on their manoeuvrability skills in an undergrowth, on their acceleration capacity and on the traction/suspension abilities of their vehicle. The main race will take place the second day. This two hour endurance will happen on a fourth track and will reveal the most resistant Bajas. Besides being the only winter event of this kind in North America, L’Épreuve du Nord is also a social event. Indeed, people are cordially invited to assist the competition during the day, and the Show du Nord during the night, where local artists will perform, allowing all teams to fraternize.

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Un gars sur demande si ya un hotel en particulier ou les équipes restent? Est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un qui peut me répondre pour que je lui passe le message?

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Ouin ben, Hôtle Québec, Sépia, Ozone, Gouverneurs, ça tourne autour de ça...

Mais laisse leur mon contact, parce que je dois leur transmettre des documents si jamais ils viennent, du style des papiers d'assurance...

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