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I'LL be rich guys! MDR!

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L'appat du gain peut faire faire n'importe quoi Smile

J'ai mis ma voiture en vente sur autoscout24 et le soir même je recois un message d'un anglais ou plutot d'un ricain nommé "james brian"

je lui donne les infos et le lendemain il me renvois ca :
I want to inform you that i will buy your car but i have a business proposal for you.

I am a captain with the United Nations troop in Iraq,on war against terrorism.Based on the United States legislative and executive decision for withdrawing troops from iraq come this year,i have been deployed to come and work in your country's military base soonest.Our mission is to help beef up terrorist targeted states,mostly the United states and the European Union on the war against terrorism.I will need a car for myself and that is why i contacted you.

On the other hand i want to inform you that I have in my possession the sum of 3.2million USD. which was recovered from one of our raids on terrorists here in iraq because they keep most of their money at home for evil activities which they normally get through illegal deals on crude oil.

Based on the suffering we undergo here some of us do meet such luck.It happened that i went for this raid with the men in my unit and i decided to take it as my share for my stress here in this evil land filled with suicide bombers.
I deposited this money with a red cross agent informing him that we are making contact for the real owner of the money.It is under my power to approove whoever comes forth for this money.

Where i have a problem is how to invest this money in europe on stocks and real estate.I cannot move this money to the United states because i will be in europe for about 3years and will want to invest it there with my wife who will be relocating with me,so i need someone i could trust.

If you accept,i will transfer the money to europe where you will be the beneficiary because i am a uniformed person and i cannot be parading such an amount so i need to present someone as the beneficiary.I am an american and an intelligence officer for that so i have a 100% authentic means of transferring the money through diplomatic courier service .I just need your acceptance and all is done.

Please if you are interested in this transaction i will give to you the complete details you need for us to carry out this transaction successfully.I decided to find someone that is real and not imaginary and that is why i went to a secured car site where i can be sure that the person is real.

I believe i can trust you. where we are now we can only communicate through our military communication facilities which is secured so nobody can monitor our discussions,then i can explain in details to you.I will only reach you through email,because our calls might be monitored,I just have to be sure whom i am dealing with.

If you are interested please send me your personal mobile number so i can call you for further enquiries when i am out of our military network.I am writing from a fresh email account so if you are not interested do not reply to this email and please delete this message,if no response after 3days i will then search for someone else.

I am doing this on trust,you should understand and you should know that as a trained millitary expert i will always play safe in case you are the bad type,but i pray you are not.3.2million USD is a lot of money which is the dream of anyone.

I wait for your contact deatils so we can go on.In less than 7days the money should have been noted on your account and i will come over for my money.I will give to you 30% of the sum and 70% is for me.I hope i am been fair on this deal.

Capt.James Brian.

Deja la c'est vachement bizarre le type ki me connais pas veut me confier 3,2 million $

je me suis dit "bon y a 99% de chances pour que ce soit une arnaque et que je paye la blinde a ce type"

mais je lui ai répondu que si ct une blague ct vmt pas marrant (quoi que) et que je ne payerais pas un cents, que si l'agent n'étais pas versé dans les 7 jours sur mon compte je ne voudrais plus envoyer un mail a son adresse et si ca se passais comme ca je respecterais le deal!

la il me répond :

Thanks for your response.I want you to know that this is no joke but very real.It looks like a gamble but it is not. we have suffered a lot here,as ever since i arrived here,we have not had a good night rest though is my warrant.I guess the news is not carrying it very well as we suffer here,what you see on the TV. is not exactly what we are undergoing here,it is worse than that.

There is no way i can handle this deal alone but with you, as all through yesterday we were all at easy waiting to capture the emergency of new troop of militants across the boarder as sent in by the Muslims. so you can see how busy i am.

On the discovery of this great fortune , we used our prestige as U.S marines on peace keeping mission to temporally deposit this fund with a red cross officer, for safe keeping, under the pretence that the owner will lay claim on it under my instructions. The red cross officer who has been working hand in hand with some of our pilots has access of going out and coming in virtually on daily basis,

All i require from you is for you to help me secure this fund untill my mission elapses i shall compensate you with 30% of the total money

With these as stated above, you are now required by this letter to furnish me with the information below, as I did told the Red Cross officer that we shall be intimating him with the information of the rightful owner of the boxes.

1. Your Full name
2. Your country of origin and Contact address in your country
3. Your state of residence and origin in your country
4. A copy of your international passport /driver's license
5. Your direct telephone number

Now that i demand your information to enable the Red Cross officer to know where and how to deliver the fund to you, hence he is always on transit for the good of our officers and as well for the welfare of the refugees under our care.

Once these are sent to me ,i shall submit them and now inform you on how the diplomat will come to take delivery of the money.

Get back to me urgently,

Captain Brian James

Donc je lui envoi ce qu'il faut et lui répète bien les conditions de notre accord et il m'en voi

Dear Volder, Thank for your response. I want you to know that I do not foresee any request for payment in this deal rather you will be the one to enjoy all the benefits of this deal. This is nothing but a devine opportunity.

Today I contacted one of the diplomatic agents who are here of peace keeping mission to help me move the money out of Iraq and after a lenghty discussion with him, he told me that he could be able to move the money tommorow since they are leaving Iraq tommorow for UK. So he will have to deposited the money with a bank in UK, this deposition will be made in your name.

As soon as this is done, he will contact me with all the information of the bank and the deposit so I will forward to you as soon as all this is done a detailed information of the bank and the deposit so that you can contact them to transfer the money to you.

I feel so great and happy that I found you to assist me get this money, I want you to know that all this will not take more than 7 days and you will have the money in your account in Belgium. I bet it is going to call for a celebration after this deal is concluded. I will inform you tommorow as soon as everything is carried out as I just informed you.

Have a nice evening,

Yours Friend,
Capt. James

il me dit qu'il m'appellera demain et donc voila je lui ai répondu que je travaillais et qu'il devrais me laisser un message que je lui enverrais un mail pour lui répondre

Voila assez long mais c funny, vous en pensez quoi?Mdr Devil

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laisse tomber c est une pure arnaque , moi j ai deja eu le cas

ils font n importe quoi ces gens la pour arnaquer les gens

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je sais mais ca me fait trop rire

en plus 960000$ c pas rien hein! hé ho! Razz mdrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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le captain james brian aussi? Razz

c un bon lui j'l'aime deja ^^

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Lol moi j'ai eu ca une meuf qui voulai me racheter un t610 a 1000€ LOL

I NEED IT elle m'a dit haha2

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takumi a écrit:

Une colègue a eu la même chose dans l'autre sens.
Un vendeur belge vend une voiture belge pour l'instant en espagne.
La voiture est ramenée par une société de transport à la quel il faut préalablement verser l'argent ...

Elle était prète a verser l'argent la meuf ... pfff

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ouai mais mmoi jme marre de trop héhé il me dit mm que c'est une bénédiction mdr ^^ il se dit déjà mon amis!


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moi j'avais deja vu qu'il te verse l'argent sur un compte
et te demande de leur versé un certaine somme

et quelque jour apres il retire son argent et toi tu a perdu ce que tu lui a deja avance

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jrecois mais je donne rien ^^ jvais voir si pour lui prouver sa confiance en moi y a moyen kil me verse un peu de sous... Razz genre 3000 y a moyen pour un type ki a 3,2MILLION DE $$$$$$$$$ Razz

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misterkris a écrit:
koi tu vent ton eg bry

ouai deja ke j'ai du mal a la dédouaner, on verra mais j'ai pas trop envi de la vendre a quelqu'un d'ici parceque je veux en tirer le max et seulement kkun qui s'y connait pas trop ou qui s'excite sur les occasions comme moi sera assez pressé pour la prendre... voila Smile


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bry__ a écrit:
misterkris a écrit:
koi tu vent ton eg bry

ouai deja ke j'ai du mal a la dédouaner, on verra mais j'ai pas trop envi de la vendre a quelqu'un d'ici parceque je veux en tirer le max et seulement kkun qui s'y connait pas trop ou qui s'excite sur les occasions comme moi sera assez pressé pour la prendre... voila Smile


si ta un truc a regler y a les MP .......

et pour info ta un MP

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on prends c'est goute et on se calme ici Wink

Je pige rien mais c'est pas grave lol Very Happy

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ses goutes? haha2 c'était pas visé a djo mais s'il le prend mal c'est son problème Smile

peace Wink

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takumi a écrit:
on prends c'est goute et on se calme ici Wink

Je pige rien mais c'est pas grave lol Very Happy

elle sont surment leur regle gayfight

PS: j ai rien compris aussi #scult#


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