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> Civic Hatchback 88/91 EC8, EC9, ED6, ED7, EE9

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Là c'est un intercooler, et localement comme çà, çà n'influe que trés peu...

Si tu claques une couche de 2mm sur tout le truc c'est sur çà va vite diminuer le rendement!

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C'est à se demander si le moteur a déjà rouler...

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time to play name that engine, and then that chassis ?

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Clair,c'est une ek Wink

Sinon le compteur de celle d'au dessus,c'est un d'ec9 je crois

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ma machoire vient de décroché en voyant la dernière photo

elle tue

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Staff a écrit:
une ed k20, sa c'est du sleeper!!!!!

Le rêve!! love

Mais en rouge, blanc ou noir... parce que là j'aime pas trop la couleur...

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ca dechire ils sont tous magnifique

mais un ++ pour la blanche

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MeanstreakCivic a écrit:
Well guys it has been a while since I have posted up any new pics.

Alot has changed under the car, inside the car, and under the hood.

But those pics will wait to debut later.

Right now here is my newest peice ontop of my car.

Its a full carbon fiber frame from Kestrel. I have been doing alot of riding and not as much on my car. But I will get back on it once it gets to cold to ride.

The whole frame setup weighs only 2.4lbs.

Here it is on the car.

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redzcstandardhatch a écrit:
with a stock-bottom-end goal of 10.99 in the 1/4 mile, i've been fighting an uphill battle for a while, but we're getting there.

engine is an f23/f22a1 head, stock/stock, with ARP studs and a bisimoto cam and bisimoto springs.

custom everything else, mated to a d15b1 trans with a Quaife it in (yeah, a DX trans)

car weighs a piggy (for an ef) 2205...needs to go on a diet! and i'm losing a bit of weight,but not working hard at it.

11.5@125.6 MPH......kinda hot and muggy, not terrible...and the track was hooking well. i rolled my ankle though, and drove kinda crappy (my clutch ankle)...i'm starting to figure out my launch well (1.7 60 fts), and its got another couple tenths in that. the rest can be made up with weigh reduction and a few more PSI boost (dyno soon)

the best part was that it was DEAD consistent in this area....11.6@125 mph happend OVER AND OVER... i kept making small mistakes, but i'm feeling really good about my driving, compared to last year. i'm figuring it out finally...NOT EASY with FWD! ICK

thought i'd let my buddies know how shes doing! its all gutty for the next few weeks though

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A voir pas mal de mec mettent des lames avant de VW Jetta. T'as déjà entendu parler de ça Dav' ?

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Wep wep j'ai déjà posté plein de photos, notamment celle-ci, y'a quelques pages de çà Wink

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Hellasweet a écrit:
I've been looking for an EF since 1999. I ended up with an EG but have always been obsessed with the 88-91 Civics. I've done countless stencils of them. Anyways, this came my way and I had to pick it up. It's got 142K on the odometer, enjoy

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