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Hi i\'m an Italian Mechanic engineer who produced (one year ago + 6 month development) his own alpha-n system with an M3 e46 potentiometer and a generic Bosch ATS (air temperature sensor).

The ECU eprom was remapped by me and on my blog
you can DL the eprom program for free.

The idle potentiometer signal is 1.70V againgst the 0.9 - 1.10 signal of the stock AFM and the idle map is corrected for the correct A/F ratio.
Also at full power (WOT=WIDE OPEN THROTTLE) and PT =PARTIAL THROTTLE i\'ve corrected the maps (it was somekind hard but i succeded).
The lambda sensor shows a good mixture at every rpm and load condition, the spark plugs ground strap is light brown.


P.S. it seems that today imageshack is givin some problems...maybe the images on the blog will return available within a few hours.

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Woaw, very interesting ! Many thanks for this thumright . Could you please present yourself and your car in the appropriate section of this forum ? Anyway a big welcome here cheers

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+1 whaouuu great :face:

Some nice people on thumright

you're welcome

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Hi everybody.
Yesterday dyno test published on the blog.

I didn't drop anything of the stock Hps, maybe added 5 Hp.

The RWHP (140cv) is similar to the one i experimented on two dyno benchs (of a different make respectively 132 and 136 cv) and that a friend of mine experimented on a third dyno with a different car.

The engine Hps varies from 177 to 192 cv among these tests, cause every dyno make has is own calculations and approximations.
But the RWHP stays the same for each of them.

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