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Ex. Schnitzer M3

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This is a 1991 ex Schnitzer M3 from the Italian Touring car Championship.
The owner is Kurt Gföhler from Austria. He also have the 1988 MK Motorsport DTM M3 and some other great race cars.

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Thanks. I dont have the last pic from Histo cup

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Mpower238 a écrit:
i'll make a new forum :

Battle pics : DTM-M3 vs Robb

You make me crazy with your picts guys !! thumleft

ACTUALLY clr_M3 VS dtm-m3

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Mpower238 a écrit:
i'll make a new forum :

Battle pics : DTM-M3 vs Robb

You make me crazy with your picts guys !! thumleft

It´s nice that you like our picture battle. I have a lot of more and you guys will have a great time here in this forum. :salut: thumleft

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