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[rch] Motronic audi 100s4

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bonjour a tous
je recherche un motronic ORIGINE  pour audi 100 s4 de 1993


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Tu as un soucis avec le tien ?

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bonjour Yann
j'ai envoye un motronic 260 hp chez PRJ et apparement c'est un special (ci joint le mail de Dmitri)
et l'autre qui est monte sur la 100 s4 360hp n'est pas top au niveau modif c'est pour cela que j'en cherche un d'origine

There is a problem with this ECU.

It is 551A. Not 551AA. The 551A has a different chip for boost.

1. This is a very rare chip, and I do not have any, so I can not "save" it. Only option is I order a new one from eBay and that will take 1-2 weeks.
2. This chip will work ONLY in 551A ECU, not in any other ECU.
3. I do not have ready software for 551A boost ... I can make something of course, but it has different software that the newer ECU's.
4. My programmer does not write this chip, so I will have to get it programmed somewhere - I will manage this, but it will take some time.

Best regards,

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