YannS2 0 Posté(e) le 28 novembre 2012 Engine data:Audi 2,1 ltr705hk / 730 nm @ 1,9barBORE 81mm STROKE 85 mm Comp ratio 7.5 / 1 Original IMSA KKK 3476 ,comp wheel OD=87mm, ID= 66 mm,( equal to Turbonetic T66 ), kapabel for ca 750 hk. Autronic SM2, w/ign expander #5, 2 x CDI 500R, 5 x Mercury 2.0 F1 racing coils, 10 x Siemens 650 cc/min, 5 bar fuelpressure static- 1:1 fuel pressure regulator(øker bensintrykk like mye som ladetrykk) change the timingbelt every 20hour of driving.Measured in this engine: @1mm valvelift & 0mm lifter clearance IN open before TDC 15° @12,0 mmMax lift occur at 110¤ ATDC IN close after BDC 55° Lift at TDC is 2,7 mm EX open before BDC 55° 11,0 mm Max lift occur at 70¤ ABDC EX close after TDC 15° Lift at TDC is 2,9 mmEXHAUST Duration at 1 mm lift is 250 degrees INTAKE Duration at 1 mm lift is 250 degreesxls sheet of the dynorunRead more in norwegian here.Pictures here2 videos from ice race here and hereSome of the engine spec might not be correct now as this was around christmas times 2005/2006cheers,[/QUOTE] Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
sebturbo 0 Posté(e) le 15 mai 2013 Le 2.1L, c'est le moteur d'usine ?Il y a une distrub ç chaine ou je me trompe ? Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites