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Mark Le Viking

African Rally Championship 2013

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The 2013 FIA African Rally Championship has been announced and the calendar is as follows:
01– 03 March 2013 Rally Bandama Cote D’Ivoire
18 – 20 April 2013 Sasol Rally South Africa
17 – 19 May 2013 Zambia International Rally
14 – 16 June 2013 Tanzania Rally
05 – 07 July 2013 KCB Safari Rally Kenya
16 – 18 August 2013 Pearl of Africa Uganda Rally
20 – 22 September 2013 Rwanda Mountain Gorilla Rally
01 – 03 November 2013 International Madagascar Rally

The regulations for the 2013 ARC have also been changed as follows:

1. Registration of drivers and co-drivers to compete in the championship has been re-introduced so all competitors who wish to score points must register. Registration forms can be found on the website

2. Application for the extension of homologation of many expired models of cars has been applied to the FIA and has been approved. Details are on

For the first round the organizers have an offer to rent a rally car from Belgium. Details are below.

ARC Secretariat

La Côte d'ivoire confirmé

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sur le site de l'African rally championship, voiture à louer poiur le Bandama.

From: Alain Ambrosino -
Sent: Wednesday, 02 January, 2013 8:56 PM

Subject: Rental of a Rally Car for Rallye Côte d'Ivoire Bandama 2013

Dear Sir,

First of all, we want to wish you happiness and health for the new year 2013

For the 39th Rally Côte d'Ivoire Bandama 2013 counting for African Rally Championship 2013 on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd March 2013, Colsoul Rallysport Mitsubishi offers to rent, rally cars, on the following conditions. If some of your drivers are interested, they can contact us and we will connect with the team

PROPOSITION from Colsoul Rallysport Belgium

Mitsubishi Evo 10 N
Rental rate: 12.500 Euro

Included in the price:
- rental car
- transport the car to Europe / Abidjan/Europe
+ airfare mechanics and managers

Not included :
- tyres
- fuel
- insurance deductible (10% of the insured value = 6500 Euro). This is the maximum amount payable by the driver in case of accident. This amount should be given bail before using the car.
- mechanic's accommodations and hotel

Alain Ambrosino

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Mark Le Viking a écrit:
sur le site de l'African rally championship, voiture à louer poiur le Bandama.

C'est l'italien Giancarlo davite qui a loué la voiture

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je trouve l'offre relativement intéressante, pour peu que la voiture soit fiable... Rolling EyesRolling EyesSuspectRolling Eyes

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bonjour ,est il possible de trouver une voiture a louer groupe N pour lr rallye d Afrique du sud ;merci

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