Kotetsu111 0 Posté(e) le 17 novembre 2010 Attention HKS ont annoncé la vente de copie de leurs produits sur Ebay et d'autres sites.L'un de nos client ayant fait les frais en commandant une SQV III sur ebay je poste ici.De plus certains shops en France et en Belgique (ou des particuliers qui se font passer pour des shops) ainsi que des vendeurs sur ebay revendent ces produits.Nous vous encourageons vivement à ne PAS acheter ces produits. Certains vendent des BOV HKS à 150 euros. Il est absolument IMPOSSIBLE de trouver ce genre de produit à ce tarif. Nous-même qui travaillons directemenr avec HKS les payons bien plus cher. En moyen les prix les plus bas que vous trouverez pour des BOV HKS seront aux alentours des 250 euros. Si c'est nettement en-dessous de ce tarif vous pourvez être sûrs à 100% qu'il s'agit de contrefaçons.Prudence donc.http://www.hksusa.com/info/?id=3646[table cellspacing="10" align="center" width="593"][tr][td colspan="2"]HKS values your business and your support of the HKS brand. To assure that you are purchasing GENUINE HKS PRODUCTS, we have developed this counterfeit product reference site. The purpose of this site is to provide the most up-to-date information about non-genuine HKS products.As you know, HKS Performance Products are the premium brand of automotive performance aftermarket systems. As with any premium brand, there are always criminals, (it is a crime to counterfeit) that try to exploit the buying-public by producing “knock-offs”. These criminals are committing fraud when they represent a knock-off as an HKS brand product.Unlike fashion knock-offs, counterfeit automotive parts and performance products can cause physical harm, even death, not to mention costly damage to an automobile.HKS has spent countless engineering and development hours producing the world’s finest products available utilizing the best quality materials and workmanship. That quality and the after-sale support by HKS are reflected in the cost and market price of the products. A “bargain-price” is not a bargain, if the product is a knock-off!HKS has always been a target for counterfeit criminals and because of our continued strength in this economic downturn; more knock-off products are entering the market and being sold to unsuspecting customers as genuine HKS Products. Although poor copies of HKS products sold have been put on the market for years, they were easily identified when compared to a genuine HKS product. However, these criminals are becoming more cunning (even copying the packaging) and it is becoming more difficult to identify a knock-off.HKS, Co. Ltd and HKS USA, Inc. are taking every action possible, including legal action against these counterfeit criminals to protect you, our loyal customers, and our brand. If these knock-off products bear the HKS brand, product name, product design, etc. they infringe on HKS trademarks and copyrights.Today, the only way to insure that the HKS product that you plan to purchase is authentic is to purchase it from an Authorized HKS Dealer . For reference and current information on counterfeit HKS products, we are providing this Counterfeit Information Center (CIC) site to display details of counterfeit products that we have identified for sale.HKS has acquired and tested these counterfeits and have found that the materials and manufacturing processes and performance do not meet HKS standards and may cause potential engine damage. UPDATE 09/2010: [b]There have been counterfeit HKS SSQV 3 blow-off valves, Turbo Timers, Radiator Caps, SMF Reloaded Intake Assemblies, and SMF Reloaded Replacement Elements sighted for sale on eBay and other websites. We encourage HKS customers to contact an Authorized HKS Dealer prior to purchasing from sellers not listed on our Authorized Dealer page.HKS COUNTERFEIT FAQ PAGENOTE: HKS is not responsible for damages caused by counterfeit parts.[/b] Fake HKS Real HKS Fake HKS Real HKS Fake HKS Real HKS Fake HKS Real HKS Fake HKS Real HKS Fake HKS Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
samsam13 0 Posté(e) le 17 novembre 2010 Bonne initiative, quand je propose de la HKS il y en a beaucoup qui me font la remarque du prix élevé.On sait pourquoi! Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Kotetsu111 0 Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2010 Quelques infos pour vous aider à trier le bon grain de l'ivraie:D'abord souvent le logo HKS du dessus est manquant ou non collé sur les copies. La boite intérieure est différente aussi.Mais surtout désormais c'est uniquement la SQV 3 qui est produite donc si on vous propose une SQV 2 à prix cassé vous pouvez quasiment être sûr que c'est une copie.Si on vous propose ce genre de produit éxigez également une photo du produit réel et pas une reprise du net. Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Kotetsu111 0 Posté(e) le 18 novembre 2010 samsam13 a écrit: Bonne initiative, quand je propose de la HKS il y en a beaucoup qui me font la remarque du prix élevé.On sait pourquoi!Et pourtant si tu avais vu comment je suis en train de me faire allumer sur un certain forum en ce moment à cause de ce genre de produits... . Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites